Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Early Game Overhaul

37 posts in this topic

With the upcoming major update, it appears like a lot of the early game will be redefined. Going off what Dunk and Bioxx have said, the next major update will include the following:

Bolded items indicate measure which will effect my proposal

  • Skills
  • Combat Overhaul
  • Mobs Overhaul - Wild mobs, spooky things moving exclusively underground
  • Nerfing current T0 metals, will be used in alloys
  • Copper made new T0 metal
  • Ceramics overhaul
  • Can't smelt in firepit
  • Planks only made with a metal saw
  • Crafting table made by rightclicking block with particular item (ala anvil or prep table)

Early Game Overhaul

Made a number of edits after collecting a few ideas from myself and others around the forums. I'll keep the post modified for now, and ugly as it is please read the edits, I think they might be worth considering.

Additions are in italics, deletions are striken through.

I am aware that the game is not attempting perfect anthropological consistency, but there are some obvious gaps that I see with the system as it stands. Many of the suggestions I have here are given elsewhere on the forum, sorry for reposting. But there is no thread that I have seen where my propositions are presented in a unified, well-formatted way.

Many of my suggestions are inspired by

. Before criticizing I encourage watching it.

1.) Hand Tools: Before man used hafted tools, he used simple hand tools shaped by knapping. There were a number of tools made, some of the earliest being the hand-axe, the hand-trowel, and the hand-scraper. The tools will limit accruing early building materials, making finding a natural shelter more important e.g. live in a cave.

  • Hand-Axe: Same recipe as an axe head. Can be used to chop down trees at a slower rate than regular axe, lower yield 50%-75%, more stamina required to chop tree (explained later). Not sure about how durability should be effected. With skills, effectiveness at wood cutting will improve. (faster cutting, less stamina, more yield). Can also be used as a weapon with a small reach. *Edit: Possibly make it so a hand axe is required to collect branches from trees, which can be used as a weapon
  • Hand-Trowel: Same recipe as a shovel head. used to shovel dirt, clay, sand, and gravel at a slower rate than a shovel, but faster than by hand. More stamina required per block. With skills, faster digging, less stamina. *A tool could be required to collect a dirt/sand/gravel block, meerly destroying a block can be done with hands.
  • Hand-Scraper: Recipe below. Used to scrape hides, collect wool, sharpen sticks, and other early precision cutting. When scraping hides, will damage the hide. Damage can be lessened with improved skills.
Hand Scraper Recipe

_ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _

_ x x x _

x x x x x

2.) Pointed Sticks and Clubs: This was one of the earliest weapons made by heating a stick over a fire to create a point. Since that method is used to make torches, I propose simply using the hand scraper to sharpen sticks by placing the two in the personal crafting box. These pointed sticks will have a longer reach than a hand-axe, but will do less damage. May be thrown. Wood clubs can be a random drop from breaking leaves*, (can be crafted into a stick, or used as firewood?) and it would be an early, low durability weapon useable as it is. Medium reach.

*Edit: branch is only collected by using a hand-axe on leaves, afterwards it won't be necessary.

3.) Different Hunting*: The thrill is in the chase, so wild animals should flee if you get too close. As an animal runs away it will tire and lose stamina, quickly so you can still get food the first night. Once you catch up, and wound it, it gets a burst of energy and runs away again, but it won't be able to run for as long. After this you can get up close and finish it with a higher damage weapon like a club or hand axe. Not so passionate about this point, but I think it would be fun.

*Edit: The first animal kill will be vital in what I have planned out. I'm thinking that a knife should be required to craft grass into cord. To make the first knife, sinew or spider string will be the only material available. This makes the earlier weapons necessary. After that cordage can be made in abundance through wool, hemp or grass.

4.) Lashing/Rope/Sinew: The reason why regular stone tools cannot be created at first is because they require lashing. An axe without its head bound to the shaft would last about 1/2 of a swing. There are a number of materials that could be used for lashing including. Spider string, Animal sinew, leather strips, hemp cord, wool yarn, or grass rope. The type of lashing determines the durability. A hafted tool will be able to be created in the 2x2 crafting square with the head on top of a stick, and a type of cord to the side.

