Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by letalhell

  1. Another GUI? I'm not sure if sticks worth that much of coding.

    The second idea tho is quit good.

    Another thing could be that sticks be able to be put in the firepit as fuel, so you could leave the unwanted sticks types(the ones you have less) in the fire pit.

    Other thing is that you could place sticks in a wood-pile similar but for sticks and that could hold up to 8 stacks of sticks.


  2. Animals breeding and dying of old age... Humm... That gives me ideas.

    I guess that would be hard to balance, but would totally be worth.

    Also, big animals like cows would walk in packs(perhaps every animal should walk in packs) and once a cow is attacked the others will 1) attack back 2) run away(if the enemy is too powerful).

    No clue about the testificates, I don't like then I always destroy their houses and kill them :P

    Perhaps make them builders or something, and they try to build a city/village, making them gather stuffs, hunt animals and so on. There also could be evil-testiticates that will try to hunt you, will place traps to get you and so on.


  3. If you delete the config file of the server and client, it'll stop giving End of Stream. There's an Item ID conflict that seems to happen after updating from a previous version. I had the same issue on my server and it fixed it :P

    mod_TFC_Core, TFC or TFCOptions?

  4. Wouldn't call this "THE MOST SMALLEST SUGGESTION EVAR" but i would call this a quiet usefull suggestion! Hopefully this idea would get implemented... Because sticks run out realy fast for me... I spend the sticks on tools, torches and etc...

    As for me sticks are like a plague. I'm making a tree-farm and I get tons of it, I had to make a chest just for sticks! Beside torches and tools what are sticks used for?

    Also I would like that sticks could be able to burn in a fireplace too(of course they wouldn't last long);


  5. ya i agree just nerf chests...or add a weight system?...might take forever but 1 log should take more room than wheat seeds.

    But i think addin weight to chests instead of slot amount would be hard.

    Well maybe not weight but a "size-value". Let's say a regular block(dirt, cobblestone) have a "1" in size-value, a single chest can hold up to 10 in size-value(20 for double chests), but some items have a size-value of less then 1, like arrows that can have 0.1 or less. That way you can't place a whole desert, or mountain inside a chest, cuz 64(stack of sand/stone)*54=3456! for me that's not realistic, not to enter the fight between realism and TFC, for me that not even believable.

    And for those that don't want to store stuffs in open air, I can only say that IRL logs, stones and most stuffs are stored in open air, not in a chest that looks more like a portable hole from looney tunes or a bag of holding from D&D.


  6. Or maybe the wood pile should be made more efficient?

    Sorry, I don't support the nerfing of chests. Reason being is, you need 2 full chests to make a pit for charcoal already. I don't like the idea of needing to make a hundred boxes to fit all my stuff. They're already hard enough as it is to make (so long as you don't have a saw that is) and you really do end up needing a lot of them when you consider all the items available in the game.

    I'm also not too thrilled with the idea of having to make a barn for my woodpiles ala haystacks. Seems like a waste of space.

    If you increase the woodpiles you will increase the charcoal pit required wood and also it's outcome. By doubling the amout of wood in a woodpile you would need 4 full chests of wood and would get 4 stacks of charcoal and more around 32 pieces... You can't change the woodpile containment capacity without changing the charcoal system.

  7. "power creep" is a trend in games where of weapons or items become more and more powerful (to an unbalanced degree) with each higher tier.

    The result is that, if you want your mobs to still be at least a little challenging to a player with top tier gear, you must make those mobs so powerful that early tier players will be utterly crushed by them.

    (The Equivalent Exchange mod suffers from this. Can you imagine mobs capable of providing a challenge to players with Red Matter Katars?)

    The best way to avoid power creep is to provide utility or resource benefits for higher tier items, rather than simply increasing the damage.

    But the human kind only had troubles with animals and stuffs in the begining, after they mastered how to craft armor and good quality metals animals posed no threat.

    But I see your point, perhaps if mobs spawned with relation to the metal tier you are? Llike a dragon would only show when you have blue steel.


  8. My rather late thoughts on skinning. I love the GUI idea but not the chest one I think an anvil like GUI would be far more purposeful. The button where you put your hammer is where you put whatever tool you are using. The buttons on the side would be what action you are going to take and then there is an output slot and maybe a little drawing of the dead animal as a space filler. Possible tools would include; scissors, several types of knives, a saw, scalpel, anything else you cut open an animal with, and possibly your hands. Also its not just hide and meat you can get from animals. What about sinew, bones, fat, maybe organs (as gross as that is), and what about beyond just cows how about feathers, ink sacs, exoskeleton, poisons (cave spiders), fungi (mooshrooms), and various other unknown things. Certain actions are only available with certain tools and if you do the actions out of order or with the wrong tool you risk destroying a part of that animal. As a side note i don't think this should be possible with a creeper i think they have a mini self destruct as they die, this explosion couldn't break or hurt anything it would just scatter gunpowder.

