Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Peffern

  1. I agree with chisels having increased durability, to make it more playable. However, maybe when in detailing mode you drain less durability per click, but when in slabbing or stairs mode a lot more durability is consumed.

    Isn't that what he suggested?

  2