Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Roark92

  1. magic doesnt really fit with TFC's mission statement, does it?

    not to say it wouldnt be fun or anything, but i personally think that magic is a sort of gameplay cop out.

    as in it doesnt actually change anything other than to give you a "woah that was cool!" for the first five times you use it, then you realize its just an add-on to make the game look fuller. just me though


  2. Have disagree with you there, Bihlbo... I think the reason would be akin to "why add so many metals."

    Weapons in the game currently SUCK and are boring as hell, expanding them is totally justified. Also there are not 12 weapons, as the 12 weapons you mention are all the same weapon with the exact same functionality.

    Edit: i realize you agree that maces should be changed, so 6 weapons, not 12.

    What has been suggested here is an assortment of weapons that each have different traits and uses because circumstances change. (kinda like how we ended up with all these different weapons in real life.)

    people shouldnt fear change so much, change can be for better or worse, but stagnation topples empires.

    I WILL say however that the katana is a stretch.

    I personally hate this trend of video games feeling compelled to add in katanas. they are just swords! dont people get that? they are a sword design that was common in a particular culture. why is everyone so hung up on katanas!? yes they are sleek and elegant and very effective, but that has to do more with their forging and steel and training in use. so this whole katana thing needs to stop... please! i mean we dont add in flamberges or claymores, why dont we tip the hat to THOSE cultures as well? you think a claymore isnt worthy of respect? i am totally appreciative of the awesomeness of katanas... but it is a sword.

    totally NOT attacking you personally for the comment, Devlin... I am speaking to the masses on that one.

    OH and PS. i think swords should do no damage to players in heavy armour, and have maces do damage instead. Slashing someone in plate doesnt do anything except dull your sword, and poking them will bounce you off into the dirt.


  3. quantum computers are really ineffective. like extremely ineffective. i do not know about the one google is invested into but the canadian one (D-Wave) isnt a "quantum computer" in a conventional sense and so is quite effective at what it does (which is boring analytical stuff).

    as for advancing beyond us, probably not, since at a level where its actually a concern (so very very far from now) we will in all likelihood already be merging with machines into a transhuman sort of state. so we'd advance together.

    besides, even if the AI DID take over, could they really do a worse job than we are doing already?


  4. i think thats really cool and id be really down for that, but there is NO way in hell that anyone is going to get on board with this. its complicating a REALLY basic system (the chat system)

    prepare yourself for the; "its about believability not realism!!!" and "its a game and needs to stay a game" posts


  5. lol the last part of bihlbo's comment seems messed up but its true actually.

    also if animals cant be made to flee from the player in a way that will mean that they successfully escaped, then hunting needs to go in a different direction i think. because food will never mean anything if i can just walk 5 minutes and find a pig and spam click it to death and grab a dozen pork chops.

    i would make animals much rarer and much more spread out. currently i can find all species of minecraft within 10 minutes. thats absurd and it completely devalues any of the animals or their products as tradeable goods.

    also a butchery mechanic to make meat collection SOMETHING. it currently is the exact same process as digging out a block of dirt and picking it up. maybe make it so a killed animal needs to be clicked with a knife in hand, and then some butchery UI to get the meat? it could be the same as the smithing just with different words so long as it limits the rapid pace one acquires food.

    i know food spoilage is a programming disaster/inventory clusterfuck, so i think instead the only option is to severely limit how much food is accessible to the player. OR make food stack to 1 and allow food storage to stack higher. ie. a hole in the ground holds 32 steaks but i need to take one at a time. this would only be ok though if meals had durability and became multi-use hunger solutions as opposed to the current 3 year supply of meat in one inventory slot.

    i like the idea of making prepared meals very important, and the mod is doing this well so far, just not in regards to hunger.

    who knows though, its very true that this game wasnt really meant for this stuff so i accept engine limitations and appreciate the effort of the mod devs regardless of the direction they take.


  6. i agree with OP that tiredness would be nice. its essentially a stamina meter yes, but i like how it directly reflects ones need to sleep, as opposed to ones need to sleep, eat, rest, regenerate, contemplate, etc, like stamina does since stamina pretty much describes your body's overall status.

    the sleeping thing is really iffy though because on one hand, you cant have it so that people need to lay in a bed or sit on a chair for 10 full minutes as it is too boring.

    Also you can't have it so that people need to lay in bed or sit on a chair for 5 seconds, as that is essentially just what hunger/thirst and eating/drinking is right now.

    i really like the idea, but i just cant see it being done without making it an immensely tedious and repetitive task. Hunger and thirst need to be worked on A LOT right now. as in completely redone. so adding new limitations when the existing ones are incomplete seems unwise.


