Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Cashleer

  1. Having trouble installing OptiFine

    Hey It's me again (thenoobwhocantdoanythingalone). I watched several videos how to install OptiFine, but wasn't successful. I need OptiFine, because my game has some lagspikes, which are pretty random and are about 1-2 sec long, don't know why. Maybe Opti can fix this. I have everything working (forge,TFC) but can't install OptiFine. I tried opening the Forge in /versions, and copying all OptiFine files in there, but the launcher wouldn't start.. I would really like to play this mod smoothly and without lagspikes :>Edit: Is OptiFine capable with forge 10.0.837?Edit2: I managed to install it (wrong code in JVM arguments), but now Minecraft runs out of memory. I have 4. 095 MB memory.(cmd)Thank you for your time
  2. Having trouble installing OptiFine

    Ok will try it out, thank you Edit: Error : Gave up trying to download for job 'Version & Libraries' Job 'Version & Libraries' finished with 1 failure(s)!
  3. Having trouble installing OptiFine

    Ok I did this, but now when I try to make a new profile and select version, it only shows the vanilla versions, no Forge no OptiForge(I renamed the files as said)
  4. Having trouble installing OptiFine

    Good morning *Yawn*. Erm I am confused about the .json thingy. I only have 4 very long lines so it's not the 8th line for me(notepad) Edit: If i set format to World Wrap I get around 16 lines. Is then this 8th line really the 8th line? Like here: I should change the highlighted line?
  5. Having trouble installing OptiFine

    {"name": "net.optifine:optifine:1.6.2_HD_U_B4","serverreq": false}, to line 8 of the .json. Now, in your launcher, make a new profile and call it OptiForge. Make it use the version OptiForge, and add "-Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true" after-Xmx1G. Make sure you add a space, otherwise, it will interpret it as a big long argument that doesn't exist. It should look like this: -xmx1G -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true Yay! Optifine should work now. Trying this now. Should I rename the downloaded OptiFine file .rar? Or something else? EDIT: <--I fixed this nevermind Edit 2 : one?

    WoW Nice! You must have a lot of stone-y things in your home
  7. Can't load previous version save

    Hello everyone, I updated TFC today to the latest version 1.6.2 and before that I was playing with the 1.5.1 TFC version. Now my problem is that Minecraft can't find my save. I know they are in /minecraft/saves and I can see the save standing there in the folder, but Minecraft can't find it. I would really like to be able to play on my save again. because I have a lot of stuff there..Thanks for your help

    Are you a collector ? Very nice I learnt something :>

    Isn't this amethyst? Can you find amethysts in TFC ;o ?
  10. Can't load previous version save

    Ok thank you very much for the responses!Will start over..big deal :>
  11. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    Wow! Nice idea, I will steal it for my new world, if I may! Thanks ;>
  12. Tree / Forest Improvements

    Really nice ideas. I liked the idea with the leaves most, I think in The Aether there are already leaves on the ground, so it shouldn't be difficult to implement. Having leaves on the ground is really realistic!
  13. I'm Back!

    Good to have you back :>
  14. Can't load previous version save

    So i start over right? Oh gawd..all for nothing
  15. Barrels, help!

    Hey guys, I can't seem to figure out how to seal barrels ! When I put the raw hide in the barrel with water and press seal, it doesn't seal it. I can open it and take the hide out, but it's not locked as it's supposed to be. Please help1
  16. Barrels, help!

    ERMAHGHERD! Thanks, I had to fill the barrel with limewater first and then the raw hide! Thank you very much
  17. Barrels, help!

    No I am not missing anything. I made a barrel, filled it with water, put the RAW hide in it, sealed it, but it didn't lock it :// I could remove the hide anytime and after 5 minutes the hide was still RAW instead of SOAKED
  18. TooManyItems

    Hey guys, a lot of youtubers have around 17 pages with items when they do Getting Started videos for TerraFirmaCraft. It's like too many items mod. How can I have all items in TFC?