Recipe: D = head, / = stick, s = cord.

s D

_ /


  • Spider String and Animal Sinew: As mob drops these are the most rare, and are physically the strongest. 100% durability
  • Leather strips: harder to make, lower yield. 90% durability
  • Hemp cord: Hemp will be farmable, so a large amount can be produced. But because it takes a while to farm something it should be relatively strong. 80% durability
  • Wool Yarn: Made as is, but should be better served as cloth. 60% durability
  • Grass rope: Grass should be able to be collected with a hand-axe or scraper, or as a random drop from punching grass. Can be made in a crafting square. 40% durability
Grass Rope Recipe, gives 3 grass rope:

G G _

_ G G

G G _

(Or its mirror)

*Edit: Grass Cordage K= Knife, G = Grass:

_ K

_ G

Just a small idea I just thought of, String can be used to make a bow drill, which can be used to make a more consistent fire starter. Hopefully with more durability.

5.) Tar: Tar can be used as a type of glue to make the bond of a fibrous cord and a tool stronger. Adding a jar of tar to the tool recipe in the remaining slot will increase durability by 10% pts. So a hemp cord with tar will be the same strength as leather strips, also makes grass rope not completely useless. I imagine tar could also be used to make persistent torches if the devs want to make standard torches burn out after a while.

Tar can be made using a ceramic firepit, with a clay collecting cup below the fire.

6.) Hide: With the update armor can't be made until the early-mid game. So I propose that raw hide can be scraped with the aforementioned hand-scraper, and later a knife for better durability. The hide can then be placed upon a stretcher, and depending on temperature and humidity will dry out in X amount of time. Hide naturally won't be as effective or durable as leather, but at least you will have some protection. Hide could also be crafted into leather strips, hide giving 3 strips, with leather giving 6 perhaps.

Stretcher Recipe: 's' = cord of some sort '/' = stick

s / s

/ _ /

s / s

Hide/ Leather Strips x = Hide/Leather

x x x x x

_ _ _ _ _

x x x x x

_ _ _ _ _

x x x x x

7.) Stamina: This has been proposed a number of times before, but with the new skill system, I see stamina as working out as an interesting game mechanic. Stamina would decrease doing various activates, e.g. Swimming, sprinting, chopping trees, digging. And increase in less active times, e.g. walking around and sleeping. Sleeping would restore stamina to full. And hunger would be more related to stamina rather than health.*

As a result of death I would prefer to see stamina cut rather than health because too often monsters will just kill you again and again until morning.

Better tools will be more efficient and cost less stamina.

Edit: I would like to see stamina work like it does in Skyrim, where it only takes effect in combat, swimming, sprinting, and perhaps drawing a bow. It recharges fast enough to not worry about. To make it more balanced though, the maximum stamina could be capped by the hunger level, giving the actual level of hunger more relevance. For example, if you have 50% hunger, you can only regain 50% of your stamina.

8.) Sleep: It is simply tedius to be required to stay awake all night especially in the early game. A player should be able to sleep on a horizontal surface 2 blocks long by right clicking it with an empty hand after sunset. A better bed could be made with the grass clippings covered in cloth

Recipe: C = wool cloth, G = grass

_ _ _



The reason why stamina has not been implemented yet is because of SMP, it would be too hard to require 30 or so members on a server to all sleep at the same time. So this feature should be toggleable in the game files or even the option menu.

I don't want stamina to only be a hindrance to the player, a mechanic like this should swing both ways. This is where skills come in. A high stamina matched with higher skills should let the player run, dig, swim, more effectively than the base.

All of my ideas could be implemented without the use of stamina, I just thought it would be an interesting mechanic to see in the game. To be honest it is the one that I spent the least amount of time imagining, so I'm sorry if the idea doesn't seem fully formed.


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very well written post, I agree with almost all your ideas, just not sure about how they would be implemented.