  7. Really good post.

    I agree with all of it. The hunting NEEDS to change. Hunting with a stick would be insanely difficult! and a melee weapon well would just be out of the question. These animals evolved with emphasis on the ability to evade and escape predators, and honestly humans are awful predators when you take technology away from them. Hunting should actually be unfeasible for awhile, or just REALLY difficult with a javelin. then have the early game rely on foraging mostly.

    Perhaps for SMP group hunting could be done, as really this was pretty much the only way to catch big game and not rely on a lot of luck.

    Also it depends on what the devs are going to add as far as game animals goes, but if rabbits and small game are added then i think trapping would be a logical step. as simple as crafting a snare and setting it on the ground, and if an animal steps on the block then bam it gets stuck. THEN you can club it to death or come harvest its corpse (i guess it depends on what snare or how its implemented). I think trapping would be cool, and it plays a HUGE role in hunting in general.

    My vision for it would be that food is NOT easy to come by, and it shouldnt be. its a valuable resource, and its availability is what determines how far you can go. you should get a lot of meat off an animal, but be REALLY glad or proud that you managed to get it because its so difficult and perhaps you've been hunting for days with no luck. Something akin to the search for particular ores at the moment.

    Hunting should be a big deal, because it is.

    My biggest gripe about minecraft survival mode has always been how meaningless hunger is. food is SO accessible that it makes it more of a tedious gimmick than an actual mechanic. so far TFC hasnt remedied this but I hope its on the docket.

    Some kind of stamina system yes. just something to reflect upon the fact that youve chopped 25 trees down in a day, or that youve smithed 50 picks overnight. hunger kind of does this to an extent but all it really does is force you to stop for 4 seconds and eat a steak out of your massive botulism-immune pile that you carry around on you.


  8. i feel as though steam engines are probably the only automation that should be added to the game at any rate.

    and to clarify, this is a steam turbine fueled by coal to heat water. (many make wise quips about the technical truth that most power sources are steam power and that steam power doesnt preclude the use of fission and such, which i dismiss as pointlessly argumentative)

    anyways i imagine steam being applied to this game mainly in the form of travel. like steam boats and trains. legit trains though that are enterable and not just vanilla minecarts. and also boats, like trains, large scale enterable boats.

    if its not possible to make the big contraptions to utilize the steam power, then i think its kind of a pointless direction to go really. since it shouldn't be a simple matter of putting furnace + boat together and then you have a steamboat.

    same goes for factorization, i guess a good example is a sawmill. where the machine takes logs and spits out planks. (obviously more per log than by hand.) or bricks and whatnot. anyways thats just me


  9. yeah the current state of food is a silly one. from day one you will have enough food to get you to the bronze age. i dont know what can or should be done to address this, but something needs to be done i think or the hunger mechanic may as well be removed. (always thought as much in vanilla as well)


  10. i had that same thought as well gatts, i just was also unsure of how to make it place the bricks when you right click with them. since one brick wouldnt be enough to justify a full block, and making the devs design a new system for laying bricks is presumptious, and i assume would break chisel functionality (which is too cool to mess with).

    the trowel thing is overkill and i realized that, i was just saying its a possibility for really fleshing out the stoneworking even further.

    but yeah that was all a tangent on my part. i actually started that post simply to suggest that bricks be stacked on the ground like ingots! lol its how suggestion posts go i suppose.


  11. yeah pegs are a good t1 option, making nails t2. that works nicely! also chests are being ushered into a higher tier anyways when clay takes on a larger role in the next update (clay jars/pots) so this ties in nicely with the current development.

    and csiler2 the point is that a bucket is more than just some planks in a circle, a chest is more than a hollow stack of planks, a door is more than tall planks in a row... there are mechanical necessities (metal/wood/fibre) that are omitted that are just as important as the planks are to the functionality!


  12. I did search for this and I came up empty so flame me for my shitty idea and not for redundancy please! ;)

    Anyways, don't know if its intended for the future or not, but much like ingots can be placed on the ground in neat stacks and be non stackable in inventory, I believe that bricks should ALSO follow this same logic... HOWEVER perhaps have bricks stack up to 4 in inventory instead of 1.

    seems to make perfect sense to me as bricks are of a comparable size and weight (depending on material). Functionality would be the exact same as ingots, and for the model get rid of the bevelled edges on the model and adjust colour for stone type.

    as for buckets it seems to make sense that a bucket of water wouldn't be kept in a chest... but instead on the ground. i suppose they could just be groups of 4 (a bucket in each corner of the block its placed upon) but how its implemented is a design/balance choice.

