Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Feycat

  1. [Solved]Bucket of Milk

    I'm not sure if this goes under the "various and annoying bucket and barrel bugs" so I thought I'd throw this out to see if anyone else has had this? I get a bucket of milk from a cow, go to the barrel to pour it in to make cheese. The bucket empties as soon as I open the barrel UI. The cow is still milked, the bucket is actually empty, and there's nothing in the barrel. Emptying the barrel, breaking/replacing the barrel, and using a different barrel all do not work. I was making cheese just fine til this bug hit, and now I can't do it. This has happened on multiple maps, so it's either just me or it's reproducible, but I'm not sure what triggers it.
  2. Life In The Woods?

    Has anyone seen this modpack? Seems like it's a collection that hews pretty close to TFC, and since one of the Mindcrackers is doing a series it's getting a lot of attention.
  3. Life In The Woods?

    I honestly don't know wtf you're talking about with regards to TFC being build-unfriendly. I always feel that vanilla minecraft is so much more bland when it comes to building than TFC is. There are about 20 different colors of wood, 20 different colors of stone, the chisel to make stone blocks that are aethetically pleasing and not affected by gravity - plus making microblocks, colored supports, log piles, thatch, stone walls of every color... seriously, what are you talking about? The only thing that's even close to hard to get is mortar, because it requires the damn flux stone (which btw is a real complaint for me. Being completely stalled until I get flux stone and have to travel a million miles to get it is not cool.) Also, cobblestone isn't even affected by gravity except straight down. You can stack it up as high as you want, it doesn't "roll downhill" like dirt does,. And why would you want to build out of dirt? And it's really not hard to gather anything except flux. Lots of different trees are almost always within a couple day's walking distance. Seriously, I'm confused.
  4. [Request] Sphax texture pack There's this. I've been working on a morph of my own that was on the previous page, but it's still mostly tinkering.
  5. Bloomery re-design

    It's very goofy that I have to physically break the chimney in order to get the bloomery started; I don't particularly like having to throw items into the chimney stack to load it either. Both of those things are pretty unrealistic. Can we have the ability to load the bloomery via the bloomery block itself?
  6. I recently transferred the map/world of my TFC game to a server in order to reduce lag/facilitate proper timekeeping and allow friends to play on the same world. Everything transferred smoothly, all my buildings and blocks were intact - except for my pile of copper ingots. They are no longer visible - but they DO cause an actual displacement when I walk over them. There's a little bump-up and sometimes I "trip" on the edges. I've got no idea why this happened, has anyone had something similar? I don't necessarily need a fix (they were only copper and I have a huge cave full of tetrahedrite) but it is a little annoying that I can't place an ingot pile in one of the places I have specifically earmarked for that.
  7. Weirdness when transferring map - ingot pile

    Weirdly enough, I had a full charcoal pit and 2 unlit forges and they all carried over fine, as did all my jars and chests. It's just that pile of ingots!
  8. Weirdness when transferring map - ingot pile

    Yeah, my plan is to break the block next time I start the server (I keep it off when we're not playing to keep my farm from growing without me!) but it's still a weird bug.
  9. Bloomery re-design

    Yeah, I've done all that. Still, I feel like it would be a lot more realistic to load from the actual bloomery, besides the hassle of having to actually break the chimney to put in the coal block. My suggestion is to make loading from the front - if I can unload a 3 meter high chimney worth of melted ore from the front, I should surely be able to load it there too
  10. It's probably sad that the first thing I noticed (and desperately envied) was the sheep! LOL
  11. [Solved]Bucket of Milk

    Okay, it's un-fixed itself again, both the mini animals AND the milk bucket bug. And I'm not hosting the game on my own computer anymore, so it seems to be a map issue of some sort? I tried setting time again and it did not work this time.
  12. Alternatives for magical mobs

    It makes way more sense to me for the mobs to be added internally to TFC rather than trying to tack-on another mod.
  13. [Solved]Bucket of Milk

    I've never edited the year length, but I do lag rather badly.
  14. [Solved]Bucket of Milk

    It seems to be some sort of time sych problem. I made a second fresh bucket, just to make sure my specific bucket wasn't bugged. Then I went and milked both my cows, logged off, shut down the game. Logged back in. Both buckets were empty AND I could milk the cows again, which ordinarily it won't let me do after I vanish the milk by opening the barrel. I did it twice more, same thing. I opened LAN to enable cheats and did the /time set 1000000000 recommended in the mini cow thread. It did indeed grow all my mini cows to adulthood (and killed me with starvation) and now my buckets/milk are working properly again. Since this is the first time I've ever messed with time in any way in the game, do you have any idea why my time would be de-syching like that?
  15. Animals, becoming mini?

    Any idea why this would be happening in a singleplayer game that has never ever had the time command or any cheats used? Because I thought my cows had vanished (had 2 calves born, went on a long trip to find fluxstone, came back with only my 3 original adults in the pen.) Recently was leading a new female pig toward my pen and tiny cows began leaping out of the dirt around my cow pen. They are seriously micro, not just glitched into the terrain but also very very tiny.
  16. Alternatives for magical mobs

    Not a fan of Mo'Creatures for a whole host of reasons. It crowds mobs into ridiculous density with no real concern for biome and whatnot, and wouldn't be compatible with this mod anyway. I'd rather see the mob issue dealt with from inside the mod, rather than papering it over with another mod.I'd love to see foxes, pheasants, seagulls, snakes etc in the actual mod, though.
  17. Alternatives for magical mobs

    Awesome! My only request would be not to tie animal mods to "peaceful" settings, so you can turn off the magical mobs and still have those.
  18. Alternatives for magical mobs

    Oh absolutely agree. I considered doing the same thing you are, but making skeletons and zombies more into "bandits" and "highwaymen." Nothing much can be done about the giant spiders and creepers though. I really feel like this is less of a fantasy mod and more of a "settlers/Oregon Trail" type of survival game, so I hate all the goofy Minecraft mobs. I was actually disappointed when I ran into bears and wolves and they weren't aggressive. Bulls and boars should be too.
  19. Alternatives for magical mobs

    I agree with you! I actually turn mobs off in my TFC games because it just doesn't feel right being chased around my magical monsters in such a survival-based game. I really wish we could get rid of the walking skeletons and creepers and whatnot and replace them with aggressive wolves, bears, bandit, etc...
  20. [Request] Sphax texture pack That's the pack as it currently stand. Still needs more work in icons and whatnot, my admin and I are still tweaking and recoloring things. Expect updates every week or so til it's finished.
  21. [Request] Sphax texture pack Screenshots of my Sphax pack in action.
  22. [Request] Sphax texture pack

    I've actually got a working version of Sphax 64 up and running with TFC included in it. Basically most of the folks on my private server use Sphax and we're tired of swapping back and forth from H3D to Sphax when we switch games. I'm still working on it, and I'll be honest, it's mostly recoloring, because I'm just not good at creating textures, we use it and I've gotten some good feedback. Our server admin is helping me out building custom art for things like anvils, scythes, and the crops that can't be cobbled together/recolored from other pre-existing Sphax textures, but so far I've recolored all the dirts, trees, wood, ore, seeds, most of the food and rocks. I'm working on getting the tools finished up and getting those custom sprites finished and colored. I don't know if anyone has any interest since it's not a true remake for the most part, just basically taking Sphax textures and then following the color schemes for TFC (I made all the clay and all the sand the same color because personally I hate all the multicolored dirt/sand/clay, but someone could certainly recolor those themselves if they wanted.) I can link it up if anyone has interest. I'm not sure the protocol. Should I be posting screenshots?