Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by tyriael-soban

  1. [GUIDE] Fixing lag and improving framerate

    32 bit java on Windows is capable of supporting up to 1600 Mb Virtual memory at the most, Minecraft is only using the memory its programmed to use, which is 500-1024ish, depending on how much you have on your system board, unless you cross out of the initial memory allotment your computer will only show minecraft as using 500ish. You can write a msdos batch file to up your memory limits even if youre on a 32 bit system, XP OS should only consume about 512-1024 Mb of ram, which leaves you with 2-2.5 Gb spare, but again, only up to 1.5 Gb for a jre's virtual memory on 32 bit windows.
  2. Optifine with TFC Launcher?

    Youre probably right there, but that dosnt mean to say that you cant create a "custom" modpack for your own personal use, thats how i integrate optifine into Feed The Beast.
  3. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    You could also watch Spumwack's Series, even though he dropped it before he really got anywhere imo.
  4. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    Either way he would still need to add a new item to the game, the "primitive" shafts would of been footed, but that could also of been done with a knife, i used to make bows and arrows when i was a pre-teen, footed the dowel rods i used as arrow-shafts with a kitchen knife lol. A primitive shaft would only be able to progress up to bone/stone heads, so as to prevent exploitation from people with higher grade metals who are trying to be cheap - and also once you gain a little coding experience, you could prevent them from being fired from a bow better than the primitive one? or just give them really cruddy accuracy beyond 10-15 meters.
  5. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    thats a mouthful amoebaman ... but i do agree, i was going to suggest also: A metal plane really screws over people who have trouble finding the right rocks for a stone anvil, furthermore archaeologists have discovered arrowheads from as long ago as 61,000 years - this, is WAY before metalworking would of been even dreamed about by humans. With this in mind: Maybe, Aeroc, you should consider a shaft recipe that can be crafted with a stone knife? the first hunters wouldnt of used a metal plane to make arrow shafts, they would of been whittled sticks of wood cut with a knife, they would of been exceedingly rough cut, but it would of sufficed for what was needed, they may of forgone fletching the arrow as well ... in later cases the fletching was primitive and held on with birch-tar. Source:
  6. Nerfed Bows?

    holy balls, i just ran into a skeleton on hotfix 18 ... hes firing like a freakin machine gun! i cant get close to him
  7. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    Fudge, yeah, im using hf 16 through multimc: Cidvond created it to work around the 403 errors that we had a few weeks ago on the standard launcher, does the current version of Reis & optifine have to be unzipped directly into the minecraft.jar these days? or can i just dump it in a mods folder ... cause ive never been able to make it install correctly though the zipping method.
  8. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    Umm, yeah, it broke my world ... however i think its because im using multi-mc to start the game since the wall of 403 errors hit a while ago. I get a GL error whenever i try to screenshot, they arnt saving in the minecraft folder. So i had to do it the old fashioned way, but this is what happens when i open a chest .. none of my items have any textures, i have a hunch that this mod isnt designed for multi-mc
  9. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    Question: If i apply this to an already existing world ... will it break the world? or can i get away with just plonking this into an active world and logging in?
  10. Nerfed Bows?

    i wasnt seeing that yesterday when i was pelting them with arrows, creeper took me 10 shots to kill which i did think was a little unusual considering how they usually only take me 3. unless youre talking about stacking as in the sense of using two damaged ones to repair?
  11. Sandbags

    Ballast if we ever get decent boats? Wall sections?
  12. Sandbags

    Sandbags could be used to divert the flow of water maybe? primitive method of irrigation etc. or if youre digging underground and you hit water, dont have anything to fill the hole you just made ... block the spread of the water with your handy-dandy sandbags! never go mining without them! xD
  13. More In-Depth Smithing

    i dunno, i like that idea actually. Leather was already used irl in the hilts of swords, gripping a piece of wood would give you splinters. i can see the idea of an augmentation system (like the one in diablo / fable) being a little op if its not implemented correctly, most worlds would need a dry start to make kind of system work.
  14. Can't login in to Tfc

    hmm, well i just logged out and back in to fix a sound glitch and i didnt have any problems.
  15. Native Copper