    Edit: I forgot to say blood as an additional animal product.

    I like it. +1 there

    My only concern is bringing the creature to the base, perhaps a cartwheel?! Of course you could bring a pig, a chicken even a sheep, but a cow?!


  9. I was thinking in the recipe number of item divided by 3, so if the recipe is 9 blocks(3 dirt, 3 clay, 3 sand/gravel) would produce 3 rammed-earth bricks, plus the second slab(your sugestion) would grant 6 rammed-earth bricks per block.

    Or maybe instead of the craftng table, maybe you have a 3x3 area and the first layer is clay, second level is dirt/gravel and third layer on top would be sand, then you would compress it all together and be left with 9 slabs of rammed earth, of course this might necessitate the creation of some kind of 5x5 mechanism for the compression, not sure.

    That's even more interesting, perhaps you would have to soak them with water(or blood hehe) before placing the compressing stones.

    For that mechanic you would need 9 blocks of clay(equal 81 clay items) which is a bit is costly :/


  10. They are not being rude. They are trying to help you get better at making threads in this particular forum.

    Also you can take spelling examples from other comments on other threads just like the one i just typed to help your grammar.

    Simple as that....

    I'm not OP, I was just stating. Criticize the grammar of some is rude, the person may not have english as it's first linguagem.

    But nevermind.


  11. Do you sincerely want another GUI to go through though? I'm not entirely against something like this (as that is how it's been done in a few other enjoyable games), but generally GUIs don't facilitate immersion very well. They're necessary to accommodate certain mechanics, like inventories or systems where fine control over a bunch of little things (or numbers) is necessary, but they probably shouldn't be thrown in just for the sake of being thrown in.

    Well, I guess it would be so hard to code, just take the chest code, change the skin and make a variable that it can't be open without a certain item. It's not rocket science in my seen, but i'm no programmer so bear with me ;)

    And i'm not throwing it just to throw it, it makes no sense a "man" be able to carry a dead cow, they wheight around 600~1000 pounds!


  12. There's one thing that bugs me in minecraft.

    How come this pile 216 logs split in 13 log piles can fit in this 2 blocks chest?

    Posted Image

    I guess the whole chest thing should be revised. I don't know how this should be done, but I hope you guys do.

    I know this mod isn't about realism but...

    When I first met TFC and I saw that you could pile up the logs I thought, cool that seen interesting no more chest full of logs. But with the chests being six times more space-efficient... I don't know... Any idea?


  13. ok to start off i ike the basic concept here of adding in more player built structures but i do not think that most of your choices make much sence. tanning racks are made purely out or wood held together at the connecting corneres/joints, it should be craftable and place, like a sluice, or door, and a woorkbench is a nice touch, although i think it would be better served being used to work wood and stone into more advanced blocks like stairs and half slabs, leather and cloth working would be crafted on a maneguine. yeah i suck at spelling. the freezer idea is already a post of its own, i myself posted the comment saying that breaking ice blocks gives you ice chunks used to make ice piles to cool off the ice house, someone else suggested that we add barrels that you put in the ice house so you can store food to keep it from spoiling. as for glass blowing, i think that glass blowing should have a system all its own. a glass melting forge/bloomery place, glass working tools and maybe even a glass blowing table like the anvil, Idk. as for animals, how about this, if bioxx adds in the idea people have about tempature affecting metal ingots and other such things, like water cooling them off ultra fast, then it would be safe to assume he could apply such a system to any item he so desires. this is my idea, animals drop corpses. not a block or an entity. and item that you pick up, they do not stack and they will need alot of work to use, skinning, cleaning, butchering, ext. but instead of being like most drops when you pick them up, corpeses start off with a status of fresh and over time the status shrinks, from fresh to warm, warm to infected, infected to spoiled and spoiled to rotten, not sure about these status's, you guys can work that out. heat speeds up the rate the carcass rots at and deppending on how low down the status line it goes effects the total return, so normaly one cow would give you 10/20 beef, enough leather to make 1 and a half leather armour, how ever much that is. you get cow hide and need to work it into leather. but if it is all the way to spoiled you barely get any usable meat, rotten makes the carcass uselss, except maybe as bait for certain mobs. put it in a bait box, player constructed, and it lures mobs in.

    so these are my ideas. just my thoughts, if you do not agree. well that is realy up to you. this is just my opinion and if no one likes it then that is completely fine. i am trying to think up ideas that would be very cool to see as well as be easish to code and work in a believable way that keeps everything fun and entertaining for everyone. so lets keep adding to this people, this has alot of potential to be a very popular and exciting suggestion, what are your guy's ideas about how things should be made and what things could be added?

