Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Mileaos2

  1. berry bushes will be hard to obtain on older servers just like fruit trees (i promise that)

    and i was hunting for squids. sometimes i was able to get some, sometimes not. and in winter, with ice... you can dig a hole, but when its freeze again youre dead


  2. the flatbread and other stuff shouldnt be too good (in form of filling effeckt) so its a better choise to start farming at some point

    the idea behind the tall grass grain is, there is allways tall grass, so you can get some food in dire needs

    but when you have acess to animals or farmland, its better to go with these.

    because fruit trees, wild food and so on are completly gathered on older servers and you dont have acess to them. only choise is to hunt squids (if you find some) or die from starvation

    and berry bushes wont be a difference in that point

    and tall grass would be a sollution for that, newcomers could allways get some food, so they dont die like a million times


  3. well problem with your root suggestion is simply, that it takes a while and you can only harvest them once.

    awell as your "regrowing wild stuff"

    my ideas are working the whole time, thats the basic idea

    you can harvest as much as you like, but this stuff doesnt fill you quite much. (it should take quite some time, so its no option forever)

    but you dont have to wait for those food sources (well eccept the mushrooms)


    regarding the mortar: jeah, i thought about bowl + stone ( would make sence) BUT it was intentionally, you have to use 3 tall grass, to get 1 grain and 3 grain for 1 flour, cuz you get alot tall grass, even on older servers


  4. okay, when i join an older server, i mostly die from starvation.

    like 15 times in a row, before ill get setup

    to prevent that i suggest 3 types of regrowing, wild food sources, which help you survive your first days.

    it shouldnt be too good, so sources like farming and animals arent useless.

    the 3 types are:

    flatbread, roots and mushrooms


    first to go with the mushrooms:

    thell respawn in fall each minecraft day, but slowly.

    after a rainfall quite faster.

    only in forest like biomes with trees in it.

    those mushrooms could be eaten raw or in a meal.


    second: roots:

    you can dig them up in spring, summer fall and winter, but in winter its less common.


    new feature for a shovel: rightclicking on a grassblock provides a small chance, of lets say 5-10% for one root. (takes dura of the shovel)

    the grassblock turns into a dirtblock by that (no farmland, normal dirt)

    increased chance near trees or in forest like biomes

    ofc you can eat them raw or use them in a meal


    last, the flatbread:

    its the most complex source, but provide the most filling effeckt.

    hitting tall grass with a knife should bring you one tall grass item (like the vanilla tall grass, collected with a shear)

    place 3 of them into you crafting grid alongside with an knife and you get 3x straw and 1x grass grain

    3x grass grain + 1 stone into the crafting grid produces primitive flour

    rightclicking on water with that flour produces simple dough

    heat this dough in a firepit and you get flatbread

    eatable and useable in meals


  5. uhm, i erased the suggestion for no copper pickaxe and yes, i know, 8 copper sheets are 16 ignots and 14 for the anvil

    but to go from bronze to iron, you need 8 DOUBLE sheets of bronze

    and 30 copper ignots to start with bronze is doable, you need just one native copper or tetrahydrite deposit and you have enough ore for that


  6. wow, i just downloaded it, when iam back from work ill try it out =3


    food suggestions:

    some kind of grass grain -> early ground stone -> water from jug (is it possible to collect water with a bowl?) -> flat bread or something like that

    roots from digging grass blocks (only in forest/jungle biomes?)


    some aesthetic suggestions:

    vanilla iron bars. maybe some coper/bronze skins aswell.

    iron door maybe? (so you have to switch lever/buttons?)

    colored glass (and maybe an special way to create glass) and glass jugs?


  7. Whether you find copper early or not is pure chance. Ive been playing since build 50-something (I think) and only one of my worlds has copper. Its complete chance. You need a copper anvil to work Bronze tools, Right? what happened to that? You need 16 copper ingots to make the anvil, and finding ore veins is challenging, if not maddeningly difficult. Doesn't that take up a lot of time? And meanwhile, while you collect the ore needed for that, you should be trying to find a proper food source and making enough coal, all at the same time, as well as making a proper night-time shelter. I don't know, that seems like a lot to be doing at once, especially as Neolithic Steve with terrible stone tools.

    And you know about straw, right? instead of plant fibers? Besides, I don't think yarn made of dried grass can stand up to much abuse. leather straps are more suitable to that, no? Or maybe a form of tallow-y glue or rice glue to secure the tool heads.

    leather = barrels = planks =metals

    and i never had problems with finding any copper and tin/zinc/bismuth ores.

    und a starting shelter is quite fast build

    btw plant fibre yarn was the first yarn used for tools and cloth!


