Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Aaron215

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  1. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    I came across the same things with plums on a tree. You mentioned it happened with apples dropping from oak leaves too though, and those aren't ones you harvest from hanging under a leaf block, right? If they are drops and just disappearing, that sounds different than what I experienced. I could harvest gardens just fine, but the fruit on a tree dropped when I right clicked, I picked it up, and it immediately disappeared. I opened a save I made of the world previously (I do that so I can test things to see if it's repeatable), the fruit wasn't even there. So I suspectthe fruit isn't there, but there's some graphical error when you load the area and it just looks as though it is.
  2. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Ha, there we go. I was wondering the same thing. Got 0.1.4 up. Here's your first batch Yay axes take damage now! Trees still can be cut down vanilla speed though. Still no saplings from TFC trees and sticks seem to come from 100% of leaves. Vanilla trees still present. Putting vanilla oak logs in the crafting grid gives you planks and you can dupe them just like you could with the firestarter recipe (which is fixed now, and they don't stack) and seed recipe. I assume like any recipe in the 2x2 grid. I'm gonna also assume that all vanilla recipes are still present as well. Not sure if that's expected or not. I made a vanilla wooden pickaxe and couldn't break the TFC stone, so I don't know how much it matters. Vanilla oakleaves yield no sticks, vanilla oak trees do not fall as TFC ones do, and leaves don't decay like TFC leaves. Rotten flesh expires? I'd expect it to already be expired. ----- Fun with Firepits: Sticks get to temperature 350 in the firepit, but do not light. Also, you can put a whole stack of stick in the firepit at a time, and they all heat up. Not expected. When you heat up sticks(and I assume other items), you can throw them on the ground and they retain their heat (even in the rain!) Damage value just stays the same unless in your inventory Pic of heating two sticks to identical heat:Same time, Same temp Pic of the first stick in inventory, second stick on the ground. First stick is almost cooled:30ish degrees Pic of the second stick that was thrown on the ground while the first was cooling, and picked up after the first was cool:Still hot! Firepits are stilleternally lit, no need for more fuel. Chopping at a firepit makes the purple and black missing graphic texture for the breaking animation. ------ Can't click hourglass tab in inventory. Snow in an ocean hex, near spawn.How do I get the debug stuff I see in other screenshots about hexes? Here's my F3 screen with lat. and long. Not sure of season, because I can't click the hourglass tab,but it was the first night.Snow at spawn, first night
  3. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Shift clicking a firestarter out of the 2x2 crafting grid gives me a firestarter and leaves the sticks in the crafting grid. I can remove them and stack them up and the items do not disappear. If I remove the firestarter by clicking and dragging it out, the sticks in the 2x2 grid disappear. Don't think a save file is necessary for this one. Recreatable in a new world. ------ Trying to create a firepit, and lighting the pile of stuff sometimes consumes the sticks and rocks without creating the firepit. Made 5 attempts, 4 failed. The successful attempt was when I threw the items as close to the center of a block as I could, but that could have just been coincidence. Including a save file for you from right before a failed attempt. I assumed it was because I was using the firestarter from the report above this one, but I tried with different ones and it still had the same behavior. ----- Stacked firestarters all take damage when used. Not sure if stacking firestarters is expected behavior.. ----- Also, here's a question... how do we create crash reports now? Was there an update recently that changed how reports were created? Let me know if how I'm doing these is helpful, or if there's something I could do better. I'm not a professional QA guy. EDIT: Firepits don't seem to run out of logs? They keep restarting when the fire icon gets to the bottom. Expect it to extinguish when the fuel runs out.
  4. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Here's a strange one... in this save file I attached I can't break rocks unless I right click on them, and I can't break anything with left click. I relogged a few times, made a new save file and tried in that one (it worked there), and went back and tried in the original and it still didn't work. Figured you would want to take a look and see if you can figure out what is going on with it. Easily re-creatable for me, but that's on this computer and I don't have another computer to test it with. Dropbox link to save file: Let me know if you prefer some other method.
  5. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Some possible bugs for you: When chopping generated trees with a stone axe, the axe takes no damage and chops down as fast as vanilla axes, not slowly like TFC1 did. When chopping placed wood blocks, stone axe *does* take damage. Grass does not yield straw when broken by hand or with a knife. Some odd land generation: On beaches there's lots of random little rocks, looks odd so I don't know if it's intended. Here's a pictureof the rocks. Lots of random pillars? Here's a couple pictures: 1 and2 Can't get the firepit to work (4 rocks, 4 sticks and a log?)Instructions unclear: made a pile of stuff. Sorry if some of this is intentional, great to see an alpha build!Anything specific you want us to be looking for?
  6. [Offline] Co-Op TFC Server, Skype, 24/7

