Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by theJalden

  1. I've always felt the the crafting bench is a weird holdout from vanilla minecraft that still hung around in TFC1.  And as that game went on they took more and more away from making it useful.

    I'm wondering if it's possible, or practical, to just remove it entirely.  Maybe the crafting square in inventory could be expanded slot by slot as a leveling system.  Or each item would need a more involved way to craft it, as it is with tools, armor, food, alcohol, pottery, thread, torches, and so on.

    Any ways, is such an idea even desirable?  I'd really like to hear what everyone thinks.


  2. If I could make one change I would remove diary as a requirement.  In several cultures around the world people just didn't drink milk past childhood.  It could probably be reclassified as carb + protein + fat.


  3. Thanks for the reply.  I felt really bad after I gave my input.  It almost felt like I was telling the developers what to do.  I can imagine comments from the peanut gallery can get annoying. I'm sure everything I said was already a thought in someone's head.  Don't take anything I say with any more than is actually helpful.


  4. Important things to consider are what the crafting bench is used for in TFC.  Most things are made on a specialized block, like an anvil or a barrel.  What remains are Wood items.  So it might be interesting to just rework the crafting bench into an anvil-like mechanic.  IMO it's better if the player doesn't need to memorize 200 different recipes.  I also like the idea of consumables, like nails.


  5. I'm of the mind that simpler is better, and I'm not really a fan of several of the mob models.  Default mobs seem to try to use the least amount of boxes possible: One for the head, one for the nose, one for each ear, the raccoons head, for instance doesn't look like it belongs in the game with 3 boxes defining the head and two boxes for the nose.

    The weasel is better, but the nose still looks weird with a poly at a 45 degree angle, The rat looks really cute, and is closest to the aesthetic of the base game.

    The gorilla could probably do more with less.  A box for the head, a box for the muzzle, and I think it looks a little on the skinny side, arms could be much larger.

    The giraffe, though its more complex than the others, is all right.  A larger mob can use more polys and fit into the game because it keeps a similar polygon per unit volume density, though the hair on the tail might look better as two alpha textured surfaced than a 3d box.


  6. Eggs are part of the protein group. Although I agree that they are sometimes lumped into the dairy category especially in the states. Eggs are always in the same section at the grocery store as all the dairy products since they have to be refrigerated, and both eggs and dairy products fall into the same category of "animal food product that isn't meat."


    It makes sense that eggs are protein, because they are so high in it.  I don't get why dairy is a requirement though.  Many cultures around the world don't drink milk past infancy.  It is hardly a dietary requirement.  Milk should be counted as a protein, and the same with cheese.


    If possible they could act as both a protein and a carbohydrate, maybe even a bit of fat.  Though the way food is structured now that wouldn't work, because there is no fat bar.


  7. Grass is too prevalent to be a food source... You wouldn't need to hunt or forage, just mow some more grass.


    I think that it may be a good idea later down the road to nerf getting seeds from tall grass.  It's already useful enough for getting straw.  If more gatherable foods are added, like the ones suggested in this thread the plan would be more viable.  I would definately like to see more plant based mechanics like gathering, brewing and herbalism in this mod. maybe for build 79, fingers crossed.


  8. it could be an early game way to cook stuff faster ( but it would be balanced because of the wood cost)


    The problem with that is you can't cook on a bonfire.  It's too hot to get close to, let alone cook on.  If you think there should be an option to cook more than one food item at once, I would go with a stove or an oven.


  9. This would be neat.  If I remember from dunk's stream then there are hot springs spawning near volcanoes at a higher elevation.  I fully support this suggestion though, there is nothing I like better than to go up to the mountain lakes in the adirondacks.






    -Physical Health-

    *The player’s health is no longer counted in normal hearts

    *The body has a number of ways to be hurt, and a number of cures




    >Caused by slashing damage

    >Cause bleeding

    >Fixed with bandages



    >Caused by lava and fire

    >Come in 1st, 2nd 3rd degree

    >Fire starts at 1st, then progresses, lava is an instant 3rd

    >The more severe the burn, the better lotion needed to counter-act it


    *Broken Bones

    >Caused by blunt damage and falling

    >Breaks come in minor major and severe

    >Minor causes slowness I, Major is III, and Severe is IV















    *Aloe Lotion

    *Numbing Lotion








    -Mental Stability-


    *In addition to physical health, a player’s mental health can be affected

    *Major mental damage can lead to deadly results



    Okay, what I gather from this post seems to be a good direction for this mod. I'll gust go through what you wrote and add my two cents.

