Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aliceingame

  1. I guess I should post this here as well.


    I think it's better to discuss this here.


    I'll ask it again. Why do you think it would be best ? What do you think can go wrong ? What is the problem if you can not check it ? When you select to play Minecraft in an other language, we already have a message saying that the translation might not be accurate.


    I think that we should look at dev like nuchaz, who advertise is mod as translated in 22 language on minecraft forum. We can see that he is proud of offering the players the possibility to play in their own languages. You should also be proud to have many translations available for TFC, especially if you consider the large number of lines that have to be translated.


    When people suggest implementing new features that increase the tediousness of the game without adding any value, they are quickly reminded that TFC is not about adding tediousness for the sake of tediousness. Please, keep it the same way when it's time to play TFC in an other language than English.


    For me, it seems that we are trying to find a solution to a non-existing problem. There is absolutely no "workload" on your side, you only have to accept a pull request. You do not have to verify the translation, you only have to trust the translators as much as I do. If you want to do real teamwork, then tell me before release so I can send the pull request on time. 


  2. I just want to point out this quote by kitty.

    Please, let me know what you think about the situation. I think that we really need to keep the localization in the official mod release.



    For TFC2, it's very likely that we're going to stop official localization support entirely, and just have it handled through resource packs.




    And this is my reply


    I do not see why.
    For me it's a bit rude to foreign language speakers and to the people who spend time translating the game.
    Why would non English users have to do extra steps in order to play in their language ?
    If you do so, will the TFC staff handle an official ressource pack for the game translation ?
    I understand that localization and improvement of display of the text in foreign languages is not a priority, but I think that this is going a bit too far... especially when then only thing you have to do to maintain the localization in the release is to accept my pull request.


  3. new key (not added):"word.dyed" = gefärbt[:-)


    Kitty just removed it ;)


    thanks for the update, I should submit the files to avoid further delay with next release (as I never know when it will happen)


  4. You don't understand the mechanic. First and foremost, only mining raw stone triggers a cave in. It is perfectly safe to mine any ore block and you will not cause a cave in. The only time you will ever have issues is if you are mining raw stone.


    Let's start with an image:


    The black blocks represents a cross-section of the area that is protected by the support beams. The white blocks represent a cross section of the top half of the area that is scanned if the chert block was broken (it also goes 2 blocks down). They grey blocks represent overlap.


    Here's a chronological list of everything that must happen in order for a cave in to start:

    • A player mines a raw stone block.
    • The game reads what you have set as initialCollapseRatio in the config file
    • If the raw stone block is sedimentary stone, initialCollapseRatio is increased by 10%
    • The game randomly picks a number between 0 (inclusive) and the initialCollapseRatio (exclusive)
    • The above random selection picked the number 0.
    • The game at random selects 100 blocks in the scanned area of the mined block (which has a volume of 405 blocks), the same block in this area may be selected multiple times.
    • The game then checks individually for each of these blocks that they are a block that can be part of a cave in (raw stone or ore blocks), that it has a gap in the block directly underneath it, that it isn't within the range of a support beam's support, and that it has enough blocks above it to meet the minimumRockLoad config option.
    • Only if one of those blocks meets all of the listed conditions will it become the center of a cave in, that will then propagate out and spread to other blocks that also meet all of the above conditions


    It is entirely your fault for mining blocks when there is something in the scan range that is not protected by a support beam, and has space underneath it. In the vast majority of cases, you are able to easily support every block before you start mining, and you are expected to do so. The scan range for mining a raw stone block is not that large, so it's not like mining the floor will trigger the ceiling, so you can always dig small holes in the floor to place your vertical beams in if your ceiling is lower than 3 blocks.


    Ok, so to trigger a cave-in, there must be a block in the scan area of 9x9x5 that have nothing under it AND is not in the support beam range, then the collapse chance is calculated from the collapse ratio.


    In ravines, cliff and natural caves, it's harder to support everything before digging, that's why I think it's not always fair to the player, especially when you do not know that there is a natural cave across the wall or under your feet.


    Will try to put in practice what you said! Thanks for the explanations. I think you should put it in the wiki.