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I love this post. The part about animals being skittish is a great idea. Maybe coupled with the implementation of the rope we could get lasso to still allow for domestication (maybe even disabling the fear AI after a few generations of captive breeding). One might even be able to see ropes, pointed sticks, and hand shovel type instruments being used to create primitive traps for hostile and passive mobs alike XD. Rope should play a more integral roll in the game. Maybe even incorporate it into the armor systems, where they require pauldrons, chest peices, padding (wool?), and bindings made of ropes specific to the tech teir to construct the chest piece. Same with leggings, and the other armors.


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Rotten flesh from zombies, after being scraped, would make a good source for leather strips.


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All of this is really good, except I really do not want a stamina mechanic. Stamina can be a skill, fine, but I love the way minecraft currently makes food (and tfcraft thirst) your stamina. It just doesn't make much sense to try to track a person's fatigue over a day because the limitations are very temporary, and with the 24 hour to ~20 minute time conversion in the game and the current system which actually requires input and no wasted time (the aforementioned hunger and thirst), adding fatigue would be redundant and either be unrealistic in time scale, or be extremely limiting.

Regarding the hunting bit, seeing endurance hunting implemented would be amazing, and really any type of animal reaction would be very nice. I am tired of fenced pens being useless, as animals just sit there and eat anyway, and they just sit there and watch while you kill some of their kind. I know animals are planned to have wild counterparts that are potentially violent (and carcasses!) but I really hope this gets done well.

Also, I love the implementation of skills, but I want to just say, please be careful. Skills should be treated like rpg's treat ability scores, and the actual skill should still be left up to the player. Speed, stamina, and yield seems like putting a lot of emphasis on the skills, so although it is pretty consistent with my general idea of how this would all work, we should maybe see if there is another way to handle some of those variables.


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Really good post.

I agree with all of it. The hunting NEEDS to change. Hunting with a stick would be insanely difficult! and a melee weapon well would just be out of the question. These animals evolved with emphasis on the ability to evade and escape predators, and honestly humans are awful predators when you take technology away from them. Hunting should actually be unfeasible for awhile, or just REALLY difficult with a javelin. then have the early game rely on foraging mostly.

Perhaps for SMP group hunting could be done, as really this was pretty much the only way to catch big game and not rely on a lot of luck.

Also it depends on what the devs are going to add as far as game animals goes, but if rabbits and small game are added then i think trapping would be a logical step. as simple as crafting a snare and setting it on the ground, and if an animal steps on the block then bam it gets stuck. THEN you can club it to death or come harvest its corpse (i guess it depends on what snare or how its implemented). I think trapping would be cool, and it plays a HUGE role in hunting in general.

My vision for it would be that food is NOT easy to come by, and it shouldnt be. its a valuable resource, and its availability is what determines how far you can go. you should get a lot of meat off an animal, but be REALLY glad or proud that you managed to get it because its so difficult and perhaps you've been hunting for days with no luck. Something akin to the search for particular ores at the moment.

Hunting should be a big deal, because it is.

My biggest gripe about minecraft survival mode has always been how meaningless hunger is. food is SO accessible that it makes it more of a tedious gimmick than an actual mechanic. so far TFC hasnt remedied this but I hope its on the docket.

Some kind of stamina system yes. just something to reflect upon the fact that youve chopped 25 trees down in a day, or that youve smithed 50 picks overnight. hunger kind of does this to an extent but all it really does is force you to stop for 4 seconds and eat a steak out of your massive botulism-immune pile that you carry around on you.


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0. At some point you have to draw a line and say, "From here on it's a game." It seems that you want to keep pushing the line further away from a game and closer to a simulation. Simulations are fine, but they rarely play like a game. Many of the suggestions you have here are going to make TFC not a fun game to play, but instead a challenging pseudo-simulation. If that's the way things go, I'm not interested. I already half feel like quitting every time I spend an hour in front of a firepit for 1 ingot. I don't give two whits that it takes at least an hour to smelt ore in real life - my time is valuable.

Your points:

1. It already takes an annoying amount of time to cut a tree. Granted, it's tons faster than in vanilla MC if the tree is big, but I don't build out of logs for fear I'll miss-click and have to rest something against my mouse button, sit back, and wait for the block to get broken. You're talking about making it take longer? Pointless and backward. Likewise with the hand trowel - the difference between a stone shovel and the speed of doing it by hand is already slight, so I don't see anyone justifying using their resources to make a tool that doesn't save them any time in the long run.

