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Posts posted by gufferdk
Java or C?
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! / = - Shift
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(the word for three in the dwarven language in Dwarf Fortress)
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Nope, but my friends and I agrees the if i were older and had a full beard i would look like the prototype for a guy who lives in his mother's basement and making a living off selling leveled runescape-accounts.
Which of the languages you have heard do you think you would have the hardest time pronouncing things in?
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Its very simple. The ship will rise with the water so the water will not reach any higher than the fist rung, unless I (or someone else) come and use a powder keg to make a hole in that ship.
If you were making a language, wich of the following grammatical numbers would it include?
Singular (one)
Plural (many)
Dual (two)
Trial (three)
Paucal (a few)
Lesser and greater paucal( lesser for a small group of things (typically 2/3-4, and greater for a larger group(but not many).
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Ein hundert und fünfundfünfzig!
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And now because i am danish i'll also include a fruit/vegetable for each of the 3 letters that are at the end of the danish aphabeth but doesn't exist in english.
Æble (apple)
Østershat (oyster mushroom)
I know it is neither a veggie or a fruit but it's pretty hard to find edible things that start with ø.
(This one is in swedish as danish simply does not seem to feature any fruit, berry or vegetable starting with å)
(sorry for the overall lack of pictures but my internet is currently behaving weird)
As for what to do now i suggest: Anything containing meat.
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(Danish for fourteen)
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(et) hundrede og fireogfyrre
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Even more record beating!!
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8! Pls say that kitty, dunk, spanser or bioxx won't post next so we can beat our highscore.
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(Windows alt codes)
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in Forum Games
/me asks corki99 if he can buy that carpet
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Pitch-heightening polish for the one that controls the expanded pipe and the regular one for the rest.
My cat is on a rampage and is destrloying all the furniture. What do i do?
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(These have stones inside too)
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The number you type on you phone when calling the police in Ukraine and Belarus.
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(The danish highway from Ribe to Kolding has the number 32 and 3 times that is 96)
(I wish corki99 would start doing these kinds of things too because then i could get inspiration from him because i'm running out of ideas.)
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in Forum Games
/me says ok and asks if corki99 has some suger /me can get to put on his pancakes
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^ - alt
(On windows if you hold the alt-key and type 94 you get the ^-character)
in Forum Games
/me infiltrates the butter industry and force them to never sell to skydoesminecraft fans because he is getting relly annoyed by them and their "budder".