Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Heat Sources

    Don't remember that ever being a feature It *kind* of does now sort of. Cross mod compatibility can be difficult We currently don't have a heat map per se, in the same way that minecraft's light map works. Our "heat map" (which is what determines the temperature of the location you're at) is based on the total world ticks and your xyz location. We grab the rainfall from our rainfall map, calculate the day of the year and your latitude and then plug it all in to some stored values, with a RNG providing day-to-day variation. A "true" heat-map would be very different, and I don't know that we could do it well. Minecraft's light map is able to store light values between 0 and 15, (ie 4 bits of information) but for any sort of realistic heat map for the range of temperatures we have in TFC, we'd need to store a lot more data in every block, which gets cumbersome for the game. The way b78's body temperature accounts for this is by grabbing the set ambient temperature for your location and then doing a small search around the player for specific blocks, for example ones that implement our heat interface (firepits, forges etc) or lava blocks. If it uses the heat interface, we ask for it's temperature in celsius. If lava, we just assign an average temperature for lava. The distance to that block calculates how much of that heat you feel, and all this data is used to create an apparent temperature; the temperature you experience as a player from the environment. Currently, swimming in water affects heat loss in a minor way, and only when you're over heated, but in the future, it would make sense for water to be able to cause hypothermia as well. I just need to work out a nice way to calculate that logically.
  2. Mob Changes

    Maybe I can help here? As for the first point, I guess that's possible, although that sounds like a fortune enchantment to me. Rock is already randomized, but not related to tool type. You get 0-4 rocks each time you break a stone block. For the time being, I'm going to say no, but I might just keep it in mind in the future. For the second, sluices are nerfed in the next build quite a bit: the ore you get from them actually converts the scanned ore blocks it's reading back into stone. This sounds a little weird, but it means there's a hard limit on how much ore you can get; setting up a sluice will eventually drain the area of ore, you can't just keep getting ore indefinitely by not mining that one last block of ore. Mob spawning is interesting however. We have a couple ideas for it, but I think of your three ideas, it's most suitable for discussion. Why don't we continue the thread as a single discussion on mob spawning?
  3. First post & a slew of things!

    That means storing an extra orientation variable, and 2 extra anvil blocks. It's a bigger deal than it sounds.
  4. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    not really sure, depends on when players need them. I didn't want to imply that horses would be useless as a transportation service though,
  5. Changes in quern recipes

    yeah, lets count the number of seeds that can be represented in a 16x16 pixel image. if you wanna get technical about it, google tells me 35 wheat seeds / sq foot is an adequate planting rate. Since one wheat grain converts to one wheat seed bag, which plants 1 sq metre, we can scale up the number of seeds to about377 seeds.
  6. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Yeah, those sound logical. Horses can be used for transportation as in vanilla, but pulling carts will probably be more useful. The wheels on the carts won't be able to jump up blocks, so you'll probably have to chisel down some slopes. Additionally, they'll most likely be slow across dirt, grass, sand etc, so making roads out of stone would be necessary if you're going to be travelling back and forth with your cart for long distances. Horses don't walk well on hard surfaces though, so horse shoes would help them. Could increase things like speed and pulling ability or something like that.
  7. Nerf Water Stream Blocks

    Yeah, the ice work I've been doing looks into this. As far as I've seen, finite water doesn't exist anymore. However, this does need to be addressed. If flowing water didn't freeze, I might be able to make it so that the freezing source block at the top of the waterfall would cut off the flow, making the waterfall stop during these times. This is probably the best option, because ice thaws at different rates, trying to record the flow direction in the meta of the ice block, having it recreate itself when it melts, leading to random bits of flowing water; I don't think it will work out. I'll have to do some tests.
  8. When will Build 78 be released?

    Extrafirma is unofficial, so we don't really have any reason to keep features or items in just for compatibility. In a way, it's sort of beaten us to the punch, most of the features in it are planned for development in the mod, although often in slightly different ways. We've been focusing on larger-scale updates and changes though, so the things that extrafirma adds aren't scheduled until later.
  9. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP as you can see here, the internet is international, and so the laws of an individual state or nation do not apply on it, instead it's considered a self governing body. In essence, freedom of speech and expression laws in your own country can be overruled by website admins, as the internet exists globally and not within one governing body. You can either be civil or leave.
  10. Animals, becoming mini?

    yeah, after this I've already changed it. in b78, you won't be able to set the time to before the current time, with /time set day and night updated to skip to the next night/morning instead of the very first one.
  11. Animals, becoming mini?

