Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EternalUndeath

  1. More Bows and other bow building system

    Speaking as someone who actually made and strung his own bow... once... and it was exceptionally low-quality cuz it was in shop... *ahem* but anyway The wood has to be soaked first before it can be shaped at all. So I'm thinking 2 logs and a knife in the same position where you craft a vert. support beam with an axe would give you a <insert wood here> staff. Then, make a 3x3 pit in the ground, line it with non-cobble stone (raw, brick, or smooth), and dump a bucket of water in the middle. This creates a water block that can't be picked up with the bucket and opens a gui - similar to the magma block created by the forge. The gui is just 4 slots on the right and 4 on the left, with a left-to-right arrow in the middle. You put the staffs (and possibly other things you would need to soak) in the left slots, and after x time their soaked versions pop in on the right. Then you could maybe take the soaked wood to a bowyers bench (similar to the above picture) and use it to work the wet wood just like you'd work metal on the anvil. After successfully working the soaked staff into a soaked bow, you'd have to leave it in the bench till it dried (removing bent wet wood from whatever you're using to shape it will ALWAYS fuck up the end result, TRUST me). Your new unstrung <insert wood here> bow would then get strung using... idk whatever you guys are using animal guts for up there, I didn't use sheep innards to string mine irl.
  2. Enchantment system

    a) it's not the main attraction, these would just be little glowy 5x5 clusters of some small block, like mushrooms, scattered VERY infrequently around. Like, 0-1 per biome infrequently. Not something that's going to be getting in your face. b ) Thaumcraft does too have an enchanting system, how long has it been since you've played it? The occultic enchanter is made of sexiness
  3. The Most smallest suggestion EVAR!

    >most smallest *twitch*
  4. My personal idea for the nether

    There's already a topic for Nether discussion - this should have been a post in it. please browse the front page before posting new topics
  5. Go to hell

    Buddy... I like the way you think.
  6. Go to hell

    Hmmm... not a bad ideamaybe require the enchanting block to contain blaze rods or netherrack or some such thing?
  7. More Weapons

    what about just making some weapons slightly more or less effective against some mobs? Bludgeons powder bones and squash bugs, but decayed or primed flesh softens the blows. Whereas a good bladed edge can slice through meaty mobs, but passes right through open ribcages and blaze rod spaces (once we can go to hell again). Maybe have some reach weapons that can hit from further away but do barely any damage?
  8. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    Also, like how only certain metals can be made into anvils, I think only certain metals should be smithable into arrowheads. Gold and Lead arrows would be more useless than flint ones - they'd turn into sticks with a blob of shapeless metal on the tip. I say stick to copper, bronze, wrought iron, and steel.
  9. Realistic Water Handling - [Bucket & Well]

    Ladies and gentlemen. Marscraft.
  10. Thirst- redux!

    Yeah I could use a Dr. Pepper right about now ty, imma go get one
  11. Enchantment system

    Actually I hadn't even put any thought into how the gems would be fitted to equipment after being enchanted. A jewelers table makes little sense though, if I have steel armor and I want to stick a gem in it, I'm gonna have a damn tough time of it if all I have is a table, a pair of pliers, and a can-do attitude. Now that I'm actually thinking about the process, wouldn't it be simpler and more believable to add one more item slot to the anvil GUI, where you could place enchantment gems to be incorporated into whatever you're making? I think it makes a hell of a lot more sense to embed an extremely hard crystal into the raw hot metal than it does to try and work it into a breastplate you've already crafted and allowed to cool. So to sum things up, here's my vision of the ideal TFC enchanting system: 1) Find gems of various types and quality 2) Craft arcane workbench from 5 wood, a feather, 2 chipped gems, and a piece of leather 3) Find Dragonsblood trees as mentioned by Lumy in a separate thread, and get their resin 4) Craft ink sacs, rose red, and dragonsblood resin to get arcane markings 5) Find rune randomly generated in world 6) Head back to arcane workbench and scribe rune onto a gem, potentially enchanting it 7) Place enchanted gems destined for metal items (tools, armor, etc...) in anvil GUI slot 8) Upon successful crafting of item, gem disappears and items comes off the anvil enchanted (non-anvil items - like chests - could just be enchanted in the crafting area since they're made of softer materials you could just stick a gem into. Stone tools would not be enchantable)
  12. A secondary use for seeds