  8. hm, nicely worked out post :)

    well i would love to see this implemented!

    maybe some kind of nets for fishing?

    but before i release a new storm of fishing suggestions:

    afaik there is allready a new fishing system planned XD (atleast i remember an post regarding fishing from dunk i beleve)


  9. winter should be harsh, with snow and ice, no crops growing etc

    in my last world i didnt even noticed it was winter

    i checked calendar and it was late summer, next time i checked was early spring and i was like: "wtf? didnt even noticed"

    well, in one of my last tfc server, i actully had snow in winter and rain in summer, so it actully works, but most of the areas seems to have too high temperatures, so it cant drop under the freezing temp.

    so everything far enough away from equator should have quite some temp diffirence. from -20 in winter up to +30 in summer

    and the normal spawn should be in one of those areas


  10. kay, i modified my post, so its more clear what i want to say.



    I've been stuck in the bronze age for about one default in-game year. Now, you never specified what you consider 'too fast' or 'longer', but that, for me, is a pretty reasonable amount of time for just now being on the cusp of the bronze age.

    You've got a couple of good ideas here, but nothing that makes a coherent whole -- just a bunch of suggestions cobbled together without a whole lot of thought as to how they work together or fit in with the mod as it is now.



    "to fast" is, when you can skip the copper age enterly and alot of the stone age (basicly i collect enough tetra, sphal and bis or tetra/cass and directly start with bronze tools)

    i just needed stone shovel, axe and knife.

    the time between bronze and iron age is okay (like i pointed our allready in my start post)

    and i worked out my ideas for some days allready, but i postet them on the fly before going to bed.

    they should delay the copper and bronze age strong enough

    materials, which are hard to obtain in stone age are simpler in copper age

    materials, which are hard to obtain in copper age are simpler in bronze age

    and so on.


  11. okay
    this suggestion is all about increasing the time needet for the next age.
    (stone -> copper -> bronze -> iron -> steel)


    bronze to iron to steel is good as it is now, but stone to copper to bronze is way to fast.
    last time i skipped most of stoneage and copper enterly.
    i just started with bronze tools, never made any copper one, cuz u need lesser copper for bronze tools XD
    and i dont even mined any stuff, just picked it up :)

    the basic idea is, to restrict materials in lower ages.

    in each higher age, the ways of obtaining those materials get easyer.


    stone -> copper age delay

    wood = metals

    it should take a while, until you are able to harvest wood.
    first earlygame tools shouldnt need sticks
    just knapping and done. (like hand ax, my 4th attempt to suggest the hand ax XD )
    harvesting tall grass/ leaves should take longer and a bit faster with tools like hand ax/ knife
    while harvesting tall grass, you have an chance for "plant fibres"
    3x plant fibres = simple yarn (with ceramic spindle later 2 fibres = 1 yarn)
    stone tools should need sticks, the head and some kind of string (simple yarn or wool yarn)
    erase the stone shovel and add an "primitive shovel" out of sticks and yarn and an improved wooden shovel out of logs.
    collecting stones with ur hands could provide a chance of finding flint (relative often) and obsidian rocks (relative rare)
    knapping with flint/obsidian provides flackes (small pieces for tool/weapon improvements)
    flint/obsidian can be knapped to the same tools like normal stone
    flint/obsidian tools last longer than normal stone tools
    axes should be only knappable from flint/obsidian

    and reduce the amount of spawning clay deposits and the sice

    only a few biomes should spawn clay

    flint axes hold 1-2 trees, obsidian axes 2-4

    stones at the surface shouldnt drop any ores when picked up with bare hands.
    using a hammer provides a chance of finding copper ores. (same ore finding rules, like now)



    reduced clay spawns

    creation of composite tools take more time

    need of hammer to find copper ore in surface stones

    harder to make axes, so you have an restricted wood production

    wood = pottery/ metal casting


    copper -> bronze delay

    first suggestion: bronze should need a different kiln.
    ill uploaded 3 pics in the attachemends. one is the mc idea
    in tfc like this:
    walls out of raw stone or stone bricks 2 blocks high.

    at the bottom is the control block (in the picture shown as vanilla brick block)

    the control block should need 8 copper sheeds.

    place a block of 8 charcoal inside the oven (like in the bloomery) and throw your ore per q on top of it

    lit the controlblock and place ceramic mold (or an ceramic vessel by larger amounts) infront of the control block.

    when the oven is done, the bronze will get filled in the molds/vessels automaticly.

    stones at the surface shouldnt drop any ores when picked up with bare hands.
    using a hammer provides a chance of finding copper ores. (stonehammer basic chance)
    using a propick provides a chance of finding tin, zinc and bismuth ores.



    special bronze smelting oven, which need copper sheeds
    zinc, bismuth, tin ores in surface stones need propick to find





  12. well you can smelt tetrahedrite in a ceramic vessel in a kiln aswell.

    i never found native copper, but 2-3 tetra deposits and 1 cass/sphalerite and bismuth

    on my last server, i used mostly bismuth bronze, cuz u need lesser copper for that alloy XD
