Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Biodigious

  1. So it IS possible.

    No, all that is showing is that he has added sideways logs. Better Wood from here. l2think Coding the falling of trees is still too hard.
  2. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

  3. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Those saplings have always been obtainable in Creative. You two should learn to figure things out for yourselves instead of whining in these forums.
  4. Server Problem

    The problem is that you haven't bought the game, Minecraft.
  5. Rails

    He is suggesting more uses for the starter metals by using bronze and its equivalents in the making of rails. In-game railways can go quite a ways and not everyone will have a large enough supply of iron to meet the need. Maybe the bronze rails could have a speed reduction or if a new powered minecart is added that is actually used, it could only push 4 instead of 8 carts on bronze rails. daxx don't post a quote that doesn't help .
  6. About construction changes possibility

    Javelins require a crafting bench. Just saying.
  7. a year

  8. Feedback - Fairin style!

    Bioxx has said the mod is being balanced around SMP, not single.
  9. Compatibility list

    How is it partially compatible? Isn't BTW's main feature that it's purposely not compatible with Forge?
  10. Wheelbarrows - brainstorming

    Post it in this then. Ships!!
  11. Go comment in here: Linky Dinky
  12. Bones

    Have you not looked at either the wiki or the changelog?
  13. [b44+] easy = Tin + Copper + Iron !

    X-ray TPs only help you see the blocks surrounding underground air pockets, eg, player homes, caves, lava/ water pools. They generally 1 don't help you to see ores because Minecraft doesn't apply textures to block surfaces that are behind solid blocks.1 I say generally because an ore might spawn on a cave wall and then you'll be able to see it. But with this mod that will only very rarely happen.
  14. Calamari and Mutton

    It was indeed.
  15. Which Metal for Which Sword?

    This isn't really going to be a texture pack, just asking for your opinions on which metals each of the following swords should be made from. Sword 1: Third-Person First-Person Sword 2: Third-Person First-Person Sword 3: Third-Person First-Person Sword 4: Third-Person First-Person Sword 5: Third-Person First-Person Sword 6: Third-Person First-Person Sword 7: Third-Person First-Person There is an eighth sword but it's not scaled to 32x yet. I do know I want sword 4 to be a lower metal than 7 and 7 to be lower than 5. Random Ex: #1 should look like it's made from tin, #2 should look like it's from red steel, #3 should look like bronze, etc.
  16. Calamari and Mutton

    Have baby sheepies drop lamb. Mmmmmmm lamb.
  17. Gunpowder

    Even though I have played Spore and my ferret-cat-eagle creatures kicked major space butt while still wearing their tribal masks, I was not referncing that game. And although what I was referencing also used spice as a trade item/currency, I wasn't referring to that either. When linuxas said "Rivers should flow." I thought about a quote from Dune: "The spice must flow.", that's all.
  18. Ships!!

    Yeah, I really didn't like using the adze to cut the trees down, but I didn't want to assume that my suggestion for a new tree cutting method with the axe (which I still haven't written up, cuz I'm lazy) would be implemented so I just had the new tool do it instead.
  19. Gunpowder

    Bioxx should add spices so I can finish this comment.Isn't the gunpowder thing already planned?
  20. Which Metal for Which Sword?

    No I meant what metal should they look like they were made from. Like if Steve started making fancier designs through the metal tiers. They will be recolored.
  21. Ships!!

    Maybe you should write with your "usual complexity" so you don't look like a total idiot that's not even stupid funny. Perhaps you could then help with the ships/boats ideas this thread is for.I do thank you for unburying this from the second page. Now I don't have to post a pointless "bump".
  22. Wooden Buckets

    A texture pack. You can't get one of bioxx's yet.
  23. A gun...

    Have it so the player has to go through each step of the reload process. After firing put the now empty flintlock into the inventory crafting grid along with gunpowder/black powder and craft. Put that back into the grid with paper/cloth and craft. Place back into grid with the ammo and craft. Possibly craft again with another gunpowder/black powder. Have three/four stars after the name and after each reload step one gets dropped until it's loaded and there are no stars. That way the gun can have actual durability and will break after a very, very long time.
  24. Ships!!

    Well you shouldn't, cuz I moved it.