Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SierraKhaar

  1. a lot of the times the texture packs wont have a TFC version for them because they texture packs are freshly made and still have a lot to catch up on with TFC and a lot to change. So this is a common problem with texture packs for mods.

    Hope i helped!

    So which will it be? :P


  2. The only problem is that the trees don't lose their branches when they lose their leaves. It'd make winter turn all the trees into stumps. It'd probably be better to just have the leaves all turn grey or brown.


    And I love the sun hours per day thing ^^


  3. Oh yeah! Good old times. But wouldnt you think it would be quiet weird to see a zombie army all in different colour armors? It also would be realy hard to kill them to.

    1. In vMC yeah, in TFC most metals are greyish.

    2. Well maybe they start wearing it when you get to bronze age.

    Plus when you add armor to enemies you usually buff the weapons.


  4. Raiders!!

    Group of three (two bow one with sword), they will sit around a campfire or wandering off somewhere (when it's nightfall they will set up a campfire).

    Avoid them in the first age!

    (drops quite good stuff sometimes)

    I can draw some up if people like it.

    How about different skins and a system that chooses skin randomly?

    Edit: 10 skins per biome :D

    So they melt in good with the enviorment, exept in winter they only wear pelts and white clothes.

    That way we can let zombies and skeletons stay in the caves but on the surface raiders rule.


  5. Haha yeah bioxx, before you do anything with the gems, make them "blockable" (just like logs) with a nice texture of lots n lots of colors!

    So we can have a room filled with it! ^^


  6. Teranz: I'm sure many young children play this game i am not one of them and if these children are looking for an easy game they have came to the wrong place if you want something easy go play mario.

    You call Mario easy? O.o

    Yes minecraft might be easy for kids, but I highly doubt TFC is suited for kids.


  7. Is this idea from Terraria?

    Mining helmets has been around for quite a while.

    I suggest you get the mod DynamicLights, the torches light up the area around when being held.

    I don't think they want dynamiclight since it will use alot GPU CPU etc.


  8. The spelling on this post nearly made me kill myself...

    Yeah dude, because everyone on earth has English as native language, how dare he spell like that. *sigh*


  9. Yeah :)

    Bags would be awesome!

    Yeah.. Or have a food system for him, if give him stuff to eat he will stay.

    If he is not getting food from you he will run off.

    Maybe a cool feature that if you've had him for a loooong time he will stay no matter what! :)

    And different breeds too ofc :)

    Devs please make this happend and I'll donate!

    (or else! I'm gonna donate anyway ^^ )


  10. Since getting rails carts and powered rails are bit hard in TFC (haven't even seen lava yet).

    And having to walk around the whole map searching for the right stone type to get the right tier ore we need a transportation, the horse!

    It's a stud to conquer (horses withOUT saddles don't f*** around) and a hungry companion (likes grass and cakes)!

    Just trying to figure out how to station him (without using fences).

    And how a snare would work ingame.

    Anyway we really need more transports. :)


  11. Walking around with a bunch of corpses?

    Nah, you butcher animals on tables if you breed them.

    Since you can only breed chickens it would just feel wrong having 10-60 dead pigs in your pockets, dragging them off to your home


    Jokes aside, why doesn't the corpse just stay where it is, you right click with a knife and meat comes out!

    1-4 pieces per strike, based of chance.


  12. I used the latest at that time, now it's been fixed, Jesus he updates alot.

    And yeah using charcoal would make alot sense, maybe by killing squids you get more markings then with charcoal?


  13. WHAT? This is.... just wrong. Except for the pres where squid were not spawning they are VERY easy to find. I have a small pond next to my base where squid spawn regularly. Squid are in now way at all rare and they don not only spawn in oceans. This is not to say that I don't agree that other things should be used to make markings. I like the graphite idea and the charcoal idea, both make sense and would be nice to have in the game, but I would say that the reason to add them would be because it's realistic not because squid are rare, they are VERY common.

    Obviously not to everyone, that includes me, on my third world (with the new beta) and no squids.. At all!

    And I have alooot water
