Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Everything posted by Juncoph

  1. Heat and Light

    So basically you just want a sort of light switch? It'd be dipping into the dwarven engineering style, but you could always just have lanterns and pipes that fill said lanterns with oil. Pumps wouldn't be necessary - simply put the lamp oil somewhere above the lanterns, and let gravity do what it does best.
  2. Mobile back mounted log carrying aparatus.

    I like it. I like it a lot.
  3. Heat and Light

    Unfortunately, there are two major problems with this: A: Melting a metal doesn't make it glow. What makes molten metal glow is when it happens to be hot enough to genuinely radiate light-- this is simply thermal radiation. Example - Mercury is molten at room temperature, but doesn't glow. Gallium melts at around a healthy human's body temperature, and you can make a lump out of a gallium spoon with your bare hands quite easily because of this. B: TerraFirmaCraft aims to be believable. We did not have lightbulbs in the bronze age.
  4. Do not openuntil July 7th, OR before the reset occurs.Thank you. Age: 22 Minecraft Username: Juncoph Why would you like to join?: It's been a while since I played TFC-I think I heard something a patch making bloomeries mandatory for iron smelting now; I began my hiatus from TFC before the aforementioned patch-and I'm willing to get back into it. What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Got Minecraft back in Beta 1.3, which sadly means I'm no Alpha veteran, but I've seen my fair share of shenanigans, let me tell you. Tried TerraFirmaCraft in around Beta 1.6, I think, but because it's CPU heavy and because I was playing on a craptop at the time... Well, ketchup and icecream don't mix. That's a pretty accurate description of why I took my hiatus after trying to work with 12 FPS. When I got a proper gaming computer, Minecraft was probably in late Beta 1.8; 1.0/beta 1.9 candidates/snapshots were being released. That's when I got back into Minecraft. I uh... Well, I forgot TerraFirmaCraft existed and started playing Tekkit... But Tekkit has the exact same problem stock Minecraft does! After you get your initial resources, albeit for getting a hint of beef or wheat, there's no more challenge. So then I took a hiatus from Minecraft itself... and now we're here. Any additional information that would help your case: -Reliable- with a borrowed pickaxe, for example, either I'll bring them back the pickaxe or a new one that I made with the ore I mined using the old one. I won't ask for something if I'm not giving it back. -Constantly on- I 'don't have much of a life', as the kids would put it these days, or at least I do but it's just been... slow, as of late. Time zone, location, name: EST/Eastern Timezone, US Virginia, US John
  5. Username: Juncoph Age: 15 Location: Virginia, United States Plans of industry on the server: I intend to get... a bit of a business going. I'll get enough ore, make myself 2-3 saws, and then build houses for people. 1 ingot will pay for a 5x5 1-floor wooden home, for example. And yes, they will be detailed thanks to the fact that planks are place-able. I like to play TerraFirmaCraft because it's like Stranded 2, combined with Minecraft - without Stranded 2's HORRIBLE multiplayer system... I still have nightmares. I want to join this server because from what I can tell it is very good. Finding a good Minecraft server... Especially a good TFC server is something to rejoice about. I plan to add an easy access to homes - perhaps I could even build a town?