Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ChunkHunter

  1. TFC Twitch Stream "Terra-fidda Wut?"

    Hi there... Nice stream - good beginner's guide. A couple of things about the gold pan - you're remembering an earlier implementation. The pan has been nerfed so that you can no longer get bronze from ir - so no silver any more. Also, you've got to click on gravel or sand that's NOT under water. See here Re the "snake on a stick" icon - there's a reason for that
  2. Awesome starting and beginner seed (TFC

    Thanks - I'll look at it tomorrow
  3. Awesome starting and beginner seed (TFC

    Is that seed negative - or is that just saying "here's the seed"?
  4. Settlements and Human Mobs

    I like this last idea (NPCs for technology) - but I think that the player should also be able to make discoveries too. Perhaps have the NPPCs have a small chance of being able to supply a 'super-version' of the hoe, or mattock or whatever...
  5. Looking for DEEP TUNDRA seed for a challenge I'd like to do

    yes - I have that belief, too...
  6. Hello everyone

    Welcome Carol - I hope you find the natives friendly
  7. Looking for a tfc 0.79.28 seec

    Here's a seed for you: 861191372 This spawns you in a chalk biome, next to a lake with sequoia, white cedar, ash and pine trees nearby. It doesn't really fir your temperature requirement, though - the average biome temp is only 12 degrees - but it could be a lot worse. Z is around -11000
  8. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    The amount of meat depends on the size of the animal and (mor importantly) on your butchering skill. IRL 300 oz (18lbs) from a full-grown pig (150lbs plus) would be a TINY amount.
  9. To release or not?

    If it is possible to limit the number of "slots" (i.e. concurrently on-line users) then setting this to a comparatively low number should achieve the goal of not having "too many players" *concurrently*. The only way to limit absoluteplayer numbers on a public server definitivelyis to have a whitelist. Another possibility which would help limit the numbers would be to have an open but "secret" IP address - you only give out the address and port to people who ask for it rather than publishing it. You could see as a kind of "off-whitelist".You'd have to trust all your players not to publish the address, and perhaps accept that they will give the address to friends.
  10. Try here for older downloads
  11. Quality / Skill system

    Nice idea - but I'd make the limit of seeds in a sacknot 10 but the current limit for seeds in one inventory slot - i.e. 32...
  12. [Solved] Can't smelt using ceramic vessel

    That's 12 small malachite (75% copper) and 4 small sphalerite (25% zinc). Those together won't result in an alloy of anything and that is the reason they aren't smelting. In fact you'd be *much* better leaving the sphalerite aside for the moment until you've found some bismuthinite (to make bismuth bronze), and instead, put 8 of your pieces oftetrahedrite in the mix to make in total 200 units of copper. Don't forget you'll need a mould to pour your molten metal into! I would always recommend a saw as your first tool unless you've found some surface ore deposits in which case a pick. In your case, as you have 200 units, you can make both Check out the following 2 pages from the wiki - I have them bookmarked Ores and minerals Alloys
  13. Encumberance Inventory system

    EndR20 If you look at the "development"forum you'll see a thread about dromedary camels - there are some pictures there of camels with panniers - preciesely what you're talking about I think.
  14. Boats/Rafts

    I'm not personally in favour of requiring armour of a particular level to progress to a new island. Yes, there are plus points in using armout, but there are also significant minus points - at least if you're talking real life - plate armour is a swine to move around in - it chafes even if it's been made specifically for you, and it's heavy, resulting in endurance tradeoffs (and yes I *do* have personal experience here). In game, at least in TFC1,armour uses up a LOT of resources, and unless you get at least someof those resources back by, for example, melting it down to make new armour, then I think I'll stay playing TFC1 with little or no armour. (In my years of playing TFC1 I've only ever made 1 suit of metal armour and that was red steel "because I could"). All the other metal armour I've worn has been from mob drops.
  15. Boats/Rafts

    Impeneterable water blocks sounds like the answer - just make sure that you can't swim under them or climb up out of the 'normal' water on top of them To preventthe latter you could implement some kind of 'shimmering' impeneterableair block to let the player know they have reached the limit of exploration? And yes, I wasn't talking about flying or other similar things, but flying may well be blocked by a moving world border à la MindCrack. (I'm trying to sew seeds of thought, so you get what you want from this new mod -not pulling ideas apart for the sake of it)
  16. Boats/Rafts