    Youre wasting time and effort trying to smelt it with a firepit, it can be done at sea level as was shown in spumwack's letsplay of the TFC pack, but you need dark wood and bellows. (i believe he used hickory) its very time consuming and like gatts205 said, youre much better of making a chisel and a bloomery.
  16. Can't login in to Tfc If youre also getting a 403 error to boot, you might want to try this fix.
  17. Another ship suggestion

    Yeah, i do agree there Roark92 ... In Sid Mier's Civilisation II, if you sailed a Trireme out beyond 2 squares from land and its turn ended out of that area, it was lost to you ... the only way to stop this was to either build the lighthouse wonder, or research navigation. But i digress, i do agree with the better boats idea ... maybe have rafts made from logs and string, simply a row of 3 logs, 3 string and 3 more logs? (3x3 grid crafting table) Boats might be a little more complex to implement but by no means impossible, there is a mod that allows them to be built, however its probably incompatible with tfc and largely freeform - meaning theres a good chance people will just create moving houses on the water. Dugout canoes could be achieved by placing 3 logs in a crafting bench in a line with a stone axe?
  18. Chisel exploit

    this is also present in vanilla minecraft, it may be a bug that mojang have to correct, sometimes my enchanted pickaxes break and reappear... not sure what causes it though.
  19. Better Log breaking?

    yeah, this is a very good idea - it would make breaking down a log hut so much easier, due to the fact that in early game a log house is the easiest way to get started unless youve got alot of friends to help you dig up metals and help you build an elaborate house ... i settled for a 7x7 log cabin when i first set up my world. lol.
  20. Iron....

    i believe youre intended to use sluices to prospect iron, like a few people do in the letsplays, it allows you to get an infinite amount of it out of the rare deposits. That being said, ive got 3 sluices sitting ontop of a massive copper node in my private world and they wont get anything more than cassiterite. i do believe there is also a bug with small chunks of ore needing a chunk of charcoal each right now to turn into liquid metal... i cant personally say much else because im still mucking around with bronze tools on this world, personally though i think this mod from what ive seen is intended for multiplayer more than single player, there was also talk of adding "skills" to things such as prospecting which is supposedly allowed you to make your pick more accurate, and allow you to come home with more ore etc. Im interested in seeing how they would implement this personally. All i can say is soldier on for now and see what the next revisions bring, they might agree with you and change things up a bit ... i can personally agree that finding ore is a major bitch sometimes, but you have to roll with it, if its bad bad, restart your world in creative and see what you find that way.
  21. [Problem] TFCLauncher keeps getting 403 error

    "http 403 forbidden" error means that the server is up, but its refusing to let you access its resources. this isnt on mojangs end because, im logging into vanilla without issue. TFC launcher has been returning a 403 error for me when attempting to retrieve the news for a few days, but it hasnt been stopping my logins till today.
  22. Regenerating rocks (like tall grass and tree sapplings)

    id say thats the servers responsibility to start you with a newbie pack then transcengopher, couple of bits of steak, some rocks and a few torches etc.
  23. [Problem] TFCLauncher keeps getting 403 error

    Same issue, but the 500 errors on the forum / wiki have been ongoing for a week now.
  24. Regenerating rocks (like tall grass and tree sapplings)

    they arnt respawning on my own private world, i played nearly 20 hours straight over the weekend ... so if they are its very damn slow ... lol
  25. Greenhouse...

    i thought they were working on that one with the "temperature" gauge, TFC seems to track that in the F3 screen and i remember it being mentioned in a post / blog / something, that the way you construct your buildings has an effect on how much heat is retained in a given structure - also it was supposed to influence the speed your water drops.