Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lightningtiger88

  1. Integrated Crafting Guides

    Definitely, even if the hints or whatever are too much work, SOMETHING needs to be implemented. The Achievements don't really do much more than tell you 'go that way' and completely forget about the fact that you don't even know what a bloomery is.
  2. Animal carcasses

    I think it's been said that no traditionally 'unpalatable' sort of stuff will be in, so no shit, guts, or dead bodies. But they might change their minds, who knows. EDIT: I like the roast idea though, and I do agree that cooking should be done with clay pots if its anything other than something large that's getting roasted on a spit. Some kind of item or a multiblock(eg bloomery) should be introduced to act as a spit.
  3. Water Damage

    A problem with this is that often people overestimate the power of rust and rot. It takes quite a while of *prolonged* exposure to a damp, anaerobic environment for wood to rot, maybe two or three weeks. That may seem short, but take into account that in hours, that is a long time, as tools are usually kept in the open, moved around and used, often left indoors or wiped down before use, etc. Rust similarly takes a long time before anything significant could happen. A tool breaking from overuse would occur long before rust or rot if it was used even on a semi-regular basis. The effect is negligible, and adding it would just make for an annoyance in my opinion.
  4. Counting Thread

  5. 7 word story

    a gigantic, vestigial and very uncomfortable tailbone
  6. Metric vs imperial

    Why use oz then? Just make it 64/64 or something, no unit is needed. I think that would make more sense to all players anyway. The use of the oz unit just sort of makes some confusion. Thinking about it, grams aren't any use either. If no cross conversion is needed then just counting it as a fraction of 64 works, and fits with hexadecimal too.
  7. Life In The Woods?

    What I mean is that though there's a lot of blocks I can use, the typical easy-access things are really hard to get in any kind of quantity. So My builds are constantly limited by materials, and even as I get red steel and blue steel it's hard to gather blocks. Basically kills endgame, because I've always seen the point of end-tier tools as the facilitation of quicker gathering of building materials and such.
  8. building/constructons in 78

    I want to build a temple with super detailed carvings and stuff in the walls with chisels.
  9. light sorces

    I think it would be cool to have a handheld source, perhaps a lantern? I do think handheld sources should have a 'lifetime' or need fuel, for balance reasons, and so that its not just a torch.
  10. Metric vs imperial

    Yeah, I thought about using stone, but i thought stone might get confused with the real world measurement used for human body weight
  11. What do you like about terrafirmacraft

    I love the sense of progression and a real challenge to get things moving, and the fact that a lot of things have to come together to achieve success. I love the microblocks and the building options. I do not like how hard it is to GET those building options even late game, but that's the price I pay for the first two reasons I love it.
  12. Integrated Crafting Guides

    I can tell you guys right now that I firstly have no idea to code and hardly have time away from school to play TFC as it is. If this is happening, only ideas will be coming from me. I think an addon would probably have to focuss more towards flavour and interesting bits of story than actual instruction because people who go find addons have usually experienced all/most of the game already. Unfortunately my grades are not exemplar and it's a critical year for me...
  13. Very small food suggestion

    I guess it's harder to digest, but since Dunk and Bioxx wanna keep disgusting things out, I don't think poop will be much of a worry.
  14. Life In The Woods?

    Honestly if TFC got a few aesthetic blocks in there and got LPers to focuss on builds instead of just going up tiers late game, then we have just as much potential as big modpacks. Most people stay lategame in Minecraft for the build, and that's what's missing for me in TFC at the moment. I love survival but i just end up restarting worlds over and over again because they get boring. Not saying the building in TFC isnt good, it's just not very player friendly with all the gravity mechanics and things like that. There probably need to be more accessible building blocks early to mid game to let people know that building IS possible and doesn't have to take ages to grind a small selection of usable blocks. I know that good roofing blocks should be kept out of early game, and actually support that, but the problem is mid-game for me at the moment.
  15. Metric vs imperial