  5. This was a change aimed at making players think differently and providing a very real threat to players underground. I honestly don't understand why some people have trouble with this. If what you're doing doesn't work, then change what you're doing. Digging straight to an ore vein and mining it directly is a very poor idea. Instead, once you've found the vein, go back the way you came a ways and carefully mine upward (or if you have a stairwell go up a ways) so that you can come to the vein from the top and then mine downward. This sharply reduces the risk of ore loss.




    I understand that the changes are aimed to make the player think about his mining technique, but to be honest, I hate the idea that the ore will just vanish (see note). Other than that, I do have a problem with the fact that a cave in can happen in a natural cave, where ore you don't see get destroyed, I think it's unfortunate.


    It would be appreciated to have more detail about the area of protection granted by the support beams. From the wiki, I understand that the "protection" zone is based on the horizontal beams only in a 9x9x3 zone around it...

    So if I understand properly, mining the floor can trigger cave-in as the floor is 3 blocks bellow the beam. Mining the bloc at your feet level can also trigger a cave-in as it's 2 bloc away. So if I start from the top of my ore vein and dig down... then there is risk of cave in because I do mine blocks that are not protected... and they can propagate the cave-in to protected blocks... that will fall and destroy ore... It's me who do not understand the support beams or here is something a bit unfair to me.


    I would rather see something like ore fall as "cobblestone ore" blocks, that look the same as cobblestone blocks, so to mine the "lost" ore, you would have to clear all the fallen stone.





    Note : There is also an important rule in physics "nothing is created nothing is destroyed" and I would say that I do not like when things do not respect this rule. Of course, I am able to make some compromises if it make sense. So for example, in agrarian skies, I think that it make sense to turn leaves in dirt, it's not exactly realistic, but it' believable.

    The thing I do not like in other modpacks is creating stuff from nothing (not a fan of the forestry bees) and I do not like to void things (like in void pipe and trash can). 


  6. Can i help updating the spanish translation?

    Yes, absolutely, you only have to open the google drive document.


    Spanish is pretty complete, but we use the same translation for all the translation, so if you see thing that should be different for south america versus spain, feel free to change things.


  7. I really do not understand what the complain is about. People are comparing oranges too apples. Lanterns and Lamps are 2 completely different things. The Dev's have added oil lamps, they are not lanterns.

    They look beautiful.



    Ya, they do look great great.

    Of course, the lanterns from the different mods who made them are also nice, but these are just two different things.


  8. File updated for 79.17, will wait a bit before submitting the changes that are already done.


    If it's possible to the dev to tell me something like 24h before release of 79.18, I will update the language then to have the latest version on release.


  9. I just completed the addition of Metal blocks for all the metals, so the one that are already in Chisel 2 can now be chiselled, for the others, new textures have to be made for TFC metals to match Chisel 2 textures.


    I am still working on new wood block textures.


    On the smooth stone and stone bricks, it will require preparatory work on groups ans use of existing chisel 2 blocks.


  10. TFC is based on european/western history through about the 14th century. Your quote proves that not only is it at the very edge of the TFC timeframe if TFC was based on eastern culture, but that it's completely out of the timeframe since it's based on western culture.


    One more quote:

    Soyfoods arrived in Europe before soybeans, before the earliest reference to soybeans, and thus before it was realized that they were made from soybeans. The first?? soyfood to arrive in Europe was Japanese shoyu (soy sauce); in 1670 Dutch traders started to import it to France at the request of Louis XIV, who used it as a seasoning at his sumptuous palace banquets (Tamura and Hirano 1971).



    My quotes proof that soybean oil date from 11th century in China, and that Soybean where introduced in Europe in the 17th century and in US in the 19th century from Asia.


    So we are facing two options.

    The use of soy, including for the production of oil date from the 11th century (right timeframe) in eastern culture (wrong culture)

    The use of soy, and we will assume of production of oil, date from the 17-19th century (wrong time frame) in western culture (right culture).


    My point is that soybeans as a thing is out of the TFC based culture inside of the TFC time frame.


    So, should we remove soybean from TFC, or add soybean oil to be consistent.


    (I'm sorry, but I hate the argument "it's out of TFC time frame / culture, so we will not implement". It's used when it's convenient, and ignored when it's convenient. We can discuss it elsewhere, but that's not the question here, we are talking about lantern fuel and about soybean oil).


