Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Krski

  1. i cant make unshaped tin

    Is the fire actually on it may look like it is but there is a glich with that wack it with a fire started once more ad wood , then add the small or large peace of metal , if you have a CERAMIC mold in the slot .
  2. Using all the Useless

    I agree with this one , gems uh..... there are no real uses for gems except diamond saws in IRL so i cannot find any good excuses...... I think the boats could be made out of anything really , just place some planks and it will float ! I think we could have a "make boat block" that could be placed anywhere on the makeshift raft if the wood is on the water and connect to every other block of wood or anything placed by a player (im thinking of some kind of zepelins mod the yogscast had that worked a similar way (it was cool as heck) ) , in that way we could have custom boats and poor mans rafts !
  3. Reduce Repetitive, Mindless Clicks

    The reason for not getting sticks is too balance the game , you see when you chop down a tree if you're lazy and don't want to work you don't get sticks , but when you want them you will have to first destroy the leaves then the logs ! Again for the campfire , you can make more of them , and if you make more of them you can roast more things , but to get more of them you cannot be lazy and just chop a tree but you have to destroy the leaves Hope this helps !
  4. 5 word story

    the unused thread directly , when
  5. 5 word story

    high densety canned dogs , now
  6. Remove this topic dunk please ¬! I derped so bad
  7. TFC Build 76!!!

    Will you ever update to 1.5.1 or will there be another vanilla update before that xD just curious!
  8. Has anyone questioned why would you need to cut you're block of wood down to a skinny wood fence sized thing , when you can just use a log to suport a cave ? Suggestion : -Get rid of the suport beam items -Give wood the ability to suport like suport beam items Yes you could do that easily , and yes logs are placable in the x and y axis to create a vertical and horizontal log (maybe even different wood types suport differently)
  9. 5 word story

    we can dogs and eat
  10. Whispers #1

    Sixty nine orcs barely launched a/giant with a giant rocket !
  11. 5 word story

    not caring about grammar , now
  12. Rotten flesh could be a fertilizer also ! I mean it is decomposed meat ....
  13. Whispers #1

    Sixty nine orcs barely tossed dwarves with a giant rocket !
  14. 5 word story

    bigest problem of the vietnamise
  15. Whispers #1

    Sixty-nine orcs barely tossed dwarves over a giant mutant!
  16. Birds. (and other atmosphere things)

    Fish don't have a use ? Why do we have fishing rods in minecraft ? (the mojang team have been interested in making fishing and fish better) I suport this thread
  17. I don't belive it !

    Every kind of wire now a days except simple ones like in cars use that kind of electricity shape(could i call it ? )
  18. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    Item frames make a nice torch holder aswell , tutroial : 1.) Make an item frame , a torch and a trap door . 2.)Place a torch on the desired spot in the wall 3.)Place the item frame behind the torch 4.)Place teh trap door in the item frame And woula ! You now have a medievil torch holder !
  19. Whispers #1

    Twenty orcs tossed dwarves right over a giant mutant!
  20. Whispers #1

    Twenty orcs tossed dwarves right into a giant wall
  21. 5 word story

    cow torpedo exploded causing
  22. 5 word story

    an atacking Derposaurus-man apeared and
  23. 5 word story

    atacking a Derposaurus for beign
  24. Whispers #1

    Twenty orcs boiled trolls right over a giant furnace.