Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by quinted117

  1. [0.79.15] The realm of Adhon - Private role-play server

    sup, have always liked RP and stuff like that. been playing tfc for about 3 years and i understand most things excepts the brand new bits. ign: De-eggs age 14
  2. Plants that need to be edible in TFC

    ive been told that if you roast the brown bit on a cattail it tastes like potatoes. on a further note. i think dunk said that making a block edible (mushrooms are blocks) is either hard or impossible. but since you can make recipes to change the items maby roasting them in a fire pit could give you rosted mushroom(s) and that could be edible.
  3. Ranged weapons vs. Skeletons

    there was talk of shields and with the new back slot i thought maby they they could only be placed on the back and would have to be made of planks and have low durability so it will only help you for so long and also maby it could take up a deacent amount view space and would make you move slowly so the skellies can just move around you and you wouldn't see them just a thought
  4. username- De_eggs interests- fishing, foodstuffs, chisling TFC experience- about a year age-14 style-testing but mountain homes are fun mincraft experience- 2 years but not long enough to remember how to spell it correctly
  5. Looking for someone to Co-op with in TFC

    How do you make the server with hamachi? i cant figure it out. do both people need hamachi and if so how do you link up
  6. A use for gems, Trinkets. More Equipment slots.

    i think maby gems could be encrusted in chisled blocks. i'd like to have a safire dolfin statue in front of my house
  7. [Offline][Beta 0.77.21] Small Community, Be Gentle

    Age: 14 (im not imature dont worry) MC name: quinted117 Favorite colour: Blue Fav. TFC apsect: Complexity and how it takes time to do stuff
  8. Adventure maps

    maby a map about a post-nuclear war senerio where you must find scraps to piece together a new life (basic idea with room for more storyline)
  9. Jewl Crafting

    maby in detaild chisling you could "embed" gems into the block by left clicking on the spot you want it in
  10. What are people's thoughts on enchanting?

    ya gems are usless they need to be used for more than just useless protection meters (I know what they do but there still pointless)