    additionally, if you used vanilla spawn eggs to get your animals, you can have weird rendering issues.
  12. redstone generator

    that's not really how they're supposed to work
  13. Where is Dunkleosteus b78 stream video

    whoops >.> I may as well schedule another broadcast and actually upload it to youtube this time, if I can. As far as i can tell, it WAS set to automatically archive my broadcasts, but it doesn't seem to be in there.
  14. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Oh yeah, speed is a good suggestion. how did i miss that. thanks.
  15. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Right, so I figure I should just talk about what I'm doing in relation to this and what's planned. First off, a similar system to this has been in the works for a while, but b78 is the first version that includes any of it. The vanilla horses have been implemented into TFC (with a few adjustments like different sexes etc). So far, that's about it, but more changes are planned. A rope lead can be used to try to direct the animal in the direction you'd like to go in. The lead has to be attached to attempt to ride it. Up until this point, animals each carried a value representing their size, which was inheritable through breeding and affected the amount of meat dropped when they were killed. b78 introduces a number of other variables that affect aspects of behaviour. All animals haveSize, Strength, Aggression, Obedience, Colour, Climate Adaptation -Hardiness, with specific species having individualized traits relating to appearance or species-specific abilities, like milk production for cows. Aggression and obedience affect how well animals respond to direction by the player and how angry they get when you try to force them to do something they don't want to. If you can manage to breed it low enough, you create a domesticated animal which is much easier to deal with and keep than their wild counterparts. Strength affects things like attack damage, and in horses, what they can accomplish mechanically. Climate adaptation and hardiness are usually used to define what climate the animals are best suited for, affecting things likes appearance, and defining what climate zones the animals will thrive best in. Hardiness affects how well the animals survive outside of their normal zone or with limited resources such as food. This is mostly a rough outline and I may add or remove some of these as I go. There will probably be an easier method of discerning what an animal's values are, and a way to keep track of them.
  16. Snow and ice, changes of the winter mechanics

    temperature and climate will play a bigger role in the future, but we'll have to wait and see what happens.
  17. am i supposed to hit the jackpot like this

    Unlike other ores or minerals, which are often formed from concentrations of trace elements in the rock (or via other means, such as in sedimentary rocks) coal is made from compressed carbon, mostly from prehistoric plants or algae. While a vein of copper can only form when copper rich magma solidifies, the world used to be covered in huge swamps full of plant matter. As the plants died, they'd be covered in silt and sediment and eventually be compressed into coal. Bottom line: coal forms easily in huge quantities, ores usually don't.
  18. am i supposed to hit the jackpot like this

    This is an image of a coal vein. the little cheaty map on the lower right shows the ore blocks in white
  19. When will Build 78 be released?

    Slightly after we finish it most likely. That's about as precise as I can be.
  20. You guys are having a little argument in here I see. Noodles is right, for the most part (not in any small part because I talk to her frequently about our ideas for the mod in general). At it's core, TFC involves a lot of metallurgy. It may not be what we want the mod to focus on as an end-product, but it's what we have. It's the most fleshed-out and solid system we have at the moment, and acts as an anchor for other features. It's by no means complete, per se. As we strengthen it and fill it out, it can support other features of the game that we'd like to implement, building off the systems and tools we develop while implementing it. It just isn't solid enough at this point in time to really build a game off of. That said, we're aware that TFC can be very linear as it is, and fleshing out other features will help make the game more enjoyable, and we're working towards a state of the game in which we can focus our attentions on those aspects.
  21. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    I've only worked on detailed blocks a little bit, enough understanding to be able to fix z-fighting in b78, but I can try and help however I can. It's a little difficult to help you without knowing what you can see from MCEdit, so if you want to PM me with the data you can see, I can try and help you interpret what it means and how it works.
  22. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    Ore IDs should be 2096, 2097, and 2098.
  23. An Alternate Dimension

    Not entirely sure how I feel about this.
  24. One Single Giant Server

    A large server sounds very hard to manage, easy to grief and could turn into a large pain overall. On the other hand, TFC is designed to be played multiplayer, and might function very well on such a scale, possibly more so than many other mods, for the involvement in multiplayer anyway. It can be difficult to join an existing faction on a TFC server or compete with one, so that might be interesting. Now that I think about it, TFC could probably be better suited for multiplayer with a few changes to how the game is set up, specifically to encourage trade more. That seems important.
  25. X-Ray Mod compatible with TFC?

    Ms Paint will do that to you. I'd recommend using photoshop or Paint.NET if you don't have that.