Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SierraKhaar

  1. Addition to the idea!

    To make stairs, fences, slabs, doors and ladders you first need to create a Sawmill (out of a bunch of planks and maybe some stone?).

    All you need is a sawmill and a saw to put in the tool slot (like the anvil).


  2. I got this idea when posting in DarkDurza's suggestion.

    So by quickly putting (some metals) into water the metal hardens, good for weapons (bad for tools).

    But as Bioxx stated in his latest news post, TFC is not supposed to be realistic, but believable.

    My idea (Not all numbers are final):

    IMO this idea will give smithing in the game a "slow-mo" moment, where you hold your breath and

    hope for the best.

    When you've done your tool/weapon out of an ingot, its still hot (Hot+ - hot++++).

    Those four stars are all that matters in "Quality control", it takes 1-2 seconds for each star to tick down.

    Every star represents a (possible) quality outcome.

    Chances of what quality you can get

    (The numbers just examples, its always better to beta test these kind of things):

    Hot++++ - 60% Perfect, 25% Good 10% Normal 5% Bad

    Hot+++ - 20% Perfect, 60% Good 15% Normal 5% Bad

    Hot++ - 10% Perfect, 50% Good 20% Normal 20% Bad

    Hot+ - 5% Perfect, 40% Good 20% Normal 25% Bad

    Perfect - 100% Durability - +25% speed, +25% damage

    Good - 90% Durability - +15% speed, +10% damage

    Normal - 70% Durability - The default stats

    Bad - 60% Durability - -20% speed, -20% damage

    NOTE: With different durability for every quality, you only need to pick up the item to see if you got lucky (since the icon shows dur.).

    NOTE: Stone tools will not be able to get any quality control, so stone will always give a "normal".

    Also not getting full durability when using stone hammer / anvil makes sense, since you need good tools to make good tools.

    (Yes, I am aware that the durability on stone tools needs a buff in that case).

    Imagine the moment you've thrown it in the water and that second you wait before picking it up.

    "Did I throw it in fast enough?"

    "Please not a bad again!"

    And how happy you get when getting a perfect.

    This way some lower tiers might be better then standard higher tiers.

    Also you will starting loving your tools, and get sad on the final hit on that stupid rock.

    Maybe a system that you need a higher level hammer then the metal you are forming to be able to do quality control?

    I dunno, speculate and please like this idea, because I want it ingame so my water by the anvil don't feel useless! ;D


  3. By quickly putting (some metals) into water the metal hardens, so that would be the last step.

    Or when welding, so the metal hardens together, then heat again, slam it more together and into the water again.

    They used a big container for the water.

    That's the rough idea about it.

    Would be awesome if that WAS the last step in TFC.

    You smite it and when throwing it into water it gets a random quality.

    What a moment when you throw it in, and hoping you get a "perfect" quality.

    would be awesome =)

    Maybe this idea should go to suggestions ^^


  4. I heat it til its hot++, but I cant work with it!

    When I cheat an unshaped, it works, I can try to make an ingot out of it.

    But for some reason when I make an unshaped from cass. it just doesn't work.

    Something I have noticed is a durability bar on the unshaped I produce (the cheated ones does not have one =/ ), I thought first "maybe they need to cool off" but the bar hasnt moving.

    So how do you do it?

    I've watched on youtube but noone there seem to have this problem, suggestions?


  5. When updating TFC, do I need to reinstall everything again into the jar or is it enough to just take the new core, and insert and replace everything?

    Thanks in advance!


  6. I was thrilled to see so many wood types and stone types.

    One big thing is missing tho IMO for the creative minecrafter.

    And that's stairs/slabs etc. version of every new stone/wood too.

    Maybe not something this mod really needs now, but I think it would be quite simple to quick slip in the next release =).

    It would be awesome for us creative survivalists AND when people post what they have done in TFC, people will ask or see which mod has all those diffrent wood/stone types.

    Maybe have competitions on the site using TFC blocks?

    Anyway, thanks for an awesome mod.

    And if you guys need an amateur pixel artist to work for free, give me a PM ;).

    *Running off to survive*
