Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Omicron

  1. Newcomer Questions

    Here's a screenshot. The darker color is my normal dirt (ID 190:13), the lighter color is slowly but surely popping up in random places (ID 190:7).
  2. Newcomer Questions

    Well, I'm having a weird corner case here. Either my first and second layer of stone are identical, or I do not have a second layer at all. Basically it's all rhyolite from sea level down to 55, and diorite from then on down to bedrock lava. In other regions I am seeing three layers of stone, but not in my "home mine", so to speak. Oh, and question: I have random blocks of dirt slowly turning into other types of dirt. Like, when the world was fresh there was none of it, but after almost a week or so of playing in it, a cliff face shows five or 6 of a lighter colored dirt type. It doesn't stack with the regular dirt I have. Why does it do that?
  3. TFC Build 76!!!

    I'm perfectly able to make flux with stone hammers in my current world... does that change in B76?
  4. Farmland Irrigation

    I tested this and it is indeed like the generic texan claims it to be.
  5. Newcomer Questions

    In my first world when I had absolutely zero surface metals anywhere, I built five sluices in parallel, in the same chunk. They all ran fine. I have not built more than five, though.
  6. Newcomer Questions

    Definitely looks like it - though the old world didn't have any tier 1+ ores either The next order of business will be finding iron, which I'm kind of at a loss of how to do it... I'll probably go back to all those shafts I dug and make branch tunnel networks every 25 y-levels. The wiki says that all stones can have terahedrite and my dominant stones types have additional other iron ores, so eventually I should run into something. Though I'm kind of surprised there don't seem to be any advanced prospecting strategies beyond mastering the propick and learning what ore to expect in what stone.
  7. Newcomer Questions

    Sounds neat! I also noticed the relatively temperate winters already and wondered, but I figured temperature was simply biome-based... the updates look interesting, though there should probably be a balancing factor in the crop suitability of warm climates. After all, too warm and too little rain isn't going to be ideal either. The best farmland is traditionall found in the middle between arctic and equatorial regions. In the meantime, by the way, I've fallen to my death in a bout of careless impatience and remembered too late that the world was set to hardcore... oh well I started a new world, and boy, what a difference. The game is all "shut up and take my metal" no matter where I go. I've had multiple instances of running out of rocks to mark surface ore sites. It's impossible to not find metal. I had three stacks of small cassiterite and one stack of native copper nuggets before I even built a roof over my head. The native copper vein below my house (which I discovered after building said house) is so massive that I get "very large" prospector pick results for 60 blocks or more in all cardinal directions, including down. Instead of lousy sedimentary rock everywhere, I got rhyolite, basalt, rhyolite, granite and some more rhyolite. Man, basalt is so awesome to build with. The only roadblock, ironically, was the complete and utter lack of anything flux-like (which was the only thing my first world had an infinite amount of). And without flux, you can't progress past tier 0, no matter how much copper you have. I dug so many shafts in search of it, so very many... and ultimately had to boat over two thousand blocks of ocean to find a completely different geological makeup. But hey, I learned a lot about how TFC generates terrain in the meantime And now I am decked out in excessive amounts of pretty green bismuth bronze.
  8. TFC Build 76!!!

    How about making a "the little things that kill" build out of 77? Collect as many small inconsistencies (like pregnant chickens, or peat not having size/weight attributes, and so on) and fix them in one fell swoop. I bet if you made a forum thread asking players to list these things, you'd quickly get a dozen or three
  9. TFC Build 76!!!

