Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by turtletechy

  1. Well, one, that house above seems a little complex to make on the first day. I never can collect that much on the first day. And beds are a bit slower to make now, with the new mechanic for it.


  2. Maybe this could be done, but only after mob spawn rules are drastically changed. You wouldn't want to come back to your house after a journey only to find it filled with creepers and zombies, right?


  3. I'm just wondering what you all do. What I used to do before cobblestone became four times as expensive was that I would collect about 80 stones, and a good amount of planks, and build a simple structure, using the planks for the door, the windows, and the roof support. The whole structure was made almost completely of the stone. Now though, with the new update, I dig a hole in the ground, but support the roof in the same way. It just doesn't look quite as pretty.


  4. I just wish that they'd do quick launches of the fixes, to test it a bit. It might be helpful, and we'd get partial functionality, which I consider to be better than nothing. Besides, I like the new build even with some of the bugs, as long as plank making is fixed, I'll really like it.

    Another bug, willow doors are missing from the creative inventory, and very likely, the actual game. I haven't tried crafting one though.


  5. What about this idea? Multiple hay per grain? It wouldn't be that hard to do. But honestly, I do wish we did have to do more to raise crops, as they seem a bit too cheap sometimes.


  6. I had to delete the world because it was overflowing past the 100 block wide pasture of plains and moving into the ocean.

    Also, I can't get enough planks to build a starting home for the matter that any damage to the ax makes it unusable. And with the change to cobblestone, I can't rely on that, which, while it is more realistic, also makes things several times harder. It wouldn't be, seeing the greatly improved time to chop a tree, but I can't make plank blocks at all.


  7. Uh, kind of a big issue. I went to a desert and tried to take out some sand blocks. They fell, and they're infinitely replicating across the terrain It's actually spreading much further than it should spread. It filled in an entire lake. For what should have been at most twenty blocks moving. And I know it's replicating, as the terrain behind it isn't getting shorter, it's the same height, it just spawns new sand blocks in front.


  8. a real use for fish? fish have tons of uses. food, fertilizer, fish oil (both medicine, fuel (rarely) and occasionally used in in place of other oils), animal feed, exct.

    as for bugs i was thinking just a few small ones like dragonflies and crickets, ambient insects that just add a bit to the game. they probably would not drop anything though, just look interesting and maybe mosquitoes that sometimes bite you and give you a small debuff, with a slight chance of disease (this would also be much later on) both could also be used for decoration and zoos (just a little something extra for people to do and make their homes truly unique, also adding in mob heads for every mob that you can mount would be a great addition but this is getting off topic.) but the general idea is ambiance that you can see as well as hear. however i do hear you and do understand that these might be difficult to implement or actually have a use. anyways yeah please free to add.


    While I am not going to say do not criticize ideas, i will say that i feel that these forums should be used to give ideas and build on them not destroy them. i believe that it is up to the dev/dev's (not even sure if anyone but Dunk is working on this anymore) to decide what they want to add and what not and how to implement it.)

    No, I was saying it'd be hard to implement catchable fish that are visible.


  9. This is just an idea I had. I have log piles sitting around my place, but I always hate to have to enter the GUI to draw logs from it, because it seems a bit clumsy. My idea is to have the player be able to draw logs from a pile by shift clicking with an empty hand. It'd make it easier, and it'd be pretty simple to implement, right?


  10. Not entirely accurate. Snow cannot form because the way that mc handles snowfall is to read a specific value. TFC does not use this value and has no way of telling MC that rain should turn into snow instead. That said, his question was pertaining to seeing the temperature value. This was removed from the Calendar and can instead be seen in F3. The intention was to have a thermometer of some kind, tho I never got to that.

    Thanks for the correction. But in all reality, I haven't found it to affect much.


  11. I could see birds being brought in. They're just big enough that'd they'd make sense if added. As for insects, I'd say they're too small. As for fish, those could make sense, but it'd be hard to add them properly, as in, make them have a real use.


  12. But... knapping is so cheap... why would you want to get more than one item out of one stone... I got stacks of rock just from punching rocks on the ground.

    To increase the speed of doing it. I'd be in support of that, mostly for the fact that it takes a while as its a little oddly designed. The fact that you have to exit the interface every time you want to knap a new tool is pretty frustrating. I think it'd be nice if you could just knap with a whole stack of rocks, and have those each get refilled into the interface every time you take a tool.


  13. Well, I double checked, and its not wonderful for grass, most of it appears as such, with the same green color. However, it is an improvement from gray, and is much more pleasant to look at.


  14. I talk about wall. Same recipe and mechanic as fence but using cobblestone in vanilla. Can make these with many TFC blocks.

    Chisseled block can be jumped over, not walls. Adding chissel to the recipe sound good enough. Or even change it for a recipe like the support beam with 2 stone and chisel.

    It might be a good idea to work on your grammar a little, just saying.


  15. You mean stone brick wall? You can make that with a 1 to 1 ratio using rocks and a chisel.

    I think you're thinking of stone bricks, not walls. You cannot make a wall without six full pieces. As such, they aren't very practical for use.


  16. did you craft the wrought iron ingot into a vanilla ingot or what? I guess I could test, but more info is appreciated in what you've actually tried to do.

    I don't know how. There is no information on how to do it. I tried putting it into the crafting grid, but that didn't work.

    EDIT: Its working now. I really don't know what happened to cause an issue.