2. If you could get a branch from leaves that could be used as firewood, it becomes an alternative to using logs for that purpose. I don't think it's necessary to replace one of the utilities of logs. It's not as though logs are in short supply, and it's believable that your efforts to keep warm are going to have a bigger impact on a forest than just on its leaves. As for it being a weapon, where do you see it in relation to the knife (which is more than just a weapon)? What justifies me wanting to keep track of another tool in order to use a branch as a weapon, when a javelin gives me range and a knife has other uses? I don't care if it's realistic, if you have to keep track of more than about 5 tools the clutter overshadows the variety.

3. This is the only point you've made with which I totally agree. It makes animal pens just as useful in the same ways they are in real life, and it would be kind of exciting. Especially if pigs are really fast, hehe.

4&5. Typically before I get metal I'll make around 50 or so stone tools. I've gone through a whole stack of rocks in one play session just for axes and shovels. Are you really suggesting I'll need to kill way more animals than I could ever replace, spend hours killing grass, find a source for tar and build infrastructure in order to process it, and use up durability on more tools in order to do the same thing? See point 0.

The lashing idea itself is good, even if I strongly disagree with the use you have in mind for it. I like the idea that a subcomponent could be made out of a slew of different raw materials, if for no other reason than to consolidate my inventory and increase the utility of the materials (like zombie flesh). But requiring this much effort for stone tools is just pointlessly granular and time-consuming.

6. Why would armor have to wait? Make a clay "barrel" to do the same thing you do with a wood barrel.

7. I agree with what Xechon said about stamina. Stamina is already in the game, it simply doesn't have the label you want it to have.


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I'm glad someone's been paying attention to what we've been saying, although I'd like to add some points: monsters are being moved underground as part of the combat re-balance. Their presence on the surface would make the game nearly unplayable, as they are designed to be fought with metal armour and weapons. The surface will instead be filled with dangerous animals, although the list of true hostile mobs is rather short. Seeing as you can't make wooden planks, most first-nights will probably be spent huddled around a campfire, which keeps the animals away. Confirmed hostile mobs include wolves and bears, which will be given proper drops. I'll see if I can work in some way to tame wolves, but with them being hostile, it might prove difficult. Further, I'd like to take this opportunity to fix up the animals I've put on hold; and add "taming" to what is currently the passive mobs. The idea is that the farm-animal version won't spawn in the world, and instead, will be replaced by neutral counterparts. I'll also try and work the deer so they spawn properly. Some of the "wild" neutral mobs will attack if you try to kill them, instead of running in circles like they do in Vanilla. For those of you who are wondering, right now, the idea is that aurochs will represent wild cows, some sort of mountain sheep will represent sheep, wild boars will represent pigs, and I'm not too sure how chickens will be handled, but I'll figure it out later.

Attacking an aurochs or boar will probably aggro them, so attacking from a distance or being able to escape is necessary. Rams will probably retaliate as well, but I'm not sure about the ewes.

I'm thinking that instead of having wheat grain lure the animals, we can adopt a similar tool to the lead used for horses in 1.6, although wild animals will be more resistant to your attempts to lead them somewhere.

If all goes well, the animals will have a hidden "agression" value in the code, which you will get hints at (ie maybe frequent snorting or resistance or something) anyway, your job will be to try and locate two animals who seem to be the calmest and try to breed them. Since animals inherit traits (like size), the offspring will most likely be less aggressive than any wild mob that would spawn naturally. It might take you a couple tries, but if an animal is born with a low enough aggression, it will be a domesticated animal. Breeding domesticated animals with wild ones will be more likely to produce more domesticated offspring, but if the wild animal is quite aggressive, you might end up with a more peaceful wild animal.