    • The player's health is currently measured in hearts, that is true, but I think there is something on the order of 1000 hearts, with damage scaled up accordingly. Health may or may not increase with levels, I forget. This makes health for more continuous without making the code overly complicated.  If you want to get overly complicated, a "wellness bar" could be added, and as soon as the wellness bar is depleted it would effect overall health.  Infection, for example could chip away at the wellness bar, and once that is gone attacks do more damage, infection starts draining health, you run the risk of getting more infected., etc.  But I think that would add a little too much complication to the game.  As it is, I find myself struggling a little to manage both food and hunger.
    • I like the idea of different types of damage, perhaps as buffs.  Lacerations should have a much greater chance of happening on unarmoured players, and they should probably stack, either in intensity or duration.  Bandages could work, they could be made with 3 wool cloth in a line in the crafting table and be applied like you are eating, only probably a little slower.  I think it would be interesting to have the speed that bandages are applied increased with skill.  I see cuts as something that drains constant health over time and runs the risk of infection.
    • I like the idea of burns, and I like the idea of severity, I'm just confused about how it would be implemented.  I'm thinking that burns could be assigned to a part of the body, and when that part of the body takes damage there is added damage.  Clothing, ie leather armor, should prevent burns.  And red steel armor should prevent burns all together, so it is possible to handle lava.  Burning could be something that healed over time, like a cut.
    • Broken bones, I see where you are coming from, but this would just get annoying I think.  You would be more likely to receive fall damage when running away from enemies, and slowness would make it even harder to manage.  But just to entertain the idea, splints would be a good way to handle it.  Broken legs should have a different effect (speed debuff?) than broken arms (tool debuff?).  A splint is a good idea, and assuming that evil mobs are going to be moved underground that makes the overworld a lot safer.  The only place where I could see this effect being annoying is when you are building large builds, and tend to fall off walls fairly often.
    • One thing I might add is a poison effect.  I would hope that poison is much slower than in vanilla.  It could be obtained by getting hit by a witch, or bitten by a cave spider, or even eating the wrong thing.  Poison would cause a constant drain of health, and when health is low, nausea, slowness, weakness, and eventually death.  The effects of poison could be fixed with an antidote, and maybe there could be a resistance to poison, that is the more times you are poisoned the less the effects are to you.
    • I don't see much good happening from mental stability.  When I play I think of myself as the steve character, like an avatar.  Different physical ailments may effect the avatar, but the mind is the same.  I don't like playing as a character that goes crazy, mostly because I know I'm not crazy.  My mental facilities shouldn't be weakened in game, because they aren't out of the game.

  11. Charcoal Powder is just what it sounds like, charcoal in a powdered form.  It would be obtained by grinding charcoal in a quern.  One charcoal could give two charcoal powder.


    What does charcoal powder do?

    Historically Charcoal powder was used as a water purifying agent.  If it is layered in some sort of container with sand, then dirty water could be placed in the top and come out the bottom purified.  There are currently no ill effects from drinking "bad" water, but I'm thinking in terms of the future.  Charcoal has also historically been used as a detoxing agent, that means it could be made into an antidote for poison.  A poison effect does currently exist in minecraft, but I don't think there is any way to get it in terrafirmacraft.  An antidote using charcoal could give a viable way to counter act the poison in battle, or directly after battle.  An antidote could be made like alcohol is now, only by placing activated charcoal in a barrel and sealing it.


    Charcoal powder could also be used as a dye and ink.  There isn't much point to that because squid are plentiful enough and there never seems to be a shortage of ink sacks, but redundancy exists in life, and maybe there should be the same uses for two different items.


  12. Okay, so I've decided to try my hand at doing a TerraFirmaCraft Let's Play.  Check it out if you are inclined.


    The videos are less tutorialesque and more just me surviving, mining, exploring, and building things.


    The First Episode:


    Second Episode:


    Third Episode:


    Fourth Episode (Where things start getting good):


    The Rest of the Playlist:


  13. Well there is something very special and awesome that i'm looking forward to that will be introduced in the near future, if not the next update

    but i'm not allowed to talk about it, ;P


    You tease!


  14. From what I've seen of Dunk's livestream and commit logs, this is going to be a huge update.  I'm personally looking forward to new world generation and new animals.  The pheasants seem like a nice addition.  Though I also wish song birds were added just for the feathers.  The new volcanoes and hot springs look really neat.  I could imagine setting up a vacation retreat on a server.  I have to say the body temperature aspect of the game may also be interesting.  Are the days gone where we can safely stand on top of a fully fired forge?


    So, based on the given released information.  What feature(s) are you most interested in?


  15. With all the care and planning put in to making stone/metal tools, it seems strange that they haven't changed the crafting of these items. They are still vanilla.  They are pretty much the only recipes surviving from vanilla minecraft.  I can't imagine they haven't thought about it though.  But I agree. Those recipes, especially the bow, take me out of the immersion of the game.


  16. Already added in 78


    Could you please elaborate?  Were you just referring to inventory retention?  Or do the barrels not require as much gun powder to blow up?  It would be neat if they blew up proportionally to the amount of powder in the barrel. 