    Lil' chicks don't want to be laid as eggs. They want to get with the times and roll with their mammal friends!
  10. You might be interested in this little addon. Also, Dunk posted in that thread and said that he likes the idea enough to implement it himself (in a later build).
  11. Terrafirmabeast

    I expect that it will be hitting the FTB launcher as Build 76 on Minecraft 1.5, so I assume it's dependant on how quickly the team gets through the grueling process of converting all the textures.
  12. Terrafirmabeast

    Honkfish, your original thread got locked by Bioxx himself within an hour or two of posting it. Maybe you ought to take a hint? You're not an active part of the community - you're just some random guy from the internet who signed up here for no other purpose than to advertise. Who knows, you could even have modified the source to sneak malware on the client PC. Also, you didn't ask permission to distribute the mod. Just because it isn't a crime doesn't mean it isn't still an incredibly rude thing to do, and it's exactly why the Technic platform got the terrible reputation that it has. They're trying to move away from that controversy - but apparently their userbase doesn't care... TL;DR: quietly go away, please.
  13. how do you make a anvil with a stone hammer ?

    Seven, actually. Both categories of igneous stone (intrusive and extrusive) work as an anvil.
  14. Length of Day and Year Config Settings?

    I wouldn't exactly say "not affected". All things should be affected somehow - even if it's a constant, changing the equation around it will produce a different result. It's only a question of how the result differs from the norm. Now that I am finally home from work, I am finally able to run a test. I copied my SSP world and ran it for a while on a 60 second day/night cycle (that's 20x sped up compared to default). Observations: - Minecraft now looks like a timelapse video - Trees couldn't care less. Despite going through some 30 ingame days, not a single one of the 40-50 saplings in my vicinity decided to grow. Not even those planted a long time ago. Trees, therefore, seem affected only by the passage of RL time. - The same goes for wild grass regrowth. - Fruit trees, on the other hand, did care, and quite a bit too. Their growth stages seem to depend on the passage of calendar days (unsure if that scales with year length or not), so I was able to watch them growing up on fast-forward. - Fruits themselves, in return, were once again unfazed. Much like trees, they seem to depend on the passage of RL time to respawn. As a result, a full-grown red apple tree yielded a paltry 24 apples before going out of season, while on default settings it would give you at least 4 stacks if harvested religiously. Quite a difference. - I did not have any pregnant animals or crops to observe, but as dunk said above they should behave exactly like fruit trees. - A freshly lit charcoal pit finished in about 1-2 minutes. It is definitely dependant on the passage of ingame days. - My food bar positively disintegrated in front of my very eyes. I had to eat almost constantly to keep it from emptying. That means that no matter how long or short the day is, you'll always need roughly the same amount of food from one sunrise to the next (barring extra consumption through player activity, of course, if that exists in TFC). As a result, playing with a fast day/night cycle is near-impossible because the player will quickly starve to death. You just can't procure enough food fast enough to keep up with the hunger bar, especially at game start. Bugs spotted: - Something goes wonky with the ingame calendar if you change the day/night cycle length. The date in my world at the time of copying was the 4th of september; logging in with the faster day/night cycle, the calendar shows me the 6th of october, and the fruit trees have very obviously jumped ahead a stage or two. Saving the world in that state and resetting the day length to default will revert the date to the 4th of september upon logging in again, but the fruit trees kept their advanced growth stage. Other noteworthy things: - Rei's Minimap continues simulating day and night lighting as if it was still a 20 minute cycle, no matter what the config is set to. Apparently the mod doesn't actually poll the light level in real time, but only pretends to do so while running off a fixed timer in the background
  15. Okay, I'm not sure how much of this someone without insight into the code will be able to answer, but I figure, asking never hurts I noticed in the TFC config options for configuring the length of the year in Minecraft days, and the length of the Minecraft day in ticks. Especially the latter of the two greatly intrigued me. Why? For no reason other than because no other mod I've played with before has allowed me to toy with this, and I loooove trying out new stuff! So I began to wonder: what is the immediate effect of these settings, which game systems depend on these values, which are unintentionally affected? Like, if I set the length of a day to a tenth of normal, would the sun actually zip across the sky in the span of a single minute instead of 10, or does it only affect how the internal calendar counts the days? In Dunkleosteus' buil 76 preview video he mentioned that he made animal pregnancy time scale with the length of the ingame year. Are there other game systems that scale? Like, for example fruit trees. The fruit respawns constantly during the month(s) it is harvestable. If I increase the length of the year and/or the length of a day, does the fruit keep respawning at the same rate (thereby increasing output per season), or does it scale back so that you get roughly the same amount of fruit per season but spread out over a longer period of RL time? If the days are longer but the year is on default settings, do animals still need the same amount of ingame days (and thus more RL time) to go through pregnancy? How about trees and crops - how do those react to changing one or both of these settings? Will the player consume food and water more slowly if the day is longer (fixed base consumption per day/night cycle) or do you need twice as much food to make it through a day that lasts twice as long (constant base consumption per tick)? If it's the latter, if you sleep through a night twice as long, does that instant-consume a chunk twice as big as normal on waking up too? ...and what happens if I make the day/night cycle so ridiculously long that sleeping through the night requires more food than the entire bar can hold?
  16. Length of Day and Year Config Settings?

