Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Madman2429

  1. [TFC 0.78.9] ExtraFirma Addon v1.0.4

    'ello; just thought I'd pop in to comment on the smartmoving issue with the ropes + rope anchors. they do indeed work together but in order to climb the rope you have to hold the grab button. Smartmoving appears to interpret the rope as a free-hanging vine? It's a little akward to use but as far as I can tell it's 100% compatible. Also I am not using the ladder registry mod. P.S. Also I am getting that weird rope render bug too. ropes still work though!
  2. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    What would be 'fun' (note: dwarf fortress fun) would be if on death the amount of spawn protect you had stored up inverted and became some sort of 'ruins' zone where mob spawns enhanced; sort of like an instant-dungeon. In order to reclaim the area you'd need to fight and spend X amount of time per protection month that had been there, depending on how intense mob spawning would be made and if they can spawn ontop of you. As for SMP if a player dies just take the months of protection he/she earnt and subtract it from the total protection. This would also make it so that there was community drive to protect people like smiths or builders as they would naturally spend the most time in a town; and loosing too many of those costs you the town until you can reclaim it.
  3. Oil! [not petroleum]

    Actually petroleum was used as far back as the times of rome; known more commonly as bitumen or pitch. It held a widespread use in construction, shipbuilding, as well as defensive applications and long-term lighting (torches made with pitch and cloth instead of just burning sticks lasted much much longer and could easily be refreshed by applying more pitch). I think that there is a lot of possibilities as well as solutions and opprotunities for other fields (construction update, kingdoms update specifically) could benefit from this sort of a material appearing in our worlds. So I would advocate both the organic oils, such as fats and olive oil; as well as a proper application of a bitumen/pitch.
  4. How SSP players should play?

    if the year length was configurable in relation to minecraft days I think it would be a benefit for both SSP and SMP; and changing things like farms so that it's decay is based on date rather than x time after ripening it would allow SMP communities to make the year longer so that there was plenty of time to catch your crops. Everyone wins, everywhere.
  5. How SSP players should play?

    I think the biggest hurdle to large scale SMP (I consider large scale being you are actively in a town with a great many sugh as 10+ not multiple bands of 2-4) is the fact that smp has pretty much zero consequence, and that there is almost no way to figure out who has been stealing from the town vault unless you catch them red handed. At least that is why I avoid larger villages even when I go into a populated server. I think implimenting security measures to give the same sense of 'my stuff will at least somewhat be here when I get back' that you have in ssp to smp then that would be stellar and likely raise the larger-scale SMP percentage. Final thought, the idea of a config file with scaling vars for ssp would be a good idea for SMP. One thing bethesda modding community has taught me it is that more end user control the better: always.
  6. How SSP players should play?

    I'll be completely honest, BloodravenD, you seem to be getting a little too hostile about this. On a more relevant to thread note: I personally run a server and I would love to see some sort of configs that let me control various time-scales and such (perm winter ice age anyone?). I'm siding with elustran, even as someone who only plays TFC in mutli-player more control and configs is always better
  7. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    When fishing is upgraded (imagine that this would happen eventually) perhaps it could be used as a bait of sorts?
  8. Block Heads [0.79]

    Many much kudos, makes it easy on the eyes and all-around awesome... now to begin work on my ultimate doom fortress. P.S. Noticed in my mine that all ores don't seem to recognize the stone they are set in as far as texture goes, looks like the basalt walls have streaks of cookies n' cream ice cream in them (which is making me hungry... )
  9. Server won't update...

    Is a clean 1.2.5 server jar the only way to update from 47f to onwards, or am I going to have to spend an evening picking the old server clean of the mods?
  10. Really? didn't notice that.
  11. IGN: Madman2429 Age: 22 What do you want to do on the server: To have fun. (and try to see if I can build a skull fortress with eyes that weep lava because it's depressed at kamikaze shrubs.)
  12. Slow Down! The Game Should Take Longer.

    I think that the mod forcing people together for solely combat's sake is a sort of an 'easy way out', so I don't support that sort of a thing unless it's for something such as major area i.e. a ruin or something along such lines that is self-contained and not everywhere. As for bringing people together I've found so far that such tends to happen already due to how in depth some elements can be, like smithing or building houses with support beams in a manner that is aestetically pleasing (which can be quite difficult let me tell you ). I think that when agriculture comes in we'll see people in SMP start naturally assuming to a certain degree specialist roles that they are perticularly good in, without the mod forcing them to stay contained to that single area.
  13. Prospectors' pick madness

    took me almost a full propick to realise that it also covers the area behind you too, which gave me much confusion in my mines until I realised that, getting the feeling that it treats you as the epicenter of it's scan zone isntead of being a large block in the direction you face.