Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. As my post only quoted the part about inventory retention, yes that is just what I was referring to.


    Might I suggest changing your theme to TFCraft down in the bottom left corner of the website? It looks like you're having a hard time distinguishing where quotes end and replies start.


    Mind... Blown...


    I thought that issue was just a part of the forum software used, it never occurred to me to look for different themes! :o:D


  2. The chance to get a kind of stone are the same everywhere, I think. So you're much more likely to find one out of four stone types in one out of two layers, than you are to find exactly granite exactly in layer 1.


    However, surface exploration is fast and easy... exploring underground requires a lot of slow digging.


    Sometimes, sharp cliffs or mountains let you see the second layer even on the surface. And if there is a cave, definitely explore it.


  3. It's a fancy science word for "came out of a volcano" and describes a specific group of rocks. It's easier to use one word instead of having to name all of the possible rocks everytime.


    Look ingame for rocks named* "Andesite", "Basalt", "Dacite" or "Rhyolite". All of them can contain cassiterite ore.



    * Names may vary if you play the game in another language.


  4. Yes, I did consider breeding, see my edit. That's worth a nerf, but on the breeding side, not the grain processing side.


    And wow, you must have a really short day/night cycle in your game if it takes you half a day to consume the ca. 3 beans it takes to restore an entire day's worth of hunger :P


  5. I don't think there's any particular need to nerf grains... It's not like other crops are that much worse. Try a field of greenbeans half a square kilometer in size - I bet they would still be eating from that as well now, and they wouldn't have had any need to even process the harvest. You get about four beans per plant after replanting, compared to about 3 grains per plant after replanting. Each bean is a 1-star meal, and each grain (after baking into bread) a 2-star meal. So within some margin of error for the rounded star values, a bean plant gives you ~4 stars of food and a grain plant gives you ~6 stars.


    Now take into account that greenbeans have a "fast" growth speed, while grains are "slow" to "very slow", and suddenly the OP grains are not looking quite as OP anymore. Many plants give comparable yields once you look at the big picture, it's just that the player actually only needs very little food (a day's worth of heavy labor in the mines? Here, eat one fried egg and you're fine!)


    Ultimately what should be counted is the amount of food stars provided by one plant over the course of one year (assuming infinite soil nutrients). And for non-hardy plants, one year would be defined as 9-10 months because it can't grow during winter, while the hardy ones get the full 12 months. Then you need to keep in mind that infinite nutrient scenarios will overvalue plants with long growth cycles, since in actual gameplay they will run out of nutrient before finishing a growth cycle and therefore take longer than calculated to mature. As you can see, that gets very complicated to balance very quickly. And we haven't even started factoring in secondary uses/processing and tech level dependencies for products yet...


    EDIT: If anything needs to be nerfed about grains, it's the fact that animal breeding runs off of the the processed grains. A single harvested plant allows you to breed two pairs of pigs. This will result in an average of 20 offspring, which once grown will each yield an average of 15 porkchops each (more if you breed for size) with a three-star food value. So we're looking at 900 stars food value from one single plant. Plus 20 hides, plus (currently useless) bones. If unprocessed wheat/oat/barley/rye was used, you'd need two plants for one breeding pair, cutting the multiplier by four and ending up with ~225 food stars and 5 hides per plant invested. Which is still very much worth it, but not quite as crazy anymore.


  6. The "mobs" page mentions in the beginning that animal size has no effect on items dropped. However, the individual animal pages state that size does in fact affect the drop numbers.


    The "mobs" page in general looks a bit orphaned, with little useful (and apparently outdated) content. Pretty much everything it has is repeated elsewhere. The middle section seems like it contained a list, which is no longer in place. The page can probably removed in its entirety.


  7. I actually found that I can do quite a lot at night in b77. It seems to me the spawn protection radious is higher these days. Back when I played in 1.5.x, monsters would pop up within ca. 20 blocks of me all the time... but in my current playthrough, I rarely even see a creatrue as long as I stay within my base of operations. Over the course of a six hour play session - many, many nights - I have had a grand total of one creeper walk in at random from the forest, and managed to attract three or four zombies by chopping wood a few steps too far away, but that's it. Believe me - when my game is set to hardcore mode where a single death will delete the world save, and I happily keep working at night, then it's really not a big issue ;)


    The problems begin when you want to move around, because then you invariably get into areas that monsters spawned in before you got close enough to apply spawn protection. And then, yes, without metal weapons and armor you're dead pretty quickly.


