Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krski

  1. Firstly i am not a person of knowledge of any moding or any coding , but i will try to describe the action , please post comments on this thread to correct me if i am wrong or to discus about the suggestion and its improvements ! -This will (my thought) increase the view of the player whitout rendering wast majorities of blocks . -The thing that anoyed me the most is that i was not able to orient myself in any way whit low power computers , this is not just a problem for low power computers but even for powerful computers , i do not know how explain myself better but i am sure there is a way for my explanation and for this thing! Shoot at will! 1.Creating the world 2.Once the world is created minecraft renders all the chunks that are in the sight radius of a human being 3.Minecraft memorizes the block textures of the blocks that are located on the minimum ground level and any block above exposed to air 4.Minecraft unreders those chunks 5.Minecraft renders the regular chunks 6.Minecraft presents the textures of the inviroment that are away from the old ("normal minecraft") rendered chunks as it would any rendered normal block This might result in a lag spike at the world creation , but if such a thing was possible to exist (farlands) then im sure that this will be possible again I am sorry if i am wrong in any way , or if my suggestion is just silly and not worth even considering........ Thoughts please!
  2. Hay

    The topic title says it all , this in my opinion would be a nice addition to the mod , its something vanilla builders wan't and vanila is capable of but ithas not been inplemented , on the other side hay in terrafirmacraft could be used as decoration or as a food sorce for the animals and a new mechanic(if there is one im sorry) to make animals feel hungry (thurst also but i have no idea for it) and , a way to make tall grass usable and a excuse for shears(sry if im wrong about shears not being used). Don't hate on me . -Sincerly : Krski
  3. Powder keg and fuses

    I am for the castle wall breaking explosives , how about this multiple kegs fired when the cobble stone gets weakend chip it of a bit by bit when a new explosion happens , like the detail mode of the chisel . Ofc it would be more easy to mine ..........
  4. 5 word story

    so she ate something tasty like .....
  5. Minecraft 2.0.

    http-~~-// Have the mojang crew been watching some terafrimacraft this looks somehow familiar(in some cases)! Happy april fools! xD this is soo ... Please read the change log hahhahah its too much! Wow i really need to pay more attention to these forums... well be it be......
  6. placable smallblocks

    If glass could be "chiseled" away and then we could do some neat things underwater and on land!I don't know for all you out there but i like this thread !
  7. Gold pans?
  8. I randomly hipity-hopped on this topic and replyed this : 1.5.1 it adds allot o performance updates i noticed a 300% FPS boost to this :I've been thinking about a server restart for the next version, assuming it's for 1.5.(whatever is most recent).
  9. Food Spoilage - A Comprehensive Summary

    Comprehend the grose felling of you're pocket being one with the chunk of meat that is turning in the same thing that adds nutrients to the ground and is from an biological nature...................etc. pigs , cows , plants , humans , zombies , sheep , fish , birds , blood sucking bats , and other nasty/cute creatures ..........think about it a little more , i will not explain this further! -Sincerely Krski
  10. future content?

    You are releasing spoilers too anyone that is watching this , is suggest atleast put the things in the spoilers and warn people , some people may not wish to be denied of a surprise! Well i think that this is somewhat obious things if you follow the topics in TFC -Sincerely Krski
  11. If you are tired of using prospecting pics use sluices , or use them next to an ore vein to get infinite ore out of that vein "in theory" this will work <DUNK fix this!Maybe?
  12. Black Screen?

    I don't know.
  13. Can't melt any ores anymore

    Try replacing the blomery or try making it again somewhere else , make sure if you are not lagging and make sure that the game has the TPS on the normal , if everything on that is okay ask Dunk or Bioxx .
  14. Krski teleports into the thread , sees thread , post what he has done and updates it every second , then makes exits thread leaving three shadow clones behind to do his work .
  15. Coinage and coining

    I hate to burst you're imaginative bubble but gems are the equivalent of this .... we would be suggesting a second type of gem , and then what? -Sincerely Krski
  16. Big List of Mobs

    What about fish?Do we have a basic fish or do they magickly appear from the water? -Sincerely Krski
  17. Farming Tutorial (works!!!)

    Don't troll please ! xD we have too many trolls right now xD I thank you for making this thread for the less infromed . -Sincerely Krski
  18. Why is everyone in these forums obsessed about realism xD ? Well i would like to see the change in land when it is winter or summer , not just the trees , but repopulating rocks , and vegies ! If the world would replenish itself and change its chunks to maybe make a tectonic plate shift 3 blocks up or down raising the level of a house or creating depresions that would be awesome i would like to see the world being made infront of my eyes and itself changing , not by my influence but how it naturally would . etc. tectonic movenent erosion from the snow creating rocks , some blocks of dirt or grass being gone if the nutrients would be used up ? Something on that edge.... -I made this hastely if anyone does not understand i will try to explain better . -Sincerely Krski
  19. You could just increase the number of water a water bottle can have , instead of creating two different items.
  20. I don't belive it !

