Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by zhrike

  1. Forgotten Beasts

    I've gone much along the same path as have you, logically, in theorizing how to practically program a dynamic system to generate such creatures. I love the idea. The variety of flora, fauna, and foes, as well as the AI, are large parts of what I love about DF. Bioxx et al have done a phenomenal job bringing a lot of the variety and meaningful gameplay into TFC; figuring a way to add something like Forgotten Beasts would be fantastic. Great detailed proposal.
  2. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    I'm going to respond once more to your comments, just for clarity's sake, for other people, not you, because you either lack a fundamental understanding of anything that I've written heretofore, or you are simply not emotionally stable. Now you've called me an idiot (indirectly) stupid (fairly directly) a "casual," (which serves only to attempt to marginalize) and a troll. Simple enjoyment, huh. You know how simple enjoyment from mate tea or smoking pot got blown out of proportion? Now there are certain myth going about either of them. People are stupid - they'll believe anything they wish to believe in or anything they are afraid might be true. And being an idiot or being lazy is certainly easier than the other way around. So naturally people are more drawn to easy ways. Why study and check thing personally when you can just hear some propaganda horse apple and suddenly become an expert. And guess what - any 'cultural' drinker is such an 'expert'. Even more so, just like drug addict - he pull everyone he can get his hands on along with him. Been there, seen that in many various cases. Not going to ever again. This meandering and mostly senseless paragraph is what 'buttsore" actually looks like. Now actually read some literature on how alcohol affects organism. There are plenty of actual medical professionals who wrote about it. For example - famed surgeon Fyodor Uglov, who with his views you've just called infantile lived and worked (saved lives) for more than a hundred years. Or study intently the Prohibition time in USA (and how was it brought about) - maybe something will in fact click for a change. If you don't know any better - I suggest you stop making yourself look ignorant. If you can't provide experimental easily demonstrable facts - then - oh, well. Not my problem. I did my research, I've actually checked many of those pieces of data to the best of my ability. Now if you want to get into technicalities (how alcohol affects blood, how it affects brain, how it affects behavior and so forth) - read up on the subject prior to calling someone misguided. From this point - I'm ignoring your troll behavior. Happy go lucky. What I called infantile was YOU attempting to equate drinking alcohol with cutting oneself. That's an absurd comparison that has no basis in reality. You've ignored most of what I wrote about alcohol, either that or you have a language barrier that prohibits your understanding. In either case, I didn't call anyone's views infantile. I called your attempt at spinning a simple fact; that one viable use of alcohol is enjoyment; into a harmful act that has not value whatsoever, infantile. Such an absurd attempt is childish. It serves no basis in any rational discourse. But then, I am not sure that you are trying to be rational. As to provide experimental easily demonstrable facts ... for what? That alcohol actually serves a purpose? You speak rife with ignorance about the entire framework of human history and alcohol's place within it, and yet call me ignorant? There are many studies, and if you actually did any research you would already know this, that show long-term, beneficial HEALTH and LONGEVITY effects of moderate alcohol consumption. Arguing with you is akin to arguing with someone who is claiming that the world is flat, and who is citing a thousand-year old papyrus scroll as proof. The science is out there. The data are there. Horse, meet water. Please drink. Let's go back to the start. You said this: "I have to say that alcohol serves no purpose in either real or digital life" And this:There is no point to adding alcohol in any way, shape or form in TFC other than being a gimmick that yet again serves not actual realistic purpose (except making oneself an actual idiot). If you said "alcohol has harmful effects" there would be no argument. I answered:Alcohol has an integral importance in social and cultural life, and has throughout all of human existence. Rites of passage, socialization, as a food source (see Pyramids; Egypt), etc. Perhaps you lack an understanding of cultural rites of passage and the role alcohol plays and has played over all of human existence, in addition to the other traits also mentioned, more of which can be dredged. The bottom line is this: Your statement, that alcohol serves no purpose in either real or digital life, is utterly absurd, is wrong, was made dogmatically, and without any foundation of fact. Additionally, in making the statement you also STATED, not implied, but explicitly stated, that any other opinion is idiotic and/or stupid. You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.
  3. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Yes, you are misguided ... intensely so. Attempting to equate cutting oneself (or others) with imbibing alcoholic substances is infantile. Simple enjoyment was one small characteristic I mentioned, Flame wars exist once rational discourse has been discarded. You've chosen to discard ration. All you have done is thus far is this "alcohol sucks, and anyone who disagrees is an idiot." Thus far your comments exhibit emotional, irrational, and indefensible idiocy. Again, alcohol exists, and has existed, as a cultural hallmark for all of human existence. I suggest you shut your trap until you are better educated.
  4. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Dogmatic much? Alcohol has an integral importance in social and cultural life, and has throughout all of human existence. Rites of passage, socialization, as a food source (see Pyramids; Egypt), etc. Do you know this thing called ... enjoyment? There are entire meaningful cultural constructs that exist around various forms of alcohol. Your statement is so misguided it boggles the mind. Back on topic, as someone who does enjoy drinking alcohol from time to time, I love the mechanic being added. Both from a realism point of view (since alcohol has been produced and consumed for millenia), and from the perspective of variety; which is one of my most favorite aspects of TFC.