Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by callisto8413

  1. I think it comes down to...what you enjoy. I play KSP - you know that space game. My problem is I LOVE engineering but can't seem to pilot the ships once in vacuum. I tried and tried and asked for help. And there were two camps. Some, who like me, understood how it works but just could not get it to work. And some who just told me I was a noob. Now, here is the funny part. I started using mods to pilot, dock, so on. And many of those calling me noobs said I was cheating. While those in my shoes pointed out that computers did a LOT of the work in space anyway. Either way, KSP just isn't very fun. Either I explode...which can in hindsight be funny, or the mods do all the work and I just kind of read a book. I mean, the space shuttle was always under control of the computers during the launching but I doubt the pilots were reading books during it...

    The TFC mod to me is fun because it does make Minecraft HARDER and more REALISTIC and I enjoy it. People have watched many of my videos and some say, "Hey, that looks like fun." and others say "Why would you do that? That's not proper Minecraft - you noob."

    Noobs are just players who need some time to become the next Paulsoaresjr and AntVenom of TFC! They were all noobs at one points or another.

    I use the TFC mod to make Minecraft a better game - a whole new game. I use mods in KSP to make it playable...and also boring at the same time. I would love to learn how to pilot and dock without mods - but so many of my tiny pilots die (yeah, they get reborn but it still makes you feel bad after ten times and every crew has died). In TFC I can even smith (badly) and understand how a lot of it works even when I don't decide to try it out. I have never made a saw, so don't have supports and don't mine like some, but I understand how it would work and could do it if I enjoyed mining.


  2. Just a reminder, I have been recording and posting on YouTube. Also linked it to the video/Lets Play forum. So anybody interested in what the server looks like and the pros & cons of the server or/and mod, please check it out.


  3. Much of the time I turn off music because it gets in the way of the natural feel of the game. But other times I wish there was something I could do, like play a drum or flute, while waiting for things to happen. Sometimes there is just nothing for me to do till the hides have been soaked or the corn has grown or sometimes I just enjoy the landscape and wish to sit there.

    So I was thinking flutes or drums or rattles would be something interesting to make and use. Just tossing it out.


  4. *SIGH* I had problems with lag and logged off. Came back, my fishing rod and other items were missing from the chests, two out of the three barrels were missing, which means the 12 hides I put in the first stage are also gone and the metal ax I had in my inventory is gone. How did that happen? The metal ax may be lag issues but the rest? *sigh* This is normal for a MC server or is that griefing?


  5. I am not sure if anybody has suggested this but sometimes I find myself in a position where I have to travel. There are not enough resources or the one item/mineral/material I need just is not available in the region, Now in normal Minecraft travelling for long distances can be dangerous. In TFC mod, it can be VERY dangerous. And if one wants to move one's home, almost impossible. I was wondering if there was any chance of a large boat in the future? Nothing too complex, just make a 3 block by 3 block flatbed boat? One where you could place a chest or two, maybe a bed, to allow you to travel rivers or oceans? Maybe put down sand and use it as a base for firepit? Not talking about a huge house boat of anything, just a very costly wooden flatbed boat, maybe held together with string/rope/leather? Would be useless in a mountainous region, of course, but for those in biomes with lots of connected water ways, it could prove to be useful in the long run.

    Of course, it would not be able to carry everything and people would still have to make decisions about what to take and what to leave behind, and cost a LOT of wood. I mean, large charcoal pit amount of wood. But see it as a choice that they would have to make.

    Maybe 9 normal boats put into a crafting table...(how many logs would that be?)
