Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EternalUndeath

  1. plant genetics = allsume

    Cool. So my peas could be green OR yellow?! Fuckin hell, time to build me a monestary
  2. Bellows GUI

    ...because RL forges could operate the bellows and work the metal at the same time They didn't have to interrupt the flow to keep the heat up, or incorporate the practice into their smithing as a matter of skill... that never happened. They just pressed a button. soundslegit.jpg
  3. Stoned by Life

    _|ZZ|_ `o_q indeed
  4. New Logpile GUI

    Someone mention me?
  5. plant genetics = allsume

    >Pokemon >"Oh no, I haven't caught any yet! I'd better head over to Prof. Darwin!" >Run Menu >Bag >Repel
  6. Sonic Ether compatibility

    yeah, but installing that thing was a royal pain in the ass just to have it crash again I want to know that I won't be wasting my time this time
  7. plant genetics = allsume

    Interesting idea sonny-jim, surely a punnet square would be simple enough to make in TFC
  8. Stoned by Life

    hit things.
  9. New Logpile GUI

    And me [/ego]
  10. New Logpile GUI

    Only the males have a tentacle, and it's concealed NEXT to their ass lrn2bio :3
  11. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    oh gods... why does everyone have to be so active in this thread when I have comp issues?! Fuck it, dealing with this later...
  12. New Logpile GUI

    I actually love dolphins Wouldn't want to be one tho The lack of manipulative digits would prevent dolphins from playing the game Well, would prevent the females from playing, anyway...
  13. I think the lack of feedback is due to the fact that this has been done to death, resurrected, and then slain by a well-balanced party of racially diverse adventurers over in the kingdoms thread
  14. Stoned by Life

    I'd think the curve of the pick head and it's thickness would make prying difficult Also, Gordon Freeman
  15. the greatest beta test ever seen aka lets make a server

    lol I'd donate if I didn't make exactly enough to... still not be able to pay all my bills
  16. New Logpile GUI

    Unless you're a dolphin, less clicks = better
  17. A little romantic suggestion about hostile mobs spawning.

    I am the Creepax, and I speak for th- And bullets. Don't forget bullets.
  18. Stoned by Life

    Well you'd obviously need something metal for that but then wouldn't a crowbar make more sense?
  19. Grass

    As much as I LOVE this idea, isn't it then a bit limiting? Now we not only need to farm near already-spawned water, but we need to choose fertile bits as well? Water isn't hard to find, and fertile land probably wouldn't be hard to find... but fertile land next to water? That's the same difficulty squared. now, adjust the coding such that fertile land has a higher chance to spawn near water? Then you might have something...
  20. Sonic Ether compatibility

    So if someone else could try it out as well we could see if this was pure chance and if the functionality/compatibility is actually 100% or not Cuz i really didnt wanna bother doin anything more then standing on a hill... here's some pictures btw...I know..there is no TFC content in the pictures ...well anything else then starting a new game would somehow load chunks too fast(because they're already kinda there i guess) and then crash my game... Someone PLEASE confirm that this works and wasn't just a fluke Pleasepleasepleaseplease
  21. Hidden Fun Stuff

    Every single holiday...
  22. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    ...Et tu, Noodles?
  23. Agriculture Tweaks

    Well you could go the runescape route... toss a bunch of organic shit (bad food, seeds you don't need, spare bits of wood, etc..) into a pile, add some time, and get fertilizer. Use exclusively nutrient-rich things (fruit, meat, bonemeal, rotten flesh, etc...) to get supercompost instead. Treat farming patches with compost to boost their nutrient value, or treat them with supercompost to boost the value further, reset the 'rotation' of crops (so anything can be planted), and possibly even activate a boolean switch that adds +5% growth speed or something small like that