Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ante185

  1. Make Pit Kiln log placement work for log piles.

    Well if I am going to save some wood because I want it to something else why would I mix that stack? And does it matter if the log pile next to the fire has a generic "coffee wood" texture? I am only going to burn them in the fire, no?
  2. Casting vs smithing

    May I just ask, now that the scribing table is gone, how do we smith things?
  3. Metric vs imperial

    Personally I think it should be consistent, I should instantly be able to tell that 1X is [_] times larger then 1Y with X & Y being measures (Oz, Kg etcetera)
  4. Mob Changes

    Currently I would rather have mobs survive daylight and spawn in lesser numbers during the night We will see how everything changes in the next update? (BTW is it going forward for you guys? Or has it slowed down?)
  5. Plank block change.

    a log will give you 8 planks yes? and out of 8 planks you can make 2 plank blocks, and that looks to me like a 1 to 2 ratio. would it not be logical that a plank block would weight half as mush as a log then?
  6. Thank you Dunk!

    oh for gods sake! I was gonna use that rice for meals with instant heal!
  7. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    could this (concept) be what you're aiming at sort of?
  8. Gold Pans

    wait what, you got something from a gold pan? that have never happened for me!
  9. Hey! Why no to NPCs?

    *cough* if their only goal was to kill you then they wouldn't be NPC you know? they would be regular mobs you know?
  10. Make it Harder! =]

    Barbarian brutes/Human like mobs== NPC?
  11. Arquebus (primative 15th century firearm)

    Well it's a module mod so you don't need to have everything ;-{)
  12. Arquebus (primative 15th century firearm)

    You know that TFC is compatible with Flans mod right? and TFC is also compatible with 1.6.4 (As far as I've seen) so if you go here you can get it. and myself is a content creator for said mod (Well I am not the best but I can make some weapons yes.) I'llput a link for acontent pack (But you need the "Simple Parts pack" from flan as well) You can't craft any of the weapons currently (I has no clue as to how to make them, I can only 2x2 to 3x3 crafting TFC stuff would require REAL modding I think) but there's a crossbow, a musket/Arquebus and a rifle. My content pack, it's in a WinRAR
  13. I was thinking about dynamic metals, and why it wouldn't be possible to do it, to me the biggest problem was that copper mixed with Iron wouldn't give you the properties ofcopper + iron, it would be moreor lessrandom. so thinking to my self I thought: "What if instead of taking ores, metals and minerals from the real world we could have 'fantasy' name, no, maybe not, that's just stupid". But what struck me later is that the character you play doesn't have a periodic table in his/her head, he/she would have no clue as to what name that specific piece ofore or metal is called and so to easily remember it the character would call it something, I mean humans didn't really just dig up a random piece of iron and all of suddenknew that it'snamewas iron. So when a player acquire a new ore/metal (Could even be applied to other random objects like seeds!) he/she would then be able to name it something (The naming window MUST NOT come up directly when you pick up the new thing!!!) I suppose with that system you canjustify "Dynamic Metals" as the player doesn't know what themetal it really is. In SMP (Which I have understood is really important) it could either work as: A) First person to discover 'new thing' would get to name it (troll warning) Each player names stuff for them self (force from other players and communities gives things common names) What would you call the first ore and metal you found?
  14. Well, there is a reason why i put it as kind of discussion, and your points there should be noted!
  15. I think that some confusion should be present, as it would maybe enhance player to player interaction, for example player A could trade his ingot with player B's ingot, however player A doesn't know that his ingot may be used in a powerful alloy while player B's ingot is just about as useful as zinc. both players would be oblivious to the unfair trade until player B finds out that ha can make something good with that ingot or until player A finds more of that metal and finds out that way!
  16. [Suggestion] Basic Needs

    And isn't reality believable?
  17. Avoiding The Grind

    ------------- I didn't exactly say that it would be exact or a big "X ORE HERE" sign, more sort of "psst, there might be something this way!" and one block is like one cubic meter so it wouldn't be guaranteed that the trace would be visible. (If it would be visible it would depend on some RNG, say 30% of showing and then a 1 in 7 chance that it's visible to you (A block has 6 sides, so if we where to roll a D7 and if it would land on 1-6 it would be visible one the corresponding side, if 7 seven the trace would be "in the middle" and thus not visible, another chance for the trave not to show) And the trace would like just be a coupla dots on the texture of the rock)
  18. Avoiding The Grind

    what a rock contains can be seen in some cases by looking at it, here in Sweden, an iron rich country, you can see on the surface of rocks if it contains something by the colour it has, I could think that a rock with some rust brown "lines" and "dots" on it could contains some iron, but most likely not worth using. so I don't know how miscoloured a rocked that contains enough metals to be considered ore would be, but most likely visible.
  19. [Solved] Argh! Ceramic Vessel GUI broken!

    You edit your first post, the one you wrote to make this thread
  20. [RESOLVED] Not Receiving Ore From Blocks

    I kind of had the same problem XD Could at least be a footnote on the wiki hehe
  21. On the Kiln and Ingots

    Also isn't the smelting temperature lower when a metal is in its pure form rather then when it's a ore?
  22. ---- But there's no way to store tools until you can make tool racks, and awkwardly enough I don't know how to make one XD
  23. I would gladly accept OP's inventory system IF I could store stuff like tools and other misc items on the ground or something, to make early game viable with OP's inventory system
  24. Nutrition: picking up where meals left off

    but berry bushes are a Age of Empires thing! On topic I'd defiantly love to have some more 'scavenge friendly' food types!
  25. Ingame money

    [this is just a example] Well if person A has a cow and a axe, person B has two sheep's and person C has a pickaxe and some coins Person A wants Person C pickaxe Person C doesn't want neither a cow or a axe Person B wants a axe but person A doesn't want any sheeps Person C wants a sheep to grow wool Person C trades his coins for one ofperson B sheep Person B trades her new coins with person A, person A refuses "Those are just small bits of metal!" Person B says to person A that these coins are worth an pickaxe Person A trades his axe for the coins person B has Person A trades his coins for person C pickaxe and goes home and takes a glass of milk Coins/currency/moneyeliminate the need for having the right stuff to trade with, and money is just something a community agreesabout the worth, now this example I just did don't work really well in minecraft as everyone has equal opportunities but you see the point, yes?