    Im sure you heard of ERB ..... (Epic Rap Battles of history) I suggested this on the comments and i am so proud it made it ! But even more proud to be a Serbian! Nikola Tesla had more than 1000 pattents .... and is the inventor of the (we call it this) naizmenicna struja , it is a form of electricity that can change it self ...(i don't want to go in depth )
  21. I don't belive it !

    Some hings about him : June 15, 1903 the "New York Sun" wrote:"people living near Tesla’s laboratory at Long Island were the witnesses of a very strange phenomena - multicolored lightning made by Tesla himself, the inflammation of the atmospheric layers at different altitudes and along NY, Night suddenly turned to day. Air was full of luminescence, people radiated a mysterious shine or glow. They seemed to be (as) ghosts. Thunder was heard 25 miles away" Tesla wrote in 1916 Patent #1266175 for a Lightning Protector "I produced artificial lightning, coupled up to many times that in nature with my Tower, Wardenclyffe" and send power wirelessly, at any levels, without loss to any point on the earth. (Patents 645576, 649621, 685012, 685957, 787412, 1119732) "If in a Thunderstorm, Earth (or my Tower, Wardenclyffe) was struck with Lightning, it creates concentric waves, that slowly circle the planet and come back where they started". 1901 Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian-American[2][3] inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply system.[4] Tesla started working in the telephony and electrical fields before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories/companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla as a consultant to help develop an alternating current system. Tesla is also known for his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs which included patented devices and theoretical work used in the invention of radio communication,[5] for his X-ray experiments, and for his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.[6] Tesla's achievements and his abilities as a showman demonstrating his seemingly miraculous inventions made him world-famous.[7] Although he made a great deal of money from his patents, he spent a lot on numerous experiments over the years. In the last few decades of his life, he ended up living in diminished circumstances as a recluse in Room 3327 of the New York hotel, occasionally making unusual statements to the press.[8][9][10] Because of his pronouncements and the nature of his work over the years, Tesla gained a reputation in popular culture as the archetypal "mad scientist".[11][12] He died penniless and in debt on 7 January 1943.In 1960, in honor of Tesla, the General Conference on Weights and Measures for the International System of Units dedicated the term "tesla" to the SI unit measure for magnetic field strength. A copy of an article on the wiki if you want more info go ahead it is really fascinating (atleast by me ) <<<<<<<<<<<< Nikola Tesla Concepts & Inventions: Directed Energy Weapons, HAARP, Earthquake Machines, Oscillator, Molecular Dis-Association, Weather Modification, Ball Lighting, Interplanetary Communications, Teleportation, Matter/Thought Projection, Invisibility, Mind Control, Rife Machines, Cosmic Ray Motor, Electric Car, Electric Arc Aircraft, Device to End Wars, TV machine, Recording Devices, Gravity Motor, Metal Analyzer, Underground Locator, Translator device, Flying Machine, Nucleo-Magnetic Spacecraft Remote Control/Logic Gate, Wireless Energy, Cosmic Rays, Resonant Rise, Plasma, Superconductivity, Transmutation, Neutrino, Ether, Faster-than-Light, Fusion, Field Effects, Levitation, Proton Beams, CERN, Laser, Radar, AC Power, Radio, X-Ray, AC Motors, Tesla Coil, Ozone, Neon, Ionized Gas, Lightning Protection/Capture, Bladeless Turbine, VTOL Aircraft, Fluid Propulsion, Solar, Geo, Hydro, Trolly, Mag-Lev, Starter, Spark Plug, Alternator, Rotary, GPS, Speedometer, Ships Log . Tesla wrote in 1916 Patent #1266175 "I earlier produced artificial lightning, coupled up to many times that in nature with my Tower, Wardenclyffe" and sent power wirelessly, at any levels, without loss to any point on the earth. (Tesla Patents 645576, 649621, 685012, 685957, 787412, 1119732) "If in a Thunderstorm, Earth (or my Tower, Wardenclyffe) was struck with Lightning, it creates concentric waves, that slowly circle the planet and come back where they started". Nikola Tesla 1901Tesla's method of generating electricity from earth's magnetic field create the massive amounts of power needed to refine uranium metal in magnetrons for the Tunguska experiment? Is that partly why he was blocked from all future access?:46 The Phenomenon called "Resonant rise" , the returning current from the outskirts of Hurricane Erin on 09/11/2001, could be in the Hundreds of Trillions of Watts of energy directed toward the World Trade Center buildings, which were 20-40 miles away from the Hurricane.
  22. Ethics Question

    What a political answer , lol xDMaybe if i asked ? And could repay him with something when i take it (but it would have to be of the same worth) -Krski
  23. A Blacksmith's rant, on metal working in TFC

    Maybe the mold could be chiseled out using the chisel and hammer to create it ? Different paterns for different items ? But it will have to be identical to the items real size in the number of pixels .... What do you think about this idea?
  24. My very own attempt at a TFC Stone Age

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL , dude its a bunch of thoughts he had.
  25. cant eat raw foods

    Not that i am aware off , particually now that dunk hase time to edit tfc (after the vanilla update is done) he should look into the bugs of tfc , i find this one irritating .