Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Peffern

  1. If that was to be a joke, it was the worst joke in existence.

    Well regardless, it's certainly derailed the thread, and you haven't done much to bring it back.


    As I see it, tree grafting would involve adding a sapling to an existing tree. While it would be cool, I don't see the point as you could just plant another tree, as fruit trees grow fast enough that an improvement is probably not necessary (although I would use it anyway).


  2. Facepalm, well done Sherlock, you solved the puzzle, I'm not following the rules, its not like I just wrote that.

    If I actively decide not to follow that rule then that means I don't care that it makes my grammar incorrect otherwise I wouldn't be doing it would I?

    There's a difference between "I don't follow that rule because I don't believe in it" and "I choose not to follow that rule because it's inconvenient." Now, Grammar Nazism aside, is everyone clear what I meant?


    Now, in the off topic forums, I'd love to have a long chat about which grammar rules are worth following on the Internet. But not here, and not now.


  3. Yes, I know. There have been many threads on this topic. One and a half years ago, which I consider to be my heyday on these forums, it was a huge topic. Instead of necro-ing those, I'll make this one. I think that

    A: People have forgotten about this.

    B: Barrels bring it all together.

    So here goes:

    Part 1: Decay

    Food should, over time, if left alone, spoil/rot/decay/whatever using a system similar to heating. I'm thinking something along these lines:


    Fresh food is the food we know and love today.

    Stale food doesn't heal as much hunger, decreasing further with the *s.

    Old food(tell me if you have a better name)heals you initially, then gives you the hunger or poison debuff (similarly to vanilla rotten flesh).

    Spoiled food is inedible.

    Compost has some use in fertilizer. (For now I'm going to suggest replenishing nutrient groups)

    The food should decay at some speed if in player's inventory and at a higher speed (double, but up to triple depending on humidity and airtightness) in chests, and at a very high speed if in a water barrel (for making lots of compost).

    Part 2: Methods of Prevention

    There should be an icebox, perhaps a multiblock structure created using snow or ice blocks, that like the bloomery, once created allows access to a GUI. This would allow you, the player, to store food in it with a severely slowed decay rate. Also, maybe this could be used to make cheese from milk (at least part of the cheesemaking process).

    Also, food can be placed in a barrel of salt water. While in the barrel, it does not decay (or decays very slowly). When it is finished pickling/curing, the barrel no longer prevents decay, however the cured/pickled food decays very slowly on its own.

    This makes the order of decay speed as follows:

    Pickled vegetables - Cured meats - All cereal products(crop, grain, flour, dough, bread) - vegetable ingredients - cooked meat/eggs/fish - raw meat/eggs/fish - meals

    The order of decay speed for placement is:

    Salt water barrel (temporary, only for somethings) - icebox - player's inventory - dry, enclosed chest (cellar) - dry, exposed chest - humid enclosed chest - humid exposed chest - water barrel

    Humidity would be calculated based on, well, I think it's already part of the weather code.

    Airtightness would be calculated based on whether, from the chest, a path X blocks can be found that reaches open air

    If anyone has anything to add on this topic, tell me, and I'll edit the OP


  4. I've done exactly as you asked :)/>

    English grammar states that punctuation be placed inside quotation marks. That does not mean they get included.

    Here is what I intended:

    Spontaneous Combustible


  5. Hey don't worry about it, that's what makes this place so great. We have real professionals who KNOW what they're talking about discussing their ideas and thoughts. Regardless of whether your information has an effect on the mod or not, I find the forum to be a great place to learn things from people who know what they're talking about. Your insights are appreciated :)/>

    Some of us might(read: after studying CS for another 3 or so years) create an addon for basic machining.

    I've argued in the past that minecraft isn't a game; it's a modding platform. Hopefully TFC can become that eventually.


  6. Generally when people request a custom title, (and I grant them one) they tell me what to name them. Otherwise I come up with one on my own.

    Oh okay.

    Can I have 'spontaneous combustible?'

    I'm using combustible in the noun sense of something that combusts. If that's too strange, 'spontaneously combustible' uses it in the adjective sense. Whichever makes more sense to you, thanks.


  7. ehh, idk i remember hearing from either a giant floating B or a prehistoric fish-shark that our timeframe was ending around that time, although it might have been a silver dragon with cool shades that said that....

    but totally, i'd like to see the timeframe expanded as you move on to maybe even having clockwork machines and steam powered stuff

    but the again, making higher teir things being in a different "age" might make things awkward on servers where new people would start in the stone age while some people are living with clockwork golems doing everything for them

    I don't think it was the aforementioned dragon. Might have been the fish though.

  8. I agree that cows dropping more food is a bit more realistic than in Vanilla. I would rather see the whole dropping food from animals system to go away to have them drop carcasses or something of that sort instead. With the carcasses you'd have to use knives to butcher and skin the animal to eventually get the food and leather out of them. Oh and the real solution for the "too much meat" problem is to have some kind of mechanic where the food ages and eventually you can't eat it.

    Both of these: food spoiling and butchery were hot button issues a while ago, search harder. I'm currently working on a summary thread that I hope will address this in more detail.

  9. Default is 8 days in a month, which is conveniently the same number of phases of the minecraft moon. You can technically figure out the day of the month by which phase is in the sky each night.

    I didn't know that.

    P.S. was a supposed to PM you about the title changing thing? Copper Minor is hilarious btw.


  10. I have two comments.

    1. Swords should have a chance of breaking based on how long they've been used(maybe not) and their sharpness. Read: more force is required to hit someone with a full sword.

    2. And I think this had already been said, but they're should be a way to add enchantments/improvements to a sword to actually make it worth it to keep a sword.


  11. Yeah, but birds don't flutter around as much as bats do. Bats do a lot of swarming. Most birds just go from point A to B.

    Not the birds I know. Yes, they do fly directly fit a while, but then they flutter for a while.

    Also, Dunk, could you change my title?


  12. Having an armor storage trunk doesn't make much sense, because if it can fit armor, then it can fit sticks.

    Either a stand as some people have suggested, or some sort of Multi~Block storage that can hold large things
