Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EternalUndeath

  1. My personal idea for the nether

    sigh... do what you want, I'm not the forum police around here. Just the grammar gestapo.
  2. Go to hell

    lol imagine if there was a kind of wheat that could only grow in the nether?
  3. Minecart idea

    lol no
  4. Go to hell

    here here, lol ...tho I wouldn't mind a bit of help with the bug reporting, still...
  5. lol nah, I just ordered all the parts separately, built wired and installed everything on her myself, and sent myself pretty deep into credit debt ...totally worth it <3 And I knew of dynamic lighting (wanted it to get put into vanilla), but what's multimine?
  6. Go to hell

    ...But that's exactly what everyone does for the tool plans anyway. We don't all have the magnificent space brain required to clairvoyantly guess all the right arbitrary ink blot placements for a saw blade, so most of us just turn to the wiki. There's really absolutely no difference.
  7. Well for me, the 'dent' was from ~386 FPS to around ~352 definitely a 34 FPS difference would be devastating on a slower computer that only GETS around 60 fps normally, but then again I had every visual effect on the highest setting. I imagine on a lower end computer with the settings a little more optimized, it could be maybe a 10-15 FPS hit? Idk, just throwing out random numbers honestly
  8. Go to hell

    ...But you DON'T have to do that in my idea either. It was just for flavor. I said it like 8 times but somehow people are still having trouble getting this...
  9. Go to hell

    ...Shit, and people think MY way was overcomplicated o_o Side note, why can I not get into the part of the forum for bug reports? It asks me to sign in, and then says my pass is wrong. It's still under the domain, so my login should still work I want to report that my tin propick is coming off MASSIVELY damaged when crafted. The head comes off the anvil just fine, maybe 90% full cuz I did botch it a bit, but then when I put it on top of a stick the bar drops into the fuckin red. What gives?
  10. Hunger System Tweak

    Of course they have. And those very expensive techniques are used for the mass production of industrial-grade structural steel that keeps the roof from collapsing in on your head when you walk into a 200-story sky scraper. That is not the steel they use for medieval reenactment armor. Armor gets made from the (relatively) cheap stuff that was just as available to our forebears
  11. I wish I could contribute, but I've got the best PC money could buy for when I built it >_> ...I can tell you how a really high-end PC handles it tho :3
  12. More Bows and other bow building system

    I think it's implied that Steve has tongs
  13. Seasons tweaks

    FFFFFFFFF Idea atm, the minecraft sun always sets at exactly west, always. Could Bioxx make the sun rise/set slightly more towards the north or south depending on season? And then falling in with the advanced calendars thread from earlier, in the early days when you wouldn't have access to the calendar you could tell the season by how far north/south the sun was
  14. Go to hell

  15. Enchantment system

    You could guess rather easily? Friend, if you guessed the scythe recipe on your first shot without looking it up, I will eat my fedora. EVERYONE looks it up, the same way that everyone will end up looking up the runes. The fairy thing was just a way of allowing them to be found legit if you feel so inclined, the same as guessing for tools - you CAN guess if you want to try and get it on your own, just like you CAN go around finding the generated 'structures' in-world for enchanting. It's just a nice touch, as you said. Honestly, there should be a way to cheat this. It's just for flavor; making it required the way thaumcraft does would just be silly in this instance. In thaumcraft, YOU have control over building the quaesitum, and you're guaranteed to get at least something after you've thrown in a few stacks of cobble. World generation though, you have 0 control over. Making it mandatory is just poor game planning. I think a lot of people are bugging out about this because you think I mean the fairy thingies to be a mandatory thing. They are not. They are just for flavor, and maybe to help out a little. It's just a matter of 'Oh, neat!' or 'Ooh, didn't see THAT one on the forums!'. Not a matter of necessity. Other than that, and the way that I've made the enchanting block GUI out to be similar to the scribing table, my idea for enchanting isn't that terribly different from the ones everyone else keeps saying
  16. Early power systems

    Yeah, like a radio signal or a laser signal - just something that carries on-off state information and doesn't actually propagate energy. Here's the thing though - it DOES propagate energy. redstone can open doors and other mechanical things requiring physical force, as well as lighting glowstone lamps - it therefore MUST utilize energy. And if it utilizes energy, then torches are therefore necessarily an infinite source of said energy. Even if it's only emitted at a slow rate and low frequency, an infinite energy source must also by proxy have infinite mass. Since the universe 'spawned' with a finite amount of mass, an infinite energy source is therefore impossible without violation of thermodynamics, conservation of energy and mass, and special relativity. tl;dr - there is no context you can logically take redstone torches in that makes them scientifically viable
  17. Seasons tweaks

    'day' in my case referring to the actual daytime, not a 24-hour cycle
  18. Early power systems

    Agreed. But... redstone is still obtainable in-game. Unless bioxx plans to remove it, I think a baghdad battery - or SOME kind of placable but limited power source - should be implemented in place of the eternal thermodynamics-defying redstone torch
  19. Enchantment system

    Well that part of trial and error guesswork wouldn't be too hard. Scribe the rune, and just stick one of every kind of gem you have in the table. If one gives you something in the output slot, that kind of gem can carry that enchant. Pretty simple really. Erm... awesome yes, but I think enchanting should be performable at any time you choose, as long as you have the right ingredients. Getting the resources for it should be random - choosing when you use them shouldn't. I agree with haiv that maybe a 'charged' table would have a chance of maybe giving you an enchant above the tier you normally would, but making it required? Not feelin' it. I mean, not only are thunderstorms very very rare... but what happens when you build in a desert?
  20. Seasons tweaks

    Oh. You're... actually chilling in this forum... o_o Didn't know you actually popped over here...
  21. Early power systems

    Hey, which is more likely? Ceramic batteries or the walking dead? Now tell me which is in the game already ...see now, these could actually... be a finite-duration replacement for redstone torches when they're removed :3
  22. Most of the organic ones were melted down. Flux DOES normally have to be in a liquid state for metal joining. Although limestone + hammer doesn't usually yield liquid to my knowledge, so...
  23. Early power systems

    Point being? Fact is, no one really knows 100% either way. The only hard facts about them are the mythbusters experiments at the bottom, which listed all suggested uses as plausible. Good episode, lol. They shocked the crap out of Adam, he was NOT amused XD
  24. Early power systems -cough cough-
  25. "Some of the earliest known fluxes were carbonate of soda, potash, charcoal, coke, borax,[1]lime,[2]lead sulfide[3] and certain minerals containing phosphorus." -wiki article at So, yes, that is in fact how it works :3