Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Biodigious

  1. Planks first toughts

    How would you make the planks, to make the plank blocks, to make the crafting table, to make the scribing table, to make the saw blade plan, to make the saw, to make the planks?
  2. Boulders Spawn Rate

    But it hasn't been released yet, so we can't test to see if the rate is still too high or not. Shouldn't lock when the problem might still exist afterwards.
  3. Planks first toughts

    The sticks for each type of tree were added but removed almost immediately after. Considering how the reasoning for taking them out was written, it is unlikely they'll return.
  4. [b71] Crash: Null Pointer->WorldGenTFC->CreatingOreVein

    What Optifine were you using?
  5. Boulders Spawn Rate

    In smaller numbers or in smaller size. Or both, but that might be too much.
  6. Is that like saying, "Rock can be removed with your fist. Eventually."?
  7. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I say, a certain bug fix in the yet-to-be-released b72 has gotten me quite excited. Edit: Which has now been released.
  8. Texture with 1 on it = Original bark textures at bottom of png. Texture with 2 on it = Newer bark textures at top of png. Both sideways logs should be using the 2's on their vertical faces. The left log should be using a 1 on it's horizontal face and the right should be using a 2. This is for all trees that I tested.
  9. Planks first toughts

    I'm board with them already.
  10. Allow size of month config instead of size of year

    It's taken you two months to finally come up with this? Why not, right when that feature came out?
  11. Horse Cart and pole drag

    Leonardo da Vinci liked to draw horses. And this is why trying to be formal on the internet is the stupidest decision ever.
  12. You cant skip the night

    Considering that the mod hasn't been updated since 1.2.5, they are extremely incompatible.
  13. Of course it's known. I'm clearly saying that I know it's a bug. If I didn't know about it, why would I consider it a bug?
  14. Where's the Mutton!

    This thread needs a picture. First, look up the definition for venison. Now, look up the definition for veal.
  15. Leaves weird looking issue[solved]Optifine D4 causing it.

    Turn off mipmapping.
  16. Painting

    More Paintings! and More paintings pls!. And then the one that's already been mentioned that paints on blocks. Just because you have a life, doesn't mean that mods don't exist. Eight, equals sign, equals sign, equals sign, capital d to what Kimbble said.
  17. Buff to axes

    Did you watch the video? Who cares if the beginning of the game sucks, as long as there is something fucking a' somewhere in the game.
  18. Buff to axes

    I actually think that both axes and saws should be seriously debuffed. How else will we be able to fit in chainsaws and these things:
  19. carrots on sticks

    I think it is fair to assume the man in the video is drunk, since he is, in fact, holding a beer bottle. I can edit your post, after the fact, as well: Ok.....
  20. carrots on sticks

    Ok http-~~-// 2008
  21. Scorched ground

    It doesn't matter when it happened, just that the thread was dead and had to do with burnt things. Hence, what I wrote.
  22. Magic ideas by Spuksas

    First off, 8×8 is 56? Unless, you were hinting at using a two high wall with: Then it would make sense. But, there's also the fact that the wall would be along the circumference of a 9×9 square, to wall in a 7×7 square of crops, not an 8×8. And the total number of blocks for the circumference of a 9×9 is 32, or 64 for a two high. Mathematics is a universal language, so there is no excuse for getting it wrong. For instance, English is capitalized. Ya done good, kid.
  23. Scorched ground

    We are gathered here today to pay our last tributes and respects to the memory of our departed friend, the Scorched Ground thread... ashes to ashes, dust to dust...