Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Dano6655

  1. So server population has spiked dramatically and people are obviously requesting more slots. In order for us to upgrade linux would need to upgrade his connection and possibly his hardware so we definitely could use donations to help him out. Also linux if you could give us a general idea or what it costs and what you would need it would be beneficial.


  2. Java is case sensitive, so it sees c and C as two completely different things, hence why it can't find cheese.png, but it can find Cheese.png


    As for the armor, I have ho idea. It's been reported but it hasn't been looked into just yet.


    Not to sound like or dick or anything but why wasn't this looked into? It was reported at least a week before the most recent hotfix and it's what I'd classify as a serious bug. Especially considering how hard tfc is with the new mobs and all


  3. So on our server (I'm an admin) I recently set the time to zero because I needed day to test something. Unexpectedly it reset the year back to 1000 and all the animals became invisible children that are basically useless. I'm not exactly sure why this happens but that's what happened. They are still there. They eat grass and take damage so they can be killed and replaced which is the action I have been taking to fix the problem


  4. So i recently set the time to 0 to test something and the result was kinda unexpected. The year reset and all born animals became invisible and tiny and not usable. If you have the problem either speak to an admin or post it hear so we can help you kill them and replace them.


  5. So there's been some complaint about the costs associated with some of the features of MyTown so I'd like to start a discussion on what people want or think is fair for this features.


    The topics in question:


    1) Creating towns

    2) Claiming chunks

    3) Setting homes

    4) Teleporting to homes

    5) Teleporting to town spawns


  6. i think that added fuse time is a good idea because the current fuse time requires you to extend the single or risk getting killed by the blast. I do not think that reducing the recipe output is a good idea. The recipe is pretty shit as is for how much gunpowder is required and how limited sulfur is.


  7. How did you tried this ? 2 player and damage indicator ?

    And when you say it does not protect, you get the exact same amount of damage with and without amor?


    we used f3 to tell our hp without damage indicators and i took the exact same amount of damage with or without armor no matter what the armor or weapon we used.


    also all of the testing and bug reports I've done will be on servers


    although my friend was playing hardcore single player and wasn't taking damage from having an empty thirst bar


  8. Here's the method for duplicating ingots I found.


    1) remove a fresh ingot from the blast furnace or crucible (unshaped). Shift click it into an anvil. You've duped it


    2) remove a fresh ingot from the blast furnace or crucible (unshaped). Shift click it into a crucible. You've duped it.


    3) after removing some ore from a crucible, breaking the crucible resulted in it gaining more ore


  9. I've confirmed through testing that the lacks of caves/ravines/waterways was consistent across different seeds.

    All of the bugs I reported in my other post were in multiplayer.

    There are numerous severe bugs involving unshaped ingots and the crucible

    There are multiple ways to duplicate almost any item (mostly ingots) involving the blast furnace, crucible, anvils, unshaped ingots and shift clicking

    A crucible also kept crashing the server with a ticking tile entity bug similar to when i put a chest in the nether except this was the overworld


  10. I'm reporting multiple bugs in 77.5


    It's possible some things are intentional I don't know


    1st) Iron bloom from a bloomery sometimes returns bloom that is 0% instead of 200%


    2nd) Bellows appear to have a graphical glitch where they sometimes appear darker


    3rd) Ingot piles sometimes don't show the proper number of ingots placed ( I think this happens when others add to the pile)


    4th) Animals don't follow you when you are carrying wheat grain they just look at you and don't move


    5th) From what we've seen in our world through the usual ore x-ray glitch (persistent from last version) there is absolutely zero caves. There's small pools of water and lava but not caves ravines or waterways. This is persistent for all areas that have been explored (tons)


    6th) Sometimes when logging in my hp stays at half until a take damage and then the graphic properly updates


    7th) The HP/Hunger/Thirst bars block the level so I can't really tell what level I am


    I'd also like to question a few changes.


    Why were enchanted armors removed from mobs? The possibility of getting a rare enchanted armor drop was one of the things that made mobs a bit less ridiculous and potentially worth killing.


    Why was tool efficiency decreased? I felt the game progressed slowly enough as already and you've made the more monotonous and tedious tasks even longer.


    Why was non-infinite water removed? Was it causing problems?


    I feel that there's too much reheating of ingots in ways that doesn't make sense. Popping ingots out of a mold being cooled, iron bloom from a bloomery, and the iron bloom it breaks down into.


  11. Magnetite also produces platinum


    Sulfur and saltpeter produce gunpowder which is also currently useless


    aren't brass and sterling silver used in red+blue steel?


    also while we're at it I've never encountered native platinum, pitchblende, satinspear, selenite, or serpentite but the saltpeter generation seems to be unnaturally large. Almost anywhere I've gone in the worlds I've played in saltpeter is the most common thing I see. Which is irritating since it's basically useless and gets in the way of prospecting


    I've only encountered malachite once and I've randomly seen single blocks of petrified wood that the prop pick doesn't detect unless you hit it directly


  12. Posted Image

    here's a picture of my massive sky farm i built over the ocean


    the area around X:0 Z:0 was too hot for trees to grow so I had to place them like 100 blocks up in the sky so they would grow


    Posted Image


    Here's a picture some of the custom tfc paintings in my texture pack on the side of my house