  8. Generally the process to make coal coke is the same process as making charcoal: You burn it in the absence of oxygen. As a result, the impurities that can burn without oxygen do so and remove themselves, while the raw carbon remains behind as there is no oxygen for it to form CO2 with. Coal coke and charcoal are ultimately almost identical substances - a whole lot of 99% pure carbon.


    (This, incidentally, is the reason you use charcoal or coke in forges and blast furnaces instead of natural coal. What we call "steel" is an iron/carbon alloy, and natural coal is not pure enough carbon to make it work. And when working with metal in a forge, you don't want to get it all sooty, forge byproducts into your blade and smoke yourself to coughing. You want the smokeless flame and heat of a pure carbon/oxygen reaction.)


    So for all intents and purposes, coal coke in TFC would be a direct charcoal equivalent. It would be produced the same way, and be used for the same applications. For the most simplistic approach, if coal was placeable in the world like charcoal currently is, you could build it into stacks and cover it with a dirt mound, just like you stack wood to make charcoal. The coal would burn twice as long, and upon completion return about 75% of the inserted coal as coal coke. You dig it up with a shovel just like charcoal and use it just like charcoal.


  9. ... Aha. That's where my error was. Well, throwing in six extra tetrahedrite should be easy enough.


    Though I could have sworn I counted three per ingot while smelting copper... must have mistcounted.



    EDIT: confirming this worked. Thanks!


  10. Today I tried b77 for the first time, coming back to TFC after a longer hiatus... Doing well for myself, I'm at the point where I can start on tier 2 metals. So since I had the ingredients, I went to try bismuth bronze.


    The wiki states: 10-20% bismuth, 20-30% zinc, 50-70% copper.


    I inserted the following: 10 small bismuthinite (100 bismuth), 30 small sphalerite (300 zinc), 18 tetrahedrite (600 copper).


    However, after firing the kiln, the ceramic vessel came back out with the ore still intact, nothing had melted. I know the kiln was built correctly because the three molds I was firing along with the vessel came out properly ceramic. So, why did my alloy not work out?


  11. Magnetite also produces platinum



    Yes, but it's predominantly an iron ore and B77 makes all double ores output only one thing. I.e. the platinum component gets removed. And even in B76, magnetite is still be useful because it generates not only platinum but also iron.


  12. Considering the large number of unused/vestigial ores/minerals/metals/alloys, are there thoughts in B77 to remove some of them and/or find a use for some of them?


    Lead, galena ore*, platinum, native platinum ore, brass, sterling silver, graphite, gypsum**, jet, kimberlite***, olivine****, petrified wood, pitchblende, satinspar, selenite, serpentine, sylvite: all of these currently have no use I am aware of.


    * after straightening out dual ores in B77, this will most likely be a lead-only ore, and lead has no use

    ** apparently useless itself but other things can generate in it?

    *** gives you diamonds, which are fairly useless themselves... but hey, diamonds

    **** used by the Buildcraft for TFC port to make green dye to turn into pipe waterproofing


  13. Not sure how important that actually is to you guys, but I've long since noticed that the Trees page isn't accurate in terms of burn temperatures. For example, ash is listed as "medium-high" and oak as "high", implying that oak has the higher burn temperature of the two. Ingame however, ash wood burns one * hotter than oak (true in B75 and B76, did not check any others). Other wood types are also out of line with the wiki.


    I never bothered to mention it, or to make detailed measurements, before today because there seems to be a general disinterest/suspicion towards detail information on these forums. But if you wish, I can try.


  14. I've seen these two issues all throughout Build 76's various hotfixes, in SMP. I never found the necessary wheat to start animal breeding in any of my SSP worlds. I've seen them happen with all four breedable animals. My fellow players have seen the same as me.

    1.) Sometimes, when a pregnant animal gives birth, it will not spawn 1 offspring, but rather 4-8 at once. It's kind of odd when you have a pen with three pigs, two of them pregnanet females, and you come home one day to discover that boom, you now have 15-20 pigs. However, this is not guaranteed to happen; I've also seen a good number of singular births. Now, one of these two cases is probably intended, but which is it? And, why is the other case happening?

