Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by lorbog

  1. A Few Roleplaying threads, Maybe?

    I'm all for it.
  2. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    My dirt house
  3. Horse meat

    The statement would still apply here, it would just make it more difficult to raise horses for either application.
  4. Horse meat

    Horses should be as good as anything else. and give you the amount of meat an animal of that size should, and should have no debuffs or anything. This wouldn't be overpowered because most people (I'd imagine) would use horses for all those other useful things rather than as livestock, but if someone would like to live solely off of horse I believe they should have the freedom to do so.
  5. (I understand that this likely requires editing base classes, and I understand why that won't happen, I'm just kinda hoping that there is some way that new code can fix it... . I know nothing about coding, so I have no concept of the difficulty or possibility of what I just asked, but it was worth a shot, right?) If this isn't possible (or the devs just don't want to do it), does anyone know if there is a mod compatible with TFC that does this, it doesn't have to do only this, but this bug bugs (get it?), a lot. That's supposed to be fixed in the next few vanilla updates.
  6. Where's the Mutton!

    I'm pretty sure this is already planned
  7. I miss this server
  8. hey, when you want that epic boss loot you gotta do what you gotta do.
  9. Go inside of him and kill the boss, duh.
  10. Tents.

    wouldn't a small dirt hut be essentially the same as a tent? Just a small temporary shelter you build until you can make something better.
  11. Cartography

    Hope this gets added so I can make cryptic treasure maps and distribute them throughout the land.
  12. Oil! [not petroleum]

    I kinda like the idea of giant tar pits. there could be bones of anceint creatures hidden there and the tar itself could be a liquid that you can swim trough at only 1/2 the speed of lava and would be deadly at more than one block deep. when in deep tar you would slowly be sucked down into it and would not be able to get up and would drown very rapidly. and maybe a freind could pull you out of tar using a fishing rod.
  13. Tents.

    meh, I don't really think the tent thing would be a good idea, beacause why would you make a tent when you could just make a house? but i do like the idea of being able to place leather on blocks, kinda like a tanning rack, and maybe you could tan the leather and make things out of it.
  14. YEAH!!!!!! Creeper Island!! you should make it like the vanilla ones except all creepery.
  15. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    how about dragon fangs? they could be used to make tools/weapons even more powerful than steel. they would work like knapping, when you place 2 fangs in your crafting inventory it would work exactly like the napping gui but with only 2 fangs you could only make knives, hoes, and shovels. to make larger things like swords picks and maces, you would need to take whatever the dragon uses to breath fire and combine it with coal in a crafting table to make dragon-coal, which could then be used to smelt dragon bones and fangs down into an ingot form and could then be used to make weapon's / tools stronger and more durable than steel.
  16. I don't know about anyone else but I for one am tired of not being able to eat everything I kill. That is why I am suggesting that all mobs (except skeletons of course) drop their own meat upon death, even players. Also the different meats should have different effects and all raw meats would have a chance of making you sick (like chicken). food values are in terms of the hunger bar not the actual hunger points. By sickness i mean hunger (like when you eat zombie meat) Sushi raw fish + rice in crafting table 4 hunger. Mutton (Sheep meat) Drops 4. Raw: Heals 1.5 hunger and 20% chance of sickness. Cooked: heals 6 hunger. Calamari (Squid{I think}) Drops 10 tentacles Raw: 1/2 hunger. 35% chance of sickness Squid Balls: raw squid + rice + bowl in crafting. 5 hunger. Wolf Drops less than a pig Raw: 1 1/2 hunger. 40% chance of sickness Cooked: 4 hunger. Creeper ( ITS A FLAVOR EXPLOSION!!!!!!!) Raw: 4 hunger. (no sickness) has a 10% chance of exploding while you eat it. (causes 8 hearts of damage regardless of armor) Cooked: 8 hunger. Has a 20% chance of exploding (small chance of exploding while cooking destroying your fire pit and its contents but nothing else) Burnt: Not consumable. can be thrown as a weak explosive (only effecting a few blocks) (moderately high chance of exploding while cooking) Human Raw: 1 hunger. 75% chance of sickness. 4% chance of cannibalism (see below) Cooked: 4 hunger. 60% chance of sickness. 2% chance of cannibalism Zombie Raw: same as vanilla with a 4% chance of cannibalism. 90% chance of sickness Cooked: 4 hunger with a 3% chance of cannibalism. 90% chance of sickness Ender arms. Raw: 40% chance of sickness. 10% chance to teleport anywhere within 20 blocks. Cooked: 15% chance to teleport 10 blocks ahead of you. (takes a VERY long time to cook) cannibalism - would cause your hunger bar to constantly decline (like the hunger effect) until you eat more human meat or die.
  17. Creeper Steak (meat for every mob)

    oops also forgot endermen.
  18. Creeper Steak (meat for every mob)

    I knew that i just posted it in terms of the hunger bar so that everyone would understand. I probably should have noted that.
  19. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Cuz I wants it's delicious body parts . Mmmmmm....
  20. Greenhouses!

    Maybe you would need to keep bees or something to pollinate your crops. Or you could collect dung from animals and use it as fertilizer.
  21. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Yep, and maybe the big dragon would send them at you at some point during the fight, but if you found and murdered them all beforehand you woul't have to worry about it.
  22. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Maybe there should be a smaller form of dragon or baby dragons that hang around near the bigger dragon's lair and feed off of his leftovers. And if you killed these small dragons they would rarely drop a dragon skull that you could place (like the new heads in mc) or ware as a helm that would be around the strength of red steel.
  23. In Game Name(IGN): lorbog Character Name: Lorious topaz Borlog Character Age: 23 Character Sex: male Family: Mother(name unknown,dead or alive unknown), Father (name unknown,dead or alive unknown) Profession(s): none Background: My earliest memories are of waves,dark and roaring, churning violently around me, a ship sailing off into the horizon, and holding on for dear life. I don't know what happened after,but when I awoke it was morning, and I was on a beach. I pulled myself up out of the sand and examined my surroundings, I spotted a large crate nearby, must have been what I was holding on to. I walked over to it, and noticing that the lid was slightly ajar, I pulled it open. It was full of books, novels, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and, most importantly, survival guides, lots and lots of survival guides. I soon got to reading. I leaned how to make fires, what plants where safe to eat, how to fish, how to make a basic tool, how to chop down trees, how to make a shelter, how to hunt, and later I even learned how to mine, make charcoal, and even smelt ores. More recently people washed ashore. I was to afraid to go near them and instead hid in the shadows watching, but today I have finally worked up the courage to go speak to them. I have left my story here so that in the event that I do not live through this encounter they may know my story - Lorious Borlog
  24. IGN: lorbog Age: 16 Read and agree to server rules? yes What do you want to do on the server?: play tfcraft and maybe join/start a town.