Domesticated animals will be quite a bit more useful than wild ones. They will be peaceful as they are in vanilla, so killing them won't cause them to attack you. They won't resist you when you try to lead them somewhere or move them around. They'll most likely drop more items or something along those lines; sheep might regen wool faster, chickens may lay eggs more often. Now that I see the tag in vanilla (which is something I was considering for a while) I think it might be interesting to allow tags to name [domestic] animals, and store information on them, like the owner. Shift clicking a tagged animal would allow you to see it's name; and if you own the animal, it gives you the option to transfer ownership to another person, or set the animal to public use. If I end up implementing this, it will be for servers, so that a message might be displayed like "Player1 killed Player2's Pig" (of course, this would be entirely configurable and turned off for servers that allow griefing or raiding)

Since larger animals would drop more meat on death, it might be advantageous to try and breed your domestic animals for size, although it's up to you.

Now that that's out of the way, there's a couple things I'd like to mention. Having animals run away from players is easier in theory than in practice. Deer are currently set to flee the player, using the same code that makes creepers afraid of cats in vanilla. It doesn't always work out though, and on a server where there might be a bit of a delay, players can often walk right up to the animal and hit it a few times before the AI catches up and runs away, so that's something you can keep in mind when suggesting this sort of thing, we're limited by what the minecraft engine can handle.


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some sort of mountain sheep will represent sheep,

ibex or chamois would do perfectly for either of these, and a chamois was known to be very agile on mountain cliffs, where you could only get them from VERY far, and from above, because they ALWAYS look down


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I didn't know the plan was to move monsters underground, but that's awesome. That makes mountain overhangs, ravines, and natural cavern entrances far more frightening.

How different will the neutral wild animals be from their tame (or vanilla MC) version? AI, item yield, and skin for the model? Or are you talking about making new models as well? Do you have a plan to make other animals besides sheep useful? Adding sheep milk? As it is, if you have sheep you don't have any use for cows and pigs other than for mixing meals. Hey, maybe that's enough.

I've noticed that spiders change their aggression during the day. They only attack if you attack them, and even then sometimes they'll lose interest. Thinking the wild animals will work something like that? Are you planning on the baby animals having low aggression?

Wild chickens differ from tame ones in that they do attack each other and anything smaller than themselves, and they run from bigger things like they know how tastey they are. Tame chickens look pretty much the same, but fatter. If I were doing it, I'd trick out the AI and leave them looking the same. Also, can chickens maybe not reproduce like cows do? Eggs are eggs, after all.

That brings up another question: Why add deer? One of the things I like about Minecraft is it doesn't add things just for the sake of variety. Pigs, chickens, cows, and sheep all have a niche to fill. Well, pigs are terrible and pointless, but the only things you can put a saddle on (until the horse came out). Zombies, spiders, creepers, and skeletons all act differently from one another, drop different items, and have virtually no overlap. Variety isn't bad, but if a mod adds 9 kinds of birds and every bird is functionally the same, after the newness wears off you look at one and think "bird", not "oh! the yellow bird!!" So if a deer is just another source of leather and meat and horn, why waste your time? Are deer going to be the only non-tameable animal that spawns with some frequency in the wild, giving you a continual reason to go a-hunting? Or is it just to add yet another item to my chests of food in order to make finding good meal combinations that much harder? If that's a goal, the options for the variety of animals is so open-ended you might want to farm that out to the guy who made mo'creatures or something because you'll never be done.

On taming though, I can forsee myself working hard to find a calmer sheep, luring it into a pen, and continuing to feed and care for it for weeks. Then after I find it a mate and get some lambs growing up, I'm wanting some hide and mutton, and that's going to be an emotional moment. You might put some thought into making that more impactful than just throwing a couple javelins and collecting the items. Maybe a slaughter action where I cut the neck and have to watch my beloved tamed sheep die in my arms as its blood drains out. People won't forget that kind of feature.