    Damm, you should use more periods, It's hard to read. But I see your point. I guess a rotting system would come pretty nice in this mode. But not sure about the mob drop being a entity, cuz can you imagine someone killing a cow an "collecting" it? It's damn heavy should take more then your full inventory to carry. Perhaps you could place the dead-cow in a sledge or a cart and bring it home.

    Basically i want a way to use the knife to turn the dead cow into cowhide and unbutchered cow meat. The problem is, crafting only has one output. So perhaps... Rightclicking knife opens a GUI, anvil-type. But that seems like a waste of coding. Maybe just rightclicking the knife in your hand splits the first corpse in your inventory, and hurts durability.

    I think a chest-like interface in a dead-cow that can only be open with a knife, once open there will be all the stuffs(meat, bones...) and then you would have to use another type of knife(skinning knife) and get the hide.

    EDIT: on the subject of ingot piles, does anyone know why my ingots won't stack or shift click correctly?

    If they are heatead(even warming) they wont stack, also if they have been worked they wont stack. Only recently made ingots and cooled ingots stacks.

  14. Hmmm...

    ...See now, I'm looking at all this and I'm thinking; 'What if there was a table like the planning table, where you could use special magic markings in rune shapes to make something like 'plans' for enchantments, that used gems instead of paper'?

    And the plans wouldn't be something already known, or obvious... you could have little fairy circles generate in-world in random places (must have forest in the biome type), that have mushrooms growing in the shape of a random rune (though there might need to be some identifier to mark them as different from regular mushroom growths... maybe a faint particle effect? idk). There could be negative spell effects, like mentioned above, so you'd really never know what you're getting until you go to try it out! Or, bioxx could make it so that the correct patterns always have positive effects, but any pattern OTHER than a legit one generates a random negative effect. Also, perhaps only certain kinds of gems could hold certain runes, the same way only certain kinds of stone can hold certain ores?

    Imagine wandering a forest near your home, and then coming across a cluster of glowing mushrooms arranged in a spiral - you rush home to your arcane workbench, and quickly scribe your new-found rune onto the first gem you happen to grab. You manage to get it right, even in your haste, but the gem remains lusterless. Damn! You etch the pattern into a second, more carefully chosen stone, and suddenly it starts shimmering with power - success!! Applying it to your sword and giving it a test swing, you clumsily knock it into one of your chickens...

    ...Setting the poor bird on fire. Awesome!! And pre-cooked food!! :D

    DO WANT.


  15. I posted in the other topic but I guess it can be here to...

    Ceramic pit, similar to the charcoal but you put ceramics in it and can make a bunch at time.

    Skewer for the fireplace, animals like pig could be cooked in here. It would take some time but would generate more quantity of food(made 5 pieces of cookead pork). It would require that animals bodies could be a new item, perhaps after dying they would generate a "block" type similar to woodpiles but with the animal skin and you could pick it or open it with a knife and harvest some stuffs(meat, bones, guts(?!) and blood(if you have a bucket or some container). After cooking the animal-block-thing in the fireplace using the skewer interface it would leave bones.


  16. Ceramic pit, similar to the charcoal but you put ceramics in it and can make a bunch at time.

    Skewer for the fireplace, animals like pig could be cooked in here. It would take some time but would generate more quantity of food(made 5 pieces of cookead pork). It would require that animals bodies could be a new item, perhaps after dying they would generate a "block" type similar to woodpiles but with the animal skin and you could pick it or open it with a knife and harvest some stuffs(meat, bones, guts(?!) and blood(if you have a bucket or some container). After cooking the animal-block-thing in the fireplace using the skewer interface it would leave bones.


  17. For compressing the rammed-earth you could make the mixture in the crafting table, 3 lines of sand, gravel and clay then it would make a block of uncompressed rammed-earth, then you would place it somewhere and place some stones in the sides an a cobblestone over it. When finished it would be a slabtall rammed-earth block.

    Historically, such additives as lime or animal blood were used to stabilize the material"

    Piggy piggy piggy, come here piggy *evil grimm*


  18. @Peffern

    But those are end-game alloys, not any cheap metal or flint arrowhead, all the others(iron and downwards) are less powerfull than the regular vanilla arrow.


    That wouldn't change anything, only that you could make arrows out of more materials.


  19. No not like IC, more like what you meant.

    Breathing reed is usefull just in small ponds and stuffs, but if you want to make something really deep down it would be useless. I love building underwater, that's why I suggest this things, and also for hunting those squids in a ocean biome not been so boring(breath, dive down, hit, dive up, breath...) and as they are acessories I guess they are realeated to this topic.

    For the pickaxe it's make sense, pickaxes are made for scuba diving, they are lighter and have some hidrodynamics that allows then to swing faster underwater. But I could live without one, but some way to have more air that would be very welcome.
