Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kittychanley

  1. Wiki Mistakes

    So with my new power of helping edit the wiki, I thought I should start a topic for people to post any mistakes they may come across that still need fixing. Please use the below template to post. Template: [b]Page:[/b][b]Mistake:[/b][b]Correction:[/b][b]Is the mistake due to an update in the mod?[/b][b]If yes, Which build/hotfix was the change made?[/b]
  2. Can't log in

    It should be essentially the same for a Mac. Google how to edit a mac host file, and then once you have the host file open, add Then once the launcher is fixed, remove that line from the hosts file.
  3. 1 frame every 20 seconds

    The sequoia crash is known and has been fixed for Build 77. For the lag problem, you have to go through a couple of links in order to get the latest 64bit java. When just using the updater it comes with it just downloads 32bit. What exact version of java do you currently have installed? When going through your control panel to uninstall programs, it does only list one java there?
  4. Can't log in

    A temporary fix to this problem can be found here:
  5. Old Wiki (build 76, MC 1.5.1)

    ~Double Post~
  6. Old Wiki (build 76, MC 1.5.1)

    Please post any problems about the wiki here: http://terrafirmacra...-wiki-mistakes/ To answer your other question, the crafting recipe for arrows can be found here: It's just a rock, a stick and a feather and is a shapeless recipe meaning you don't need a crafting table to make it. Might I suggest using the search function on the upper right of the wiki to look for recipes. Arrows are also listed along the bottom of the site as the 3rd item under Manufactured. As for the old recipes for brass ingot, bronze ingot, etc. I don't see what you are talking about.
  7. Failed to log in / install / load news

    It's not. 99% of the packs using Technic launcher have never asked for any permission.
  8. Arctic Expedition

    Bioxx said this in IRC, this will be true for build 77
  9. Audio Failure After Soundtrack Play

    Paulscode is from Vanilla Minecraft. This is a known vanilla Minecraft issue.
  10. Arctic Expedition

    The reason that it's only about 60Km from North to South polar arctics is because Bioxx wanted it to be possible for players to travel and explore the whole world. Considering it takes about 2 Minecraft days to travel 4Km by just outright running, a month to go from one end to the other without traveling east/west seems more than long enough.
  11. Wiki Mistakes

    ~Double Post~
  12. Wiki Mistakes

    On the home page under Gameplay(New Mechanics) there is a lovely link to this page: That tells you everything about the new leather working system, including how to turn it into armor near the bottom. I will make sure to add leather armor to the armor page as well though.
  13. HELP! Login failed

    The problem you had was that the Minecraft login servers were down at the time. If you ever run into this problem again, check here: for the status of the servers.
  14. How to start the game

    You don't unzip it. You right click the .jar file you downloaded and do Open With -> Java instead of winrar
  15. Glass texture bug?

    Not that I think it would matter, but did you use the same color sand to make all the glass? If you're looking for the wall to just be one giant sheet of glass, I suggest using optifine or some other client-side mod/texture pack that adds connected textures.
  16. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    Essentially yes, that is the way to find metals that spawn lower down. You dig down to the bottom layer of rock, check the wiki to see if the ore you want spawns in that rock. If it does, you start mining shafts and using a prospectors pick and hope you hit an ore reading. If not, go back up to the surface until the surface rock changes and repeat.
  17. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    ~Double Post~
  18. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    If you want advice on a specific topic, I'd suggest you log into IRC and ask about it. We're more than happy to give you little hints in the right direction if you give us something specific that you are curious about. We aren't however, going to tell you how to do absolutely anything and everything and just hand it to you in the wiki.
  19. From a quick Google search of "lookup of function JAWT_GetAWT failed" it appears that the problem is caused by using java 7; and reverting back to java 6 should fix it. I know nothing about macs though so I'm not much help. From what I've read you need to launch it with the -nojvm command in your terminal. Something along the lines of $ java -jar TFCLauncher.jar -nojvmOnce again I'm not super familiar with macs, so I don't know how to help more than that.
  20. Knapping interface

    Holding Shift while using the knapping interface gets rid of all of your problems. Double clicking won't pick up all the items so you can go as fast as you like and the items are just deleted, instead of thrown on the ground or have to be put into your inventory to be deleted. Also, if you look at how many different plans there are to make for all the different tools You can see that 5x5 is necessary to be able to make them all.
  21. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Are you putting the unshaped ingot into the input slot with an empty ceramic mold in each of the output slots? This is what I'm reading when you say "emptying it's contents" If that's what you are doing it's not what I meant. Put the unshaped ingot into an empty but hot firepit. The whole item will move back down to the output slot. There is no transfer of the metal from the heating mold to the empty mold. There should be no empty molds involved in the process at all. The unshaped ingot simply gets hot enough, and drops down.
  22. Books

    Books are currently disabled, as they are buggy.
  23. The Wiki can be quite useless?

    Did you change any of the configs regarding day length? Have you tried deleting the configs all-together? I know changing the configs options for day/year length can mess up the day/night cycle after a world has already been generated.
  24. Sequoia crash

    This is a known bug, Bioxx is working on it.
  25. Moving water blocks

    No, you canNOT make infinite water with the wooden buckets, only with buckets made out of Red Steel. Unless the wooden bucket water is contained in a 1x1 hole like below, it will disappear.