Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Yarp

  1. Thanks for the advice(s). Today’s appendix: I have noticed that the problem “Blue steel lamp cannot be filled with lava” happens only when the lamp has a temperature displayed (such as “Hot***”). When completely cooled, it can be filled by right clicking lava source block without any problem. Tested using the latest TFC 0.79.29.
  2. So finally I have got blue steel and tried to make the new infinite light source. However I cannot figure a way to fill my freshly smithed blue-steel lamp with lava. Right-clicking on lava source block does not work. I also tried to pick up lava with blue-steel bucket but the bucket is accepted neither by barrel (as expected form changelog) nor by large ceramic vessel (not so expected behaviour) to fill my lamp from it. Filling and emptying the lamp with olive oil via wooden barrel works fine...
  3. Nevermind, right-clicking lava source works after upgrading to 0.79.21.
  4. With TFC still in development there are (and supposedly will be) mistakes, such as the recent bug that caused trees and other features not being generated in snowed chunks. Therefore if you visit particular area before the bug is removed, part of your world is spoiled forever. I suggest adding a command (in “cheat” mode) allowing players (ops in SMP) to regenerate a chunk (or several chunks at once) by replacing all blocks as per world generator. Something like /regenchunk command, working similarly to /removechunk and /stripchunk. But it might be better, allowing to set chunks’ coordinates to regenerate bigger area at once…
  5. Alternate Fix for Chiseling Ceilings

    Interestingly the config file contains only a single option for setting 1 in X chance of triggering a cave-in. So that number is not an absolute value but only a coefficient further modiffied by rock type?
  6. Version: 0.79.6SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Boats break into vanilla sticksSuggested Category: MinorDescription: When your boat breaks by running ashore, it breaks into 3 oak planks and 2 vanilla sticks (no size & weight displayed, do not stack with regular TFC sticks). Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Tried without them and the bug is still there.
  7. [Solved] Food storage

    Does “Vessel” also mean Clay Large Vessel? Does “Vessel” also mean wooden Barrel? Do they have to be sealed for effective decay reduction? Is there double decay reduction for storing food in Ceramic Vessel that is stored inside Large Vessel or wooden Barrel?
  8. Would it be possible to put a piece of malachite ore into crafting grid to get eight pieces of green dye (and two pieces from small malachite)? This will be similar to current mechanics used to convert lazurite into blue dye. Otherwise the green dye (and it's derivates) is unavailable...
  9. Hello, it would be nice to allow combining four small ores into crafting grid to get one standard size ore piece in 76 build. This would: solve the "it uses too many charcoal in bloomery to smelt small ores/nuggets" problemand also slightly help with storing small ores.Thanks for considering this proposal
  10. TFC Build 76!!!

    I wonder what will be the bellows recipe with the new leather-cutting mechanics...
  11. Making Green Dye from Malachite

    Yes, I know that but I have not talked about malachite green but the malachite itself. See e.g. “Malachite was used as a mineral pigment in green paints from antiquity until about 1800.” However, with the new way to obtain wool in b76 I'm not sure whether it will still be possible to make decorative coloured wool blocks. But at least it will make my vanilla game black-green coloured leather armor available again.
  12. I can see a believable usage of saltpeter — right clicking it onto crop tile (or empty farmland tile) to restore (or at least increase) its nutrient values (those red-orange-yellow columns). This meens we do not have to migrate farms after each harvest. Also mixing saltpeter with sulphur and charcoal should result in gunpowder.
  13. Making Green Dye from Malachite

    Or we could use hammer to break it into colouring powder (also the lazurite) – same mechanics as with crushing lime sediment rocks to make flux.
  14. Interesting point of view, but I doubt it is intended such way. Consider nuggets: Does "small nugget" mean "slightly smaller piece of pure metal containing much less pure metal"?