    I think the biggest problems here are in your last two paragraphs, Kitty - Pregenerating terrain, the mechanics are "a bit wonky", and death/respawning being locked to a specific dimension. I did suggest that pre-generating maps might be tricky, but it seems that pre-generating maps really only works properlyin the default dimension. I don't honestly see the minimap as being a problem in a "world map" implementation. Oh well -thanks for humouring my suggestion by at least giving it some thought. If you're going to have a single dimension with a grid of 9by <x> islands, thenI don't honestly think it's going to be easy preventing someone from travelling to an island where you don't want them to travel to - unless there's perhapsa way of hijacking the "shrinking world border" mechanic they use in the MindCrack servers to have a moving boundary, this time getting bigger in steps when you've fulfilled the prerequisites for travel to the next island (group). Another potential way of discouraging people from going to the "wrong island" would be to have *significantly* beefier mobs on these islands (I think this has already been mooted). I'm not a fanof this idea but it's not me who's designing the mod. Bioxx. Yes - I think I simply misinterpreted your statement - I'm looking at the game from a player point of view
  17. Boats/Rafts

    I'm curious - What is it that you find strange about having each island in its own dimension? It will certainly achieve your goal of not being able to swim from island to island - or even, heaven forfend, to the "wrong" island. I don't see a gameplay problem with switching dimensions instead of simply teleporting (a mechanism you have suggested in earlier posts). Of course the number of dimensions available to you in MC may be so limited that it's not a practical solution of course. Alternatively, it might pause a huge problem for servers with pre-generated maps, I don't know. There may also be major compatability issues with other mods that use alternative dimensions. (Or have I completely misinterpreted what you wrote?)
  18. One layer of dirt?

    Isn't it normal for the world to have only one layer of surface dirt in an "Edge" biome?
  19. Boats/Rafts

    Both very good valid points. So - each island in it's own dimension it is then
  20. Boats/Rafts

    A very good question! drkoaeg made a valid suggestion - It seems to methat that shouldbe a relatively straightorwardvariant of the "teleport to the next island" code being proposed. Alternative suggestions: Each island could be implemented asits own "dimension" - a single island surrounded by nothing but ocean.... the "world map" would be a way to shift between "dimensions". I don't pretend to know how MC handles dimensions or what the limit is to the number of dimensions,but it's maybe worth investigating if this idea fits. Alternatively, if the suggestion on fatigue were to be implemented, they could simply be so far apart that it's impossible to swim between them without perishing from fatigue. I just realised that I'm probably doing a bit of cross-fertilizing here - the "world map" I refer to is something mentioned in another threadwhere you have a "world map" where the islands that you have already explored are present, plus the islands you can attempt to travel to on your next "island hop". I can't think of an example in another game unfortunately. Visibility of an island on the "world map" could be linked to several factors including the relevant technology/items having been achieved/created/found.
  21. Boats/Rafts

    I think what you're saying is that there's a boundary <xdistance>from the coast. If you hit that boundary (or perhaps beyond it - just in case) while riding a boat you automatically get teleported to near (i.e. not so far away as to trigger the boundary, of course) the next island (or the "worldmap" pops up and you select your destination). If you're not in a boat you'll just be faced with endless ocean. I like this idea - it makes some sense in that you can't swim huge distances, and it also fits with Bioxx's idea that he doesn't want you to skip islands. It will also allow for limited coastal use of boats as long as the boundary is a reasonable distance from land. (This also doesn't preclude NPC boats appearing at player-made docks either.)
  22. What the Heck is Redstone Ore?

    Quartz is also piezoelectric (and exists in the MC world already)
  23. [0.79.22] Starting seed

    Well - I got back from vacation at the weekend to discover that TFC has been updated not once, but twice. Eager to try out this newness, I gdownloaded the newest version and started a new single player world. I used my defaul "new version" seed and loaded up eagerly. It turned out to be a pretty good seed - I have only been playing a couple of hours, but there's bismuth, sphalerite and (some) copper right near to seed - iron and gold too. Lots of fresh water and animals (not seen sheep or chickens yet), and a reasonable number of crops. I'll see if I can't sort out some screenshots later today. I guess you'll want to know the seed? Well - when I first generate a new world with a new version I simply use the version number as a seed - so the seed is simply:B79.22
  24. [Solved] Can't feed animals

    lol - sorry... I can't really help you I'm afraid...