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lol the last part of bihlbo's comment seems messed up but its true actually.

also if animals cant be made to flee from the player in a way that will mean that they successfully escaped, then hunting needs to go in a different direction i think. because food will never mean anything if i can just walk 5 minutes and find a pig and spam click it to death and grab a dozen pork chops.

i would make animals much rarer and much more spread out. currently i can find all species of minecraft within 10 minutes. thats absurd and it completely devalues any of the animals or their products as tradeable goods.

also a butchery mechanic to make meat collection SOMETHING. it currently is the exact same process as digging out a block of dirt and picking it up. maybe make it so a killed animal needs to be clicked with a knife in hand, and then some butchery UI to get the meat? it could be the same as the smithing just with different words so long as it limits the rapid pace one acquires food.

i know food spoilage is a programming disaster/inventory clusterfuck, so i think instead the only option is to severely limit how much food is accessible to the player. OR make food stack to 1 and allow food storage to stack higher. ie. a hole in the ground holds 32 steaks but i need to take one at a time. this would only be ok though if meals had durability and became multi-use hunger solutions as opposed to the current 3 year supply of meat in one inventory slot.

i like the idea of making prepared meals very important, and the mod is doing this well so far, just not in regards to hunger.

who knows though, its very true that this game wasnt really meant for this stuff so i accept engine limitations and appreciate the effort of the mod devs regardless of the direction they take.


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The wild animals will be getting new models and everything.

Why add deer? They've already been added. You can find their eggs in the creative menu. Deer play an important role in the history of the human race as a food source in colder climates. We are certainly planning on spreading mobs out over a larger area, and making mobs spawn in certain climates. Pigs happen to spawn all over the place IRL, so they'll be pretty common through-out. The aurochs will be limited to grasslands and temperate forests, the sheep to the mountainous areas. Deer are added as an animal to balance the diversity and to fill in the gaps left by cows in more northern climates.


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Well then if you are going global , just one type of animal in a biome won't be enoguht , you will have to add a lot more animals , whitch will clutter chests if you spawn in the center of the world and then go up to the north/sought poll to start a base killing everything in you're way . There isn't enoguht room for the player to be able to carry so much , on the topic of birds they're feathers would be great if matched with they're collour , and when you place a coloured feather in the scribing table you could get a different colour to write in . Another thing will there be different animals going west and east not just north and sought ?


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Well then if you are going global , just one type of animal in a biome won't be enoguht , you will have to add a lot more animals , whitch will clutter chests if you spawn in the center of the world and then go up to the north/sought poll to start a base killing everything in you're way . There isn't enoguht room for the player to be able to carry so much , on the topic of birds they're feathers would be great if matched with they're collour , and when you place a coloured feather in the scribing table you could get a different colour to write in . Another thing will there be different animals going west and east not just north and sought ?

not sure how I want to handle the areas. For the most part, cows will spawn in the warm to temperate areas, pigs will spawn nearly everwhere, deer will spawn in temperate to cold, wolves will spawn temperate to cold, bears in the cold and mountains, sheep in the mountains, chickens in the jungle, maybe have a pheasant or something elsewhere.

I'll certainly have to look into adding more animals. I'd like at least two animals to hunt and two to hunt you in each area, but not much more than that. We'll see how it goes.

I have half an elephant if you guys want to see it.


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not sure how I want to handle the areas. For the most part, cows will spawn in the warm to temperate areas, pigs will spawn nearly everwhere, deer will spawn in temperate to cold, wolves will spawn temperate to cold, bears in the cold and mountains, sheep in the mountains, chickens in the jungle, maybe have a pheasant or something elsewhere.

I'll certainly have to look into adding more animals. I'd like at least two animals to hunt and two to hunt you in each area, but not much more than that. We'll see how it goes.

I have half an elephant if you guys want to see it.

The concept of animals like the elephant and the horse is what I am interested in, especially paired with the whole process of domestication. These are animals with purposes other than just killing and eating.

Elephants are incredibly strong, and can be taught to pull a great load or carry passengers, while Horses do very similar but are not as strong, but rather faster. So a horse can carry one passenger, but it takes two to pull a wagon, and they are fairly quick. An Elephant, let's say, will hold two passengers, pull a wagon by themselves, but not move quite as fast.

As an added bonus to the Elephants size they should ignore one block height steps, but cannot jump, while Horses still behave like Steves and need half steps or have to jump.