  11. Not in the TFC Time frame, soybean is a modern oil.


    Etymology . Since its first appearance in the 11th century AD, the Chinese term for "soy oil" has been written with the two characters meaning "bean" and "oil." Prior to the 1970s the Wade-Giles system romanized the standard Mandarin pronunciation of this term as tou-yu (pronounced dou-you; "bean oil") or huang tou-yu("yellow bean oil"). Thereafter the new pinyin system romanized the term as douyou .


    The first use of the word "soybean" in U.S. lit­erature was in 1804. However, it is thought that soybean was first introduced into the American Colonies in 1765 as "Chinese vetches" .



    That seems to be TFC time frame to me. Of course, you can say it's in China and TFC is based on more north american things.... then soybean oil existed before the introduction of soybeans in america.


  12. Kitty, from your examples it's clear you view certain knowledge of game mechanics as cheating. You are of course welcome to that opinion. I don't share it and I think your examples are a gross exaggeration to the issue that's being discussed. We're talking about a wiki-like app that explains how certain aspects of the game work. It's not giving people in-game creative mode or X-ray vision, please don't be ridiculous. Players will still need to put in a lot of work to get certain results. Even with the knowledge it's not instant gratification.



    Kitty's examples might be exaggerated, but they do reflect the reality of the problem caused by the app that give you the exact strike order to get a tool. However, I think that you minimize the issue. This is not a "wiki-like app that explain how an aspect of the game work", it directly give you a "cheat sheet" of what strikes to do to get the tool easily, it does not explain anything.


    I might have an example that would be more realistic. Let's say that there is an app that allow you to have more info with the propick, like in what direction to dig an how far, without false negative. People who use it would quickly find the ore veins ans have a clear advantage over people who know the mechanics of the pro pick (knowledge that they got by trial, or reading a guide or the wiki) and who have to use the pro pick several times to find their veins.

    If you use it, you do not have to understand the mechanic of the game, nothing have to be explained to you, or experimented, you only follow the information that indicate how to get what you are looking for as fast as possible and as effortlessly as possible.


    The app that exist right now is exactly the same. You do not have to understand, you do not have to have any "knowledge", you only have a solution to a problem.

    I do agree that we could have more in dept guides to help people with the anvil, explaining how the hit work, even without giving exact numbers, then the people would have to have knowledge to use the anvil perfectly, as we do with the pro pick.


    If you want to make tools efforlessly, I see other solutions that I would not consider "exploits" or "cheat", from the hardest to realize to the easiest.

    1. Create a mod to cast any tool metal.

    2. Create a minetweaker script to make tools without having to smith them (like tool mold + ingot + stick = tool or tool + mold)

    3. Don't play TFC, tools are easy to make in Vanilla or in other mods


  13. The search is really getting quite desperate as I'm almost through early autumn and have no idea how I will feed myself or if I'll be able to enter the bronze age before spring where my time will be spent planting and doing above groundy things.


    As there is more than one type of bronze, getting to bronze age does not require cassiterite, you can also do it with sphalerite and bismuthinite, or with gold ans silver.


  14. I will try this out as soon as possible, and thank you for bringing this baby along! :) I'm a major fan of the chisel mod, and any step bringing me closer in TFC will be perfect!


    I love the paper walls and japanese style glass panes. I think they fit perfectly in TFC.

    I'm testing the clean planks as I'm typing this, next will most likely adding Chisel 2 recipe compatibility.


    Any feedback and ideas are welcome!


    And thanks for the support.


    Edit : I have not tested the hardness and resistance of the planks, if anybody have the TFC values for planks, I will use the same.


  15. TerraFirmaChisel is an "addon" that have two main goals. To make Chisel 2 more compatible with TFC and to add new blocks variations to TFC using Chisel 2.


    This is not exactly an addon, but scripts and a ressource pack, using MineTweaker 3, ModTweakder 2 and CustomItems.


    Download and install

    - Go to the github repository and click on the "download zip" button on the right.

    - Open the .zip file and open the first folder inside.

    - Unzip the 3 files to your minecraft folder (it will ask you to confirm as there is already folders with the same name, but it's normal). For the first install, if you get a message saying that there is already a file with the same name, make sure you do not delete an other file you need. When you update, you should overwrite everything.