    Alright, and I assume that they don't care about length of day, because a certain number of days must pass no matter what, it's just a matter how much RL time that certain number takes? Makes sense. But what about those game systems that are potentially affected by day length? Tree growth? Player food consumption? Fruit tree fruit output?
  17. Newcomer Questions

    Is there anything good to be had in caves? As usual in Minecraft, I discovered a gigantic cave system under my base. I have no real third layer of stone, it's all cave, going on seemingly forever in all directions. The question is, should I bother exploring it? The cave is really pretty, especially with the stalagmites and stalactites (stroke of genius in terms of terrain generation), but really - exploring this thing will probably take many RL hours. And if all there is to get is more stalagmites, then well, I might as well enjoy the ones I have close by my mining shaft. In vanilla, caves are great sources of ore, but there doesn't seem to be any in my TFC cave at all. The entire map is very resource poor, it seems. I have found three mediocre deposits of tier 0 ores so far - only one near the surface, and another two in the second layer after digging half a kilometer of tunnel. There's not even a whisper of copper or any other higher tier resource, and no minerals either. Not even the useless ones like jet or petrified wood. My entire wealth after a wekk's worth of play amounts to 35 tin ingots and 25 zinc ingots (plus a zinc breastplate, sword, and four picks in all fairness). Are there any advanced prospecting techniques beyond learning how to properly use the prospector's pick?
  18. Ultimate TFC?

    Hmmm. Can't help you then, I'm afraid. Maybe Eloraam changed something in the last release.
  19. Ultimate TFC?

    You could just not load the Redpower World module, since worldgen doesn't work anyway. The rest of Redpower should still work perfectly fine without it, so long as you provide alternative means of obtaining the necessary resources. That's why it's modular in the first place.
  20. TFC Build 76!!!

    Just had time to watch the video. Nice work on the tanning, now we have yet another ingame vocation next to farmer, breeder, miner, cook and smith (and soldier I suppose)!
  21. String

    I can't make a qualified statement about that, but I know that spider silk comes at super tiny scales, whereas steel cable only comes at fairly large scales. Which means that any spiders that produce steel cable come at fairly large scales, and with the physiology needed to essentially shit steel at will. That is so many kinds of Do Not Want
  22. Terrafirmabeast

    Ah, I see. A fitting analogy, I suppose. I hope the rest of the porting goes smoothly, though!
  23. String offense, but I have a deep-seated desire to never ever meet the kind of spider that is able to spin steel cable...
  24. Terrafirmabeast

    Ouch, yeah, I can only imagine. I can do a couple things in terms of coding, but texturing has always been the thing that kept me from even considering trying my hand at making my own Minecraft mod. Did you at least have help with that, or are you on your own as the sole remaining maintainer of Terrafirmacraft 1?
  25. Terrafirmabeast

    Awesome, Dunk. With Minecraft 1.5 out now as well, I hope we can all update soon!