I know Avi's in charge of Horses.. But I definitely think they should have the hidden aggression values.. An incredibly wild stallion might be too tough for a Steve to tame at all, but a thoroughbred would be more docile.. :) just some thoughts


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When playing TFC alone, of course there are too many animals in each area.

On multiplayer, though, it is quite balanced in my opinion.

@Dunk: Keep in mind that feathers are quite useful for the current recipe of the scribing table. Do not hide birds in jungles and some other place only. In fact birds should be the most common animals.

It could be fun to make not-domesticated birds only vulnerable to ranged weapons. ,-)


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@Dunk: Keep in mind that feathers are quite useful for the current recipe of the scribing table. Do not hide birds in jungles and some other place only. In fact birds should be the most common animals.


Also, can you make like animals drop identical items please? I love the idea of seeing a chicken in the jungle and a pheasant in the grasslands, but I hate the idea of there being two types of feathers and two types of bird meat. I don't get any benefit in eating chicken and also bird meat that tastes like chicken but doesn't stack. Item variety is pretty well saturated as it is.


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Also, can you make like animals drop identical items please? I love the idea of seeing a chicken in the jungle and a pheasant in the grasslands, but I hate the idea of there being two types of feathers and two types of bird meat. I don't get any benefit in eating chicken and also bird meat that tastes like chicken but doesn't stack. Item variety is pretty well saturated as it is.

feathers would probably stay the same, and I'm not totally against renaming chicken bird meat or something. we give you a variety of meats right now because they heal slightly different amounts and work well in meals.

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bird meat

I think you mean "poultry" :P


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I think you mean "poultry" :P

and be sure to be carefull when killing all those birds, as they might come back as a "Poultry-Geist"

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the pun, its terrible...

btw dunk, dont forget the fact that a bison, aurochs, stag or even an ibex could still kill a man if he charges him, not even counting bulls and rhinoceros rushing at you. theres value to be had in making even our 'food sources' dangerous to hunt without planning (for example, if a fire pops up behind a deer, it'd run the other way, thats basic knowledge, but if you run it off a cliff, you get free food with the only effort being that you have to light fires in the proper way, and its a lot safer than spearing it ;) plus a spear tends to put a large hole in a skin if landed on a bad spot, theres a LOT of things to think about still ;)

i'd like to see the earliest game achieve the level of the Cro-Magnon's when they started out: the first people to acknowledge a Humanoid deity, the inventive people, those that created art, and created a shitton of awesome weaponry and tools for us to play with. :D


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Deer are added as an animal to balance the diversity and to fill in the gaps left by cows in more northern climates.

Northern deer, you say?

Posted Image

Have you considered adding in several types of deer with different models then? I reckon moose can be here too.


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It would be cool if animals such as bison, elephants, wolves, and horses move in herds. When you attack one, the rest become aggressive or flee. This way, you'd have to find some way of escaping or attacking from a safe area (tree stand?). It would also make hunting with a partner more beneficial and hunting certain groups of animals dangerous early game, but more beneficial late game.


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Since you are taking the animals into account, I would like to sugest taking the idea of their manure like a fertilizer for the crops... the doesn´t insta grow the crops but makes them grow faster or give bigger number of crops, for instance, instead of giving 1 carrot, with the fertilizer, give 2-3 carrots....


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I like the idea of swarm/herd behavior for certain animals, maybe if, when you are hunting, and you somehow manage (by sneaking, moving slowly and walking through tall grass) to sneak up within a reasonable firing range of the animals, say you shoot into the middle of the herd (whether you hit one or not) they all run off, not just the one that got hit. Or if, say, you where far away enough for them not to run away, just be alert, and you shoot and miss, they all get startled anyway and the entire herd runs off to a new spot. This would make hunting a lot more challenging, making you want to go for the smallest, weakest and most isolated members of the herd considering it will be easier to one-hit them with a primitive weapon such as a javelin (thinking that the younger and smaller members have less health than the bigger, stronger, older ones), so that you have just just one shot (literally) at getting a meal. If you missed that shot, or didn't kill the animal with it, the whole herd would run off, forcing you to try and isolate certain members of the herd for them not to be able to alert the rest.


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