    - Go select the TerraFirmaChisel Ressource Pack and make it the first one (it will use these texture in priority over other pack, otherwise you might end with duplicate texture).

    - Of couse, install the required mods


    Required mods

    - TFC (of course)

    - Chisel 2

    MineTweaker 3

    ModTweakder 2

    - Meta Mod (CustomItems)



    New blocks

    - Jet block (from Extrafirmacrafr) 


    Blocks variation


    - Clean planks

    - Blinds




    - Clean planks (based on Faithful plank)



    Faithful, by Dead91, maintained by ziat007

    - TFC planks


    Summerfield, by LithiumSound and maintained by lipki

    - Blinds

    - Blocks of Metal



    -Jet block



    You can freely use TerraFirmaChisel in you modpack, you can use parts or the whole thing.

    If you use it, I appreciate if you let me know and link to this post in you mod list, then I can link to you pack here.


  16. We already use randomization. The problem is that there is no such thing as "true" randomization, so no matter what we do, somebody else can use code to figure it out.



    That was the entire purpose of this post. My original decision was to follow suit of all the other forums and ban the addons completely. There were a few people in IRC who considered this censorship to be too harsh, and so the poll was created. The only thing that this will change is the Addons forum. There will be no changes to the discussion or guides forum to add the allowance of spoilers.


    On the note of WAILA, please realize that I took great care into only adding information that players can already get through standard means, and the primary reason that WAILA support was added is because without the support, WAILA was actually providing users with wrong information. So before I added support, it was possible that while looking at a block of shale, WAILA would try to tell you that it was a block of marble. For 99.9% of the stuff that I added with the WAILA support, it's just information that you would get by clicking on the block and looking inside, or by looking at a calendar before you start a process, and then looking at the calendar to see how much time is left before it is completed. The only exception I can think of is the crops showing growth percentage, and that was added to help stop the incorrect bug reports of "My crops aren't growing!"


    I strongly suggest that you actually give the WAILA support a try. If you come across anything that you think is truly "cheaty" beyond what you can get by interacting with the block by opening the UI or breaking it, then please post it here:


    To be honest, it was before the release of .16, but before, for example you could see what the ore block would drop (poor, normal, rich) and I felt it was a bit too much. I use blockhead to have a nicer texture on the ore blocks, but I want to have to remember what texture is what, and not just let waila tell me what it is. In fact, I just dont want to know what bloc i am looking at.


    Of course it's better to give righ information instead of wrong information and I think that what was done in waila (from the screenshots you posted) is clearly amazing. I would use it for things like to see the content of the bloomery of blast furnace and anvil. If you tell me I can disable the "show the block I am looking at", then I would try it for sure!


  17. I do not understand why an addon that break the magic would be more welcome than a guide that does the same. And as I do remember, there is a guy who made a detailed post on how many pixels every hit where moving the cursor, and the post was modified to delete the numbers.


    If we have a spoiler addon subsection, will we have a spoiler guide subsection and a spoiler wiki ? Just tagging the post

    in the title would be enough... if we decide to allow it. I think that creating a subsection will only encourage people to make even more of these type of addon.


    Yes, making stuff on the anvil can be hard, but if you do not learn and remember the perfect strikes to make a sheet of steel, then you will never complete a 5 level blast furnace, you will quit before the end. Yes a guide to understand how the anvil work would be welcome, and maybe give guides on how to chose you hit, and how to make wiser choices for the next time.


    My opinion is that TFC is going away from the rule of "don't reveal the secrets to keep the magic", to a mod that fully support Waila (that is kind of cheatty from my point of view, as you know just too much without having to interact with anything). I want to be clear, I am not against people who want to use it, but I think it's going against the magic and I am not using it.


  18. Hey Therighthon, I started working on a similar project, but instead of new recipes, I am using Chisel 2 to change bewteen blocs. I only worked on wood items for now and the texture pack i'm building is 32x, but it can also be done for 16x.


    If you want, we could join forces and only make one addon instead of having two compeeting projects.


    I am hosting my code on github so you can freely contribute, and if you want we can use this post in the forum to promote the new version.

    I do not plan to release until I have more blocks added, but for now I have one new variation of all the planks (tested and working with chisel 2).


    Let me know if you are interested.


    Edit : as this addon does not require TFC api, it work just fine in 79.16+
