Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Peffern

  1. One modification to the above post. Propicking is dependent on direction so when you mine 12 blocks on all 4 directions and the prospect, make surevyou are facing the same direction as you were with the initial find. Also I totally support core samples because the disturbing lack or garnierite in my world is starting to get on my nerves since my partner went in vacation for 7 weeks with no Internet.


  2. WhatEVER! Also, RE: catapults etc. Seany is right it would be useful there, or on pvp. I actually think TFC lends itself to pvp excellently but that aside, if there are mob nests and such I would like to see villages that build giant castles with lots of treasure. I've always wanted to siege a castle on minecraft.

    EDIT: run the idea by teranz and lumireaver, will you?


  3. I'm feeling left out. I said a lot of these suggestions too :o:(

    However I agree with most of these. One thing would be to just add an anvil-like GUI to the butchery table. And the corpse would go in there, and you would use the proper tool with the proper action to remove hide/feathers/skin, then remove organs, then if you wanted to you could get blood. That would leave a carcass that could be carved into meat.

    So first would be a cow. The first thing to do would be some sort of skinning tool that would remove the hide. This could be tanned on a tanning rack to get tanned leather for other stuff. Then, using a scalpel, you could obtain organs (I'm not sure what organs you get from a cow, but a poison sac from a spider, an ink sac from a squid) then finally you get a carcass. Using a carving knife, you cut up the carcass and get a whole bunch of beef. Is this an appropriate rendition?


  4. ok mixing a sand pile and a charcoal pile gives you dirty sand. Smelting that gives you a silicon boule. Same strategy, just a different name for the one item.

    By the way eternal, I'm thinking of starting a thread about large assembly built machines (no steam power yet but catapults, cannons and the like) I'm not sure if people are going to approve though so what do you think? worth it or waste of time?


  5. agreed. If pistons are re-added, I could see being able to glue blocks together so pushing one with a piston moves all the blocks it is attached to. sorry lumi you posted just as i did. Also glue could be a component in assembling catapults etc.


  6. i don't know if the fertility one is possible. maybe, actually it probably is.

    (scythe) regrowth 1-3 There is a 4%/8%/16% chance that the block the scythe broke reforms immediately and a 3%/6%/12% chance that the other blocks the scythe broke (the surrounding 3*3*3) will reform immediately. This uses an extra durability point when it happens.

    (chisel) flawless only 1 level: 8 blocks of smooth stone with the chisel makes a single block of clean stone.

    (saw) wasteless only 1 level: 2 logs with the saw makes 7 planks instead of the normal 6 it would make otherwise

    these two needed special recipes cuz you can't use the normal ones.


  7. How does one become a moderator on these forums?

    I am a fairly active member of these forums. I am a but of a grammar nazi but I have two questions.

    1. What behaviors/qualities/skills should be exhibited by moderators, and

    2. How does the actual moderator status come about?

    Is there an application or something?


  8. Expected value. a 25% chance to negate 100% of damage and a 100% chance to negate 25% of the fall damage are functionally the same. The only time when this isn't the case is if the falling damage was 133 and 1/3 % of lethal damage, then the random one would save you 1 out of 4 times, where as you would still die all 4 times with the repeatable one. So really, random is *slightly* better, it fits the theme better, so I think that is the end of that and random doesn't need any kind of boost.

    As for you, seany, complex is fine, but you should see the stuff eternal concocted :(

    As for "certainty" I'm inclined to disagree, but what kind of buff were you expecting?

    new enchantment, curative. Helmet enchantment. 3 levels. At first level, has a 25% chance of curing poison (for a large chunk of helmet durability) every second. At second level, 50%, and at 3rd level, 75%.

    new enchantment , suffice. Chestplate enchantment, 3 levels, every time you lose a hunger point, there is a 15%/25%/35% chance of negating half the loss , a 10%/20%/30% chance of negating all of the loss. There is also a 2%/4%/8% chance of gaining half a hunger point every second. ( of course draining a chunk of durability for each of these abilities)

    new enchantment, weightlessness. Pants enchantment, 1 level. Sprinting goes 20% faster and uses 10% less durability (but sprinting drains the durability of the pants)

    new enchantment idea, bow and sword enchantments can be used on javelins (so flame the bow enchant would only set enemies on fire if the javelin was thrown, while fire aspect would only set enemies on fire if used in melee)(infinity, like bows, the javelins would not be able to be picked up. However, if throwing a javelin does not use durability (i'm not sure) then throwing it with infinity will use durability)

    new enchant, flammability. firestarter enchant( lol :)) 5 levels. Fires started with the firestarter have increased initial heat (and if possible, increased burn temperature and burn length for logs inside). Greater with each level.

    new enchant easter egg, versatility. flint tool enchant (l00l) 1 level. very rare/hard to get. Gives the flint tool the mining speed of blue steel. But it still has the durability of a flint tool. But it can be used on anything...
