Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SierraKhaar

  1. Yeah some of us don't have the luxury to play games 12hours a day.

    That means SMP becomes dull too because everyone will progress much more :(.

    So the new fruits n stuff is a waste of time, before I've played 80hours Bioxx has changed the world gen 4 times (if you are reading this, thx for the latest ore change ^^ )


  2. I say something needs to be done about the duration of time in TFC.

    If I could have a private server just for me, yeey!

    But I don't, so every season takes 20 hours ingame time (that's if you sleep very night in the game).

    The new fruits n stuff? F them, I don't wanna spend time on something that takes me 80hours to harvest again (by then Bioxx releases 20 new updates)


  3. We all like the realistic side of TFC mate.

    But making it too realistic will just be meeh.

    As Bioxx self said, he is not adding realism if it becomes dull and boring.

    Like the new knapping, it's not that hard but adds little more realism.

    Knapping a stone tool IRL is way harder.


  4. We are looking into adding in a temperature map behind the light map that minecraft already has, which would represent temperature values per block. Because everything would be realistic, going near magma (or having it in a forge) would be hazardous to your character's health.

    Posted Image

    Not if it's pahoehoe

    Posted Image


  5. Really? I always saw him as Bear Grills ^^

    But i like teh idea, players may use the ruins to foundation of their homes.

    Better yet if some types of ruins meant there is lots of ore to be found there ^^


  6. Simple really, the pick tells you where the ore is NOT.

    So if you get large quantities on a place, mine west and east.

    Place torches where you find medium.

    Between those torches lays teh treasure!

    Then It's a matter of up or down.

    Sometimes you'll have to check north and south too.

    (you can do north/south first, I was just making a example)

    After a few times you'll master it.

    If you find two ores near each other?

    Get creative!


  7. We talked about this a little in another thread about the duration of the year and seasons.

    Now for me that only plays single-player, 80hours / year is a lot, specially since I can't play that much.

    For people who plays on servers, 80 can be too little. Since after less then 4 full days a year has passed.

    So maybe we NEED a option to change year/seasons?

    Like 3 or 4 options to choose from.

    Lets poll about this, and hope that if its what we want, Bioxx can have time to add it :).


  8. Maybe a new thread?

    "Having a option of year duration".

    I play alone but I can imagine people who play multi-player want longer years :)

    Gotta make it with poll so Bioxx see's it and hopefully can change it soon :)


  9. No then it's because you have too much life ;)

    But seriously, I'll make a thread and see what people think.

    Also playing multi is a different thing, since the world can go on while afk, then 80 is short!

    Maybe Bioxx should add a option if it's a server that's up 24/7 or not.


  10. Ill add that, hope its possible :)

    About what Bioxx said, instead of excluding vegetables (that grows on trees) from world, why not limit them by how long say summer must be in order for them to bloom.

    BUT then we have to have some way to know how long a season will be...

    Because we can't have people growing stuff that can never be harvested.

    Btw I'm amazed noone agrees that 80hours a year is too long =/ (counting only daytime)