    Apart from being believable and logical, I imagine it would necessitate a new structure (stonemason) to hold these materials and craft them. also people more inclined to manufacture and store them for easy availability. more in depth professions is always good i think.

    somewhat off topic but ill say it anyways... ill suggest that instead of:

    water bucket + flux + sand = 16 mortar (that you just carry around in your hand???)

    it would be more along the lines of:

    waterbucket + flux + sand = bucket of mortar with durabilty (breaks when empty, cleaning mortar out of a wooden bucket is a futile endeavour)

    and then crafting stone brick would be 4 stone in the grid and the mortar beside it, and each craft hits the durability (contents). 4 bricks and not 5 because it will be more tedious to do so the extra brick saved will help offset that.

    if one wanted to go crazy into it you could make a trowel tool, and require that along with the mortar to make bricks.

    I'm really into the idea of skilled professions in game because it is all that can actually drive an in game economy. i think some people should be better at doing certain things than others. and also that at least a tiny bit of tedium makes a big difference and is necessary in creating trade. there are only 2 reasons why you would ever pay someone to do something or to give something to you...

    1. the other person is better at doing or making it than you... or

    2. it takes time and attention to do or make and you have other stuff to be doing/making instead.

    im sure there are many issues with it, (just only using smoothstone instead for example) but this is a forum and so it is the readers responsibility to tell me how stupid i am and maybe suggest better methods!


  13. haha its a good suggestion i think, it needs adjustment though for sure. maybe one ingot can be forged into like 8 hinges? and that can make 4 chests.

    i really think that smithing should also contain forging of basic metal instruments.... hinges are a good one as they could apply to several things (doors/windows/hatches/chests/)

    but yeah also should have wooden hinges too for wood doors and wood chests to be accurate. they need to be worse tho so that theres a reason to forge it... like they break after too many uses and need hinge replacement maybe?

    the way smithing poorly ends up producing less durable tools, smithing hinges ineffectively should produce less of them. so if you really mess it up you could only get like 1 out of it potentially. who knows.

    off topic but semi-relevant...

    planks should require nails to be made into plank blocks! (same as stonebrick only brick = plank and mortar = nail) obviously forging nails would wield yield a lot to make it possible to get enough plank blocks. like 1 ingot = 32 or 48 nails. definitely would make people dwell in caves a lot longer and building a wood house is NOT a simple matter of piling planks on top of one another...

    nails and hinges ftw.


  14. well boats could be a huge deal... but yeah i dont really know how hard it is to do things in MC from a modding perspective so my views are likely unrealistic.

    but i believe shipbuilding definitely merits its own world of gameplay... special tools for it, its own crafting device (like a pier structure located on the water so you need a port.) having to make the hull and mast and oars and stuff.

    definitely realize its asking a lot for such an overhaul but it would be amazing. as for steering the boats, oceans would need to be BIG... like very very big... and bigger boats wouldnt sail into water less than like 5 blocks deep... maybe even have boats that sail into ports get locked into the position (of course though what the hell do i know about making any of this work)

    i imagine it would vastly enhance multiplay. especially if you HAD to trade because you couldnt just go off and find everything you need in a day. like your region doesnt have bismuth and you need to either raid for it across the ocean or trade.

    but i actually enjoy when a game limits what is instantly available to me. this is largely untrue for many.


  15. id literally settle for ANYTHING in the boat department. we all want this and we all know that we all want this... hopefully we see it.

    as for ALL the boat suggestions, one thing that must be added must be ocean danger....

    rafts do fine for rivers and lakes and near the shore... but taking them far out into the water must break them...

    each tier needs to be able to go farther than the last.

    and for gods sake you CANT swim across an ocean please? swimming should kill you after too long, so drowning stops you from just swimming instead of shipbuilding.

    TFC is all about the multiplay i have found... and ships are one of the best ways to implement a badass trade system.

    i hope that one day you will be forced to trade between towns for resources because they have something that you simply DO NOT have... would be awesome.


  16. how about shields? make an arrow deal no damage if shield is raised and facing the arrow. (just like blocking but useful) theres a mod that employs shields quite well so they can be used with swords fairly easily.


  17. people learn things in RL by asking others who know the answer. without that your screwed. try learning calculus all on your own with no external influence. you'd need 100's of years. its how we do things, pass on what you know and each generation goes a bit further.

    purists can hate all they want, i say!


  18. lol yeah that is ridiculous under that example. but the helmet thing makes sense if you kind of attribute it to defending you from stones falling. a few kilogram stone is going to do some real damage falling on your head, but with a helmet it could glance off. depends how you look at it.