    2.) Baby animals are extremely glitchy, no matter whether it's one or a dozen. For the entire time they grow up (rightclicking them shows a negative number ticking towards 0, which denotes an adult), the animal will show as running in place, and rapidly flickering back and forth between its actual size and its future adult size. It looks really bad. When I came how to discover my pigsplosion mentioned above, I couldn't bear having the camera pointed at the pen.

    Now I know you're no longer fixing B76, but please take a look at this in your B77 branch.


  15. :D

    That's why I usually abstain from suggesting hard numbers... I figure that, if I make a suggestion that you guys like and decide to implement it, you're perfectly able to determine a number you consider fitting for your vision of the game while doing so.


  16. Yeah, but even in areas without caves I found zilch all in layer 3.

    I'll try a tunnel around 15-20 then, if there's a spawn location right at the lava border I should be able to pick it up then.


  17. While we're on this topic, I guess I'll hook in with a question I've had for a long time...

    I'm pretty good at finding ore, but there's one place where I have never succeeded, even though logic dictates that there should be something there. Namely layer 3. I have dug in resource-rich rhyolite, I have dug in soft conglomerate, I have dug in thoroughly unexciting quartzite, and I have covered several thousand blocks of tunnel across several different maps and TFC builds.

    Zero ore. Zero minerals. Zero readings. Absolutely nothing at all except for stone.

    I know how TFC spawns ores. I'm naturally good at pattern recognition, and the pattern gets really obvious after you play two or three games. I can predict exactly where I will find the vein if I get surface rocks, down to being able to hit it with a blind shaft down on the first try 4 out of 5 times, no prospector's pick. I know exactly which layers are worth starting branch mines in. And the pattern dictates that there should be (at least) one y-level in layer 3 where ores or minerals or both can spawn. But I'm just not finding anything.

    Have you guys ever found anything in layer 3?


  18. Omicron, I tought that is was intended that leftover metal would disappear. The "easy" solution to solve this bug is to put mold in the bloomery even if it's cold. You will get full mold at the temperature of the bloomery (in this case, cold one). As for the mold, if you start cooking a clay mold and don't finish the cooking, these mold won't stack with net mold, however, they are still usable.

    Still I guess we can ask for clarification about these issues.

    What do you mean, cooking a clay mold? I am not talking about cooking clay molds. I'm talking about using fully cooked ceramic molds in the bloomery (I thought that was clear enough since I only ever talk about the bloomery and never about the forge or firepit which you'd need to cook molds). Ceramic molds never have a temperature value and are always fully stackable with each other so long as they are empty. Try putting one in a firepit for a few minutes and then pulling it out - it will instantly stack with any other empty ceramic mold despite having sat in the firepit.

    Not so on this case. The ceramic mold inserted into the bloomery remained empty, but on pulling it out, it refused to stack with any other empty ceramic mold, even after waiting for awhile and relogging. It only showed this behavior in this specific case, when leftover metal 'vanished' from the bloomery. Ordinarily, if you insert an empty ceramic mold into a bloomery with an empty metal gauge (regardless of whether it is hot or cold or comfortably hand-warm, or whether or not there is currently ore cooking) and then pull it out again, it has no troubles stacking, just as expected.

    Also, I have never seen metal vanish from the bloomery in B75. As you said, you are supposed to get the metal out at the current temperature of the bloomery, whatever that temperature may be, and whenever you try to take it out. I didn't get any metal, however. I only watched the metal gauge drain to zero in front of my eyes while giving me nothing other than a bugged ceramic mold.


  19. But Buildcraft already has the tools you need (via the mining well and pump). Why make an entirely new structure that serves the same purpose? Admittedly, "because I can" is always a valid reason, but it's not chiefly necessary. (Though maybe these machines could be part of the multiblock, if you do make one.)

    I'm also not sure if the size of the pool you showed in your screenshot makes it worth building a big multiblock structure. It looks like one of the desert pools, and those only have around 10-30 buckets worth of oil in them. Not like the liquid isn't valuable, but it's pumped out in a few minutes even with only a single redstone engine, leaving you with a multiblock that probably took longer to assemble than it took to finish its job.

    It would be far simpler to make the mining well stop digging when it hits any liquid, not just on hitting lava. That way you could use it to dig a hole into an oil deposit you found without boring straight through to the bottom of the map.