    So an arbitrary unit... why not the 'stack'? It's become a really common term of measurement in Minecraft everywhere. So a stack could be the base unit of weight, reliant on the amount of space it takes up in an inventory. A fully combined piece of meat is 'one stack' as no more meat can be combined to add to that inventory slot. For smaller measurements, 16 pearls make a stack, 4 nuggets make a pearl(64 gems thus make a stack). This also lends itself to volume conversion. 1 bucket of water has a weight of 1 stack. A full jug would also hold a 'stack' of water because it takes up a full slot(assuming the jug itself is weightless, this goes for the bucket also). By assigning the weight unit as a 'inventory space' unit rather than a force unit or mass unit we handily avoid the metric-imperial problem you guys have been discussing. I chose the nugget and pearl as smaller units because they're items anybody from minecraft, even new to TFC, would know as long as they know regular minecraft, and because they sound like things which you could reasonably name a weight after. Any better suggestions would be gladly appreciated, as well as any expanding on this idea.
  16. Exposure!

    Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie!
  17. Metric vs imperial

    I'm pretty sure the US has actually officially ratified that the metric system is their system of measurement because of some international treaty or something, it's just that they avoid implementing it because its expensive and would cause some public dissonance
  18. Metric vs imperial

    How can ounces be a force unit? Aren't they on food labels and stuff as an indicator of weight in the us? Forgive my ignorance, but I live in Australia and have no idea how the imperial system actually works beyond a couple basic conversions.
  19. Whispers #1

    thirty million rhinos angrily launched purple aliens into many delicious green mouldy hamburger
  20. B78 Pre-Release Live-Steam 04/08/14!!!

    not sure i like the food decay, seems like a bit too much micromanagement
  21. light sorces

    Lighthouses would have only begun to use lanterns once mirrors were good enough to magnify the light properly. It's likely that lighthouses would have just been bonfires, yes.
  22. TerraFirma+ : Medicine & Health

    Yes, I also eat rice for my main food, I'd guess 75% of my food intake is rice, but I don't touch the stuff in TFC XD Oh the woes of Euro-centric games, lol.
  23. Metric vs imperial

    I like the metric system as well, but I think imperial units add more flavour for a survival game. They're more old fashioned. It's not exactly science here, so we don't needthe metric system.
  24. Integrated Crafting Guides

    Yes, i know it's pretty much impossible to tell them how to figure out a bloomery. But, there's fixes for that too. It makes sense, I think, that as the previous survivors became more advanced their notes became more detailed and scientific and that the things they were stored in; moved up from their corpses to boxes and safes. That way, you could limit really advanced stuff (recipe for blue steel) by putting it in a chest/box which can only be broken with a tool near that level. I was just laying out a plan for stone age stuff, which is easier to put as notes. But for more detailed things... "Aes: Adde deunx cupra, inde uncia stanna." There! An actual recipe! But what language is it in... Latin! Of course, most people don't know Latin and going to Google translate is just as bad as a wiki. So let's change it up. " In the making of bronze add the materials in such a manner so that eleventwelfths might be cuprum, with one twelfth as stannum, melted by the application of heat and from thencetogether mixed. Most care must be taken in this process to ensure the amounts are true, lest a useless product be the result of much effort. " Some English for once! But what's cuprum? Adding in some archaic words might help to make it a bit trickier. But they know what bronze is, copper an tin; so they can work it out. I tried to write this with an archaic scientist syntax and vocabulary to give it some flavour and make it less boring. So here are some more examples: " What about knapping and things like that? Well, if one just provided a picture with no name to it, in greyscale or crudely drawn, then one knows the shape... and must figure out the easy bit, what material to use, on their own. What the heck is that? Hmmm, looks like an axehead. Obviously i'm not good at drawing, or at making things look crude and caveman, but it's a proof of concept. And once one figures out that smashing two rocks together brings up a blocky interface with bits you can cut out, it's not a hard transition. So, not all 'guides' have to be notes. Ones that you find in skulls/in skeletons will be either notes or pictures like the one above, while ones that you find later, for things that are both more advanced and more complicated and require exact numbers or diagrams, could be in locked boxes or safes which you would have to have at least a certain level of metal to break. Thus progression is still limited. And if one finds a box they can't break, usually they come back to it once they get a better pick. I know I would. So they go back by themselves. Eventually, for things like a bloomery, you would just find a book with detailed instructions that told you how to build it. I figure at that point it's just a way to keep people in the game and stop them tabbing out. We could just do a Tinker's Construct style book with everything in it, since most people will look up the wiki anyway and just learn everything in about one read.
  25. Very small food suggestion

    Sounds about right.