Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by hoseja

  1. If your health represents experience in fighting, why does it increase with better nutrition? Falling damage shouldn't scale with max health, that's like "progress" in Oblivion where the stronger you got, the stronger sewer rats and mud crabs got. Absolute nuisance that discourages having levels in the first place. The fact that falling damage is the deadliest threat with no way to mitigate it is very annoying. And discouraging exploration.


    This implementation might seem logical in theory but during the actual gameplay it's just frustrating and annoying, not in a good way.


  2. Try to block the second block above the forge. It might be that the chimney can only curve single block above the forge and you're confusing the pathing.


    I am probably wrong.


    Are all the blocks around the forge stone?


  3. I heard this suggested on a server I play on and I really liked the idea. Sitting in hot spring should slightly accelerate the rate at which player heals. Now I know this is presumptious of me, but considering sitting in fresh water replenishes thirst meter, this doesn't seem impossible to implement. I think it would be a nice feature that doesn't clash with theme of TFC!


  4. Hey Big_Bear, shame you left us on HappyDiggers, though I certainly understand. If you log on and I'm not there, please transfer mayor to me if possible (and check out outpost 2, I think it's turning out really pretty).


    Oh, and whitelist me on this new server of yours so I might stop by and say hello, I'm probably not planning on staying though.


    Thanks, hose_ja


  5.  and I would think easy enough to accomplish. 


    Please don't put those words into a feature request. You have no way to know how hard something can be to implement. Other than that, Yeah, I agree good idea.


  6. I realize there are too many temperate trees already but I would still like to plead for the implementation of beech. It creates distinct forests with straight slender silver-grey trunks and rich green canopy, it is inspiration for Tolkien's Mallorns and at least partially GRRM's Weirwoods. Its wood is hard, brittle and hot-burning. It is traditionally used to smoke meat. Oh, and the nuts are edible. It's my favourite tree and I'd really like to see it in TFC :)


  7. Ninjaedit: NVM I can't read.


    How much memory do you give to Minecraft? I just found out 3GB are not enough for me. Then as it reaches limit it starts paging and horrible lags occur.


  8. Well for myself it is not a memory leak and I don't get any errors. F3 shows the GC chugging along just fine. My drive is very fast... 3rd gen SSD. There is no immediately obvious explanation for what is causing it, but it is something that causes a lot of extra processing. CPU is i5-2500K too, so it's not like that is having issues either.


    Not F3, get the launcher to not hide after startup and check the log.