    Edible, but they don't fill your hunger bar, only the saturation meter That way you can snack on them to stop from getting hungry, but they're still no substitute for a good steak when you've been out killing mobs and your hunger bar is hurtin' for it
  13. Chest storage size just gave me quite an excellent idea... bag of holding... Perhaps chests could have much smaller inventories, but there could be an enchantment gem that, when crafted with the chest, gives a chest of holding that has a bigger inventory space? Edit: To clarify, let's pick a gem - say amethyst. If we enchant our chipped amethyst and get the 'holding' enchant, we can stick our regular single chest (with maybe 3x3 inventory spaces? Double chest would be 6x3) into the crafting area with our chipped amethyst of holding, to get a chest of holding (chipped), which would have 12 inventory spaces (3x4). Chests of holding with the same level gem (2 chipped ones, or 2 flawed ones, etc...) could form double chests (so a double chipped one would have a 6x4 inventory), but not chests of different levels (so placing an exquisite next to a regular one would be impossible, just like putting 3 chests in a row). And of course each tier up would increase the number of columns added to the space by one. However, this STILL nerfs chests, because even a double chest of holding (exquisite), is only 6x8, whereas normal double chests are 6x9
  14. Enchantment system

    Well yeah, there obviously has to be some sort of block for enchanting. You can't just randomly be like 'oh, btw, this emerald is magic now kthnxbai'. And about the runes, while I definitely agree that there should be some sort of identifier, I do NOT think that the effects should manifest like that. What would happen if a fire rune spawned in a jungle? And maybe not necessarily mushrooms, but it should probably stick to just one item - otherwise the generation would just become way too complicated to code
  15. Environmental Dangers

    Question - is the piling up of snow struck because it's being added, or because it's impossible? Because if it's 'impossible', there's actually a mod called inficraft that does just that. It's actually quite a lot like TFC to be honest, only whereas TFC is more like metallurgy: the game, inficraft is more like earth science: the game But point being, they have progressively piling snow that hampers movement
  16. New biome

    Well there is one thing gravel's good for - falling on your face and killing you while you're a billion miles underground in your mine, exactly 5 minutes and 2 seconds away from your bed. ...Only now in TFC, dirt and cobble do that too, and better. So... yeah.
  17. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    I think the most sensible solution has already been stated - better materials means better chance of retrieval, instead of higher damage
  18. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Actually, I just reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally fuckin love pumpkin pie <3
  19. First thought?Skyrim
  20. More player built structures

    Then my job here is done. To my knowledge, coke is not yet obtainable in-game. Borax was added before it became useful because adding borax would change world generation, and Bioxx is (quite smartly) doing the Eloraam thing and doing all the world gen stuff as early as possible so people don't have to cycle through worlds frustratingly.Coke would be made, not generated, so there doesn't have to be coke available in-game yet. If I'm wrong and it is currently obtainable then please, someone correct me because I want some too, but I do not think you can get it quite yet
  21. Enchantment system

    No, randomness = how things actually work Nearly EVERYTHING in minecraft, and even moreso in TFC, is based on chance. Javelins randomly break when thrown, ores provide a random amount of metal, ore generation is random, gem discovery is random, mob generation is pseudo-random, biome generation is pseudo-random (based on the random seed)... It's all randomized. Why shouldn't this be too? I just feel that it would really fit in with the random, difficult, luck-based, structure-intensive feel of the mod
  22. Casting instead of Scribing

    Hell if it didn't work though - they could shred european plate mail like warm butter
  23. More player built structures

    By switching out your .jar file for the one you installed railcraft on
  24. Enchantment system

    But wouldn't finding runes be pretty much the same as finding ore veins? It's just another form of resource collection, honestly. And easier than normal too, since you really would only have to ever find each one once. Other than that, I pretty much just parroted your thing for consigning enchants based on gem type and value
  25. Enhanced Calender

    Honestly, I just wanna build Blockhenge