Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Baleyg

  1. I would say that I had an earlier version of terramisc working with an earlier version of technodefirmacraft, but we are talking over 1.5 years ago so the exact details elude me, but i would guess that the issue cropped up approx 1.5-2 years ago so if Bunsan (I'm pretty sure he does TNFC) and you can look over changes to fluid registry the two of you did around that time then that would be the place to start.


  2. The folding of the steel in jap steel was done to even out the impurities not remove them, concentrations off impurities makes for weaker blades as the weaker high impurity region will break first / nucleate cracks. No smith hammered a piece to remove impurities that is ludicrous how does whacking a rapidly oxidising (an impurity) hunk of metal remove impurities? They hammered to shape and to harden (work hardening), and as previously stated they welded the pieces to even out the impurities.

    On a side note a system to cast multiple ingots at once would be great, it could be balanced by the runners retaining some metal which then requires re-melting or simply is a loss.

    On cast iron, as noted it has great compressive strength, it also has quite good tensile strength (not that great but decent), however it's toughness is abysmal due to graphite plates forming in the metal. A cast iron mace would be reasonable but yeah generally it would make for pretty poor tools.

    On cast copper, did they really use copper rather than an alloy because copper has a melting point about the same as iron (higher if my memory serves) of about 1400C which is far higher than something expected from a pre-Bronze age fire, on the other hand if tin was used to dissolve some copper from a copper bearing stone I could understand how temperatures of 800C - 1000C could cast "copper".


  3. As a update/clarification to my issue of pumpkins/crops not generating. After further testing (on singleplayer) pumpkins (and presumably melons) don't spawn, however vanilla TFC crops do. I will do some more testing as I updated the pack from 3.1 to 3.3 at the same time as updating from tfcpumpkins 1.3 to 2.1.

    Edit. Can confirm that 1.3 generates as normal (singleplayer) on the latest technodefirmacraft pack


  4. I'm having an odd issue after I updated your mods to 2.1, the pumpkins have stopped spawning as crops and other crops and bushes and fruit trees have all stopped spawning. I am using a slightly modified technodefirmacraft 3.3 pack. Below are the added mods.

    Edit: I should also note that it seems to work fine in Singleplayer but doesnt work properly in multiplayer.


    Any help you can provide me would  be great.

    added mods.PNG
