Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Biodigious

  1. 1) Creepers don't seem to do any damage and I'm pretty sure this is a bug. (In vanilla Minecraft a creeper can one shot kill you if it explodes right next to you, even when wearing normal diamond armor)

    What other mods are you using?

    3) There is too much food so you really can't starve to death.. I really like the fact that you also need to drink but it seems ridiculous that killing one cow gives you like half a stack of meat.

    Peaceful - It's always raining, but instead of water it is cooked steaks that are falling, thousands and thousands of delicious lag-inducing steaks.

    Just walk around and pick them up, no killing required.

    Easy - Whenever you start to get hungry, the animals will run up to you and say, "Good evening. May I interest you in the parts of my body?

    Something off the shoulder perhaps? Braised in a white wine sauce? Or the rump is very good. I’ve been exercising it and eating plenty of grain, so there’s a lot of good meat there. May I urge you to consider my liver? it must be very rich and tender by now, I’ve been force-feeding myself for months." Then it will sit there as you kill it.

    Normal - How animals act now.

    Hard - The animals will run away from you if they see you.

    Hardcore - The animals? What animals?


  2. Change only one word in the sentence with each reply using the previous replies sentence.

    Each sentence must make sense.

    My rats tracked rats all over the kitchen stove.


  3. S........h







    Everyone's attempts at ASCII art are horrible. None of it forms any images. Boring!!






  4. 2) Change sheep drops, both from kills and shearing, to be string instead of wool

    No, have them still drop the wool blocks, just have those blocks be unplaceable. Then using the block in the spinning wheel, you get a wool slab(covering?/carpeting?/wall hanging?). Or if you want to go more in-depth, wool block in a spinning wheel to × wool threads, then × wool threads make a wool slab. Maybe combining the threads needs yet another device.

    The wool slab can be placed and would cover a block surface(16×16 pixels) but would only be one pixel deep. No more two block deep floors just to have carpets.

    If I ever do any ancient textiles research I'll come back and make this better.


  5. Okay, so I am a pretty decent minecraft player, but this mod (as you all know) is rather different. So here are a few questions I have:

    How do I refill my thirst bar in the beginning?

    What are all the statistics under the meals?

    How long does a charcoal pit take to convert the logs?

    Is there a way to move water source blocks before the endish game?

    Go to a high place and swan dive into any block of water.

    Nothing important, just eat it.

    A few days shy of forever.

    Sorta. It requires a sluice and a temperature that will turn water into ice.


  6. If decoration isn't a use, and this is the uses for bones thread, and decoration is the main idea in the op...

    Brain having the dumb?

    On topic, someone should create a thread for the bones as a decoration...

    ... But isn't that what this thread was about...? :\

    This is the 'Use for bones' thread. Apparently decorations aren't considered a use.

    besides that im thinking we should have a usage for bone as a fuel too, if you make a fire hot enough, even bone will burn, this would require the bellows however (its been done in the prehistoric by people that needed fire during the ice age)

    You want to waste fuel, to get a fire hot enough to burn bones, so that they can act as an inferior fuel substitute? Please refer yourself to the above response.


  7. Unless you have a screen that covers 32 degrees of a sphere, there is no way this can be a thing. Your vision is highly limited due to the limitations of your hardware.

    What does the FOV of the monitor have to do with anything? Unable to think of a simple solution, like using a reverse vignette to simulate peripheral vision at night? But since, according to you, that's impossible, how would your suggestions be even remotely possible?