    Dunno if you guys are still looking, I posted last week. Coming back to 1) bump the thread and hope it emails the person who made it and 2) update you by saying I've officially made it to the iron age. Did a bit of observation and deduction, and after digging 3 pilot holes to get the 2nd layer of rock I wanted, I dug down to the third, got what I wanted there too, started a branch mine and only 30 blocks later found traces, and then a massive deposit, of Limonite. I've got 443 ore and there's still more in there :-DHope you can get the folks to start this server soon, I'm having a blast but I know I'd have more fun as part of a team.-Aaron
  7. [Offline] Co-Op TFC Server, Skype, 24/7

    Hey, I'm a bit out of your age range, 27, but I'm looking for a server that has no PvP, and would be welcoming to someone new to TFC (haven't made it out of the copper tools). Really I just want to work with people on TFC since I am no good at finding ores and the like, so I want to learn. Some about me: I'm a stay at home dad, so my time available will be about an hour in the middle of my day and in the later evenings (after 9 central).I have tons of experience with Minecraft vanilla.I'd like to just take up a role on the server. I'd be keen to do the farm/orchard stuff, or the travelling to collect plants or animals. I'm not a fantastic builder, but I do okay. I prefer form over function, so that is likely my downfall.I'm just now getting into homebrewing in real life, so I could do the brewing too :-) Let me know what you think! My IGN is Aaron215, pm me for skype info if I fit your profile for acceptable members!
  8. Crash: First attempt at creating world, crashes

    Yup. I had the order right, but for some reason the Forge and Player API versions needed to be different than what I was told on the download page. Thanks to ECC in the irc for helping out! :-) Otherwise I would have been trial and erroring all night long. For people who for some reason have the same issue, try the setup in my previous post.
  9. Crash: First attempt at creating world, crashes

    SOLVED! OMG. checklist: Minecraft 1.4.6 Forge 489 playerAPI 1.3 for 1.4.6(minimal) TerraFirmaCraft B75 Open MultiMC, add a new instance, select version 1.4.6. Right Click on the instance, select edit mods. Put the Forge mod in the minecraft.jar tab. close, run the instance. Close minecraft and edit mods again. This time add the PlayerAPI. close, run the instance. Close minecraft and edit mods AGAIN. This time add TFC. close, run the instance. play. Like a baws.
  10. Hey guys. I've checked out the forum looking for similar issues, but I'm unable to find anything similar with a solution that also works for me. Please let me know if you can help! A bit of info, then the pastebin of my crash report. I'm using MultiMC (which I've never used before, but I need it now that I have vanilla, snapshots, FTB, AND TFC. I first created a new instance of Minecraft 1.4.6, fresh jar. Then I installed Then I installed MC 1.4.6 - Player API universal (I've also tried other versions) Then I run Minecraft and it runs just fine, generates new worlds just fine, etc. I then install I run Minecraft. No issues. I generate a new world. I get this: "building terrain" Freeze for a second, flash to the starting splash screen for a very brief second, then "shutting down internal server" Crash. Here's the pastebin: Any help would be appreciated. I've tried different versions of the Player API, and tried putting these files in different sections of MultiMC (put the API in coremods, put TFC in coremods, etc etc.) Forge shows TFC in the mod list while I'm in game, but not Player API, as was mentioned in another thread. But he got his working fine.. Maybe I just have to use something other than MultiMC, but I would really like to use something like it, if possible. Otherwise I need to move a lot around every time I want to play a different instance (mod pack, etc) of Minecraft :-/ Any other suggestions to replace MultiMC would also be appreciated. -Aaron