Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About csiler2

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  1. Easy to Implement Ideas

    If Javelins don't work against skeletons, then why do they die when I throw a javelin at them in survival mode on my test world? I one-shotted them, which doesn't seem right, but I was in survival and they are dead. I think Protein should stay as it is because it's a special case. Technically fishis meat, but our ancestors separated them for cultural and historical reasons rather than for nutritional and biological purposes. I think it has something to do with the idea that fish don't look like poultry, cows, pigs, deer, et al. I don't have a problem with Soybeans adding to the protein bar. They've been an important asian crop since prehistory and I wouldn't be surprised if it's been recognized for a long time that they can 'replace' animal-based meat in diets without causing practitioners to experience protein deficiency. I was actually really surprised that soybeans were in TFC and suspect it's because 1) They wanted to add a crop that they knew most of the players would instantly recognize from asia (most crops in the game are from the Americas or Europe) 2)The devs recognized that soy is traditionally an important crop and felt it should be included because of this 3) They wanted players to have the option to go completely vegan.Technically there are a lot of 'mistakes' in the classifications of the food. Botanically soybeans, green beans, bell peppers, squash, and tomato are all fruits, not vegetables. Culinarily speaking though, all are considered vegetables, except soybeans in certain forms, such as tofu. I see the mislabeling of soybean and the other not vegetables as recognizing their culinary uses rather than accurate scientific classification. So, other than your personal preference for how your system implements nutrition, what are the gameplay benefits to your system versus what's been created by the developers? Right now I see some very obvious flaws to your implementation that would probably frustrate players more than add to their enjoyment of the game. For example, you treat malnutrition as if it's just one thing, when it's really a group of conditions related because they express a deficiency in an area of nutrition. Someone with Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) is going to present with symptoms different than someone with Vitamin A deficiency. The current system reflects different forms of deficiency by giving us different nutrition bars, so we know where we're deficient, with yours, we have to guess with no idea which food will help or if we even have access to it. So we can either waste food trying to figure out where we're deficient or waste time scouring the world trying to find something that does help us. That doesn't sound fun at all.People not only 'sniffed' out the foods they needed, but ate them after associating those foods with 'curing' ailments. For example, we didn't know anything about nutrition or vitamin C, but we knew citrus fruits cured the disease scurvy after associating them with alleviating the symptoms. These kinds of associations are what lead humans to a roughly healthy diet over the ages. Remember, the devs have always said they're going for believability and playability over accuracy. I don't see enough benefit in the case for believability or playability with the change of the food system from what it is to the proposed 'more accurate' system or hidden system over the potentials for frustration for reasons I stated above.
  2. I like this idea. This would allow people to build whatever style of granary or food deposit they want, whether it be an elevated granary, or an insulated cellar.
  3. I feel like the TFC edition of the granary should be expanded to all food just to give more storage options.As an aside - Shouldn't you keep all your food in clay vessels? Don't they add a preservation bonus that chests don't?
  4. I suppose I forgot to say what the benefit would be. Granaries were designed to preserve grains and protect them from scavengers. So you would get a better preservation benefit against rot than you would by putting your food in jars or cold places. Ways to balance this benefit would be to make them similar to barrels in that a granary can only accept one type of grain/food item at a time, though it can store more than a single stack. You could also make them expensive to build by requiring the bottom be covered in metal sheets thematically to keep animals from getting in. As for the Chest argument - While it's true a good solid chestshould keep things out, mice and wild animals can be very determined. I've seen mice sneak into closed pantries and gnaw through wooden containers.
  5. Easy to Implement Ideas

    is pure bloody genius. In fact I would strongly suggest mdtexeira repost this in it's own thread in the suggestions section so I can support it. If not I will personally. I generally concur. Tomcat, you should do a quick search in the suggestions forum and add your ideas to conversations about these topics and/or create new topics with your ideas as per the thread rules. You never know who will support the ideas.I believe that the devs are working on changing livestock around, but it might not be a bad idea to require some kind of trough that needs to be replenished occasionally in animal pens. You should definitely post your ideas on livestock changes into the suggestions area.As for the nutrition thing, while medically the idea of basing it off protein, carbs, fats, minerals, and vitamins is sound, that's not how our ancestors traditionally decided their dietary intake. It would also seriously complicate the coding since the devs would have to go from a simple meta-tag for each food item, identifying it as fruit, veggie, grain, meat, or dairy, would need five tags to approximate the new values AND the player would need to secure access to a much wider base of food, deduce the values of each nutritional amount (which needs modern technology) and consume the appropriate amounts to keep their new values balanced.To me, that just doesn't fit the flavor of how diets were originally established or how TFC has been implemented. General knowledge of nutrition based on chemical composition is a relatively new concept, just look at the wikipedia entry on nutrition
  6. It was suggested that I spin an idea about grain preservation off from the 'ideas about food preservation' thread. Grains last a long time because they're basically dry seeds, but you've got to watch out for rodents, bugs, and other animals that will pick away at your stores. What if we could build multiblock granaries that emulated elevated granaries of ancient times designed to keep animals from getting into our grain stores. The granaries could also be used to store seeds or maybe other foods that have been cooked/salted or smoked (if the proposed smokehouse gets added. Most traditional granaries are elevated off the ground to make it more difficult for animals to get in. Perhaps we could require that it be elevated on fenceposts or lumber? That would ensure that players had at least gotten basic metal tools. We could also require a trap-door for access underneath. Opinions?
  7. Smokehouse Multiblock Structure!

    I wanted to suggest this, but was beaten to the punch!Can't wait to be the BBQ king of my world!
  8. I don't support a rocket stove, but I would support the firepit being able to burn sticks, even at an extreme pace. That would make things a bit easier when you're low on logs or can't find trees.
  9. Ideas about food preservation.

    I don't know about sealing grains inside a barrel for zero decay, but I wouldn't be against some kind of multi-block granary to minimize grain decay to very low levels. Grains may last a long time because they're basically dry seeds, but you've got to watch out for rodents, bugs, and other animals that will pick away at your stores. Most traditional granaries are elevated off the ground to make it more difficult for animals to get in. Perhaps we could require that it be elevated on fenceposts or lumber? Edit: Idea spun off into this topic:
  10. Question about food preservation and beyond

    Good to know. Does rot do something similar, or will it always be beneficial to find the coldest spot possible, even at sub-zero temps?
  11. Easy to Implement Ideas

    We have one of those too. It's called a javelin. It may not do a lot, but it is a ranged stone-age weapon.
  12. This reminds me, there is a clay pot/fired clay pot in the creative section for pottery. Are the Devs planning to do anything with this?
  13. Stone Age Building Materials

    Agree that we need more stone-age materials, but I'm not sure being able to place sticks is fair. How often have you built something out of sticks (that wasn't blown away by a big bad wolf)? Perhaps we could 'weave' the sticks in the 4x4 grid for a simple block or post? I'm excited about the idea of adobe or whatever the TFC equivalent of Vanilla's hardened clay will be. I don't believe there's any historical basis for a mortar based on clay. It's either too soft or too brittle to accomplish the needs of mortar. Instead, I think we should go with something like the dry-stone methods suggested in Visitor's thread. There has been a lot of good discussion there already.
  14. New Skill: Mining

    I always assumed the Propick was TFC's equivalent of a Geologist's hammer which is used to split rock and expose a fresh rock face for more accurate identification, not for creating some kind of seesmic ping. The limited range of the Propick simulates the player coming across successively larger flecks of mineral within the freshly exposed rock before they come across the main orebody.Example: You come across tiny flecks of mineral on your first hit. Then you hit another rock some distance over and find no flecks. You begin checking in the other direction and begin finding more/slightly larger flecks before you find the main orebody where the ore chunks are actually large enough for you to process.I like the idea of prospecting and mining skills. A logical argument for better prospecting would be that the player is getting better at recognizing geologic formations and the movements/relationships of rocks due to tectonic and erosional forces from past prospecting experiences. I like the idea of a logarithmic relationship between your skill level and the number of false positives. You get lots of false positives starting out, but you get a lot better during the first few levels while seeing only minimal improvement once you become really skilled. That means you'll still see false negatives at higher levels, just less frequently. Similarly, a player could get longer life out of picks because their increased experience with mining means they have a better understanding of the most efficient way to mine out the rock.Edited to add propick example
  15. Easy to Implement Ideas

    Nice! A stone age weapon for skeletons, good idea Could have a sling as well, made from leather to improve range. We already have a stone-age weapon for skeletons. It's called a hammer. You obviously didn't bother reading Kitty's post or other posts relating to food. The game goes for believability, not accuracy. When you're picking out food, do you select your meals based on accurate readings of their fat, carb, protein, mineral, and vitamin content? I don't. When I'm trying to eat a balanced diet (I won't lie, I like junk food). I generally follow a food pyramid which breaks things down into food groups and not by rankings of balanced chemicals. This is exactly what TFC's food system mimics in its simplified form. IMO, Dairy takes the place of sugars and sweets in TFC. You don't need it to achieve 'full health', so having access to it can be considered a luxury, just like sugar was a commodity of the upper class until the mass production of sugar in modern culture.Am I the only one that thinks this thread should be moved to 'Suggestions' and split up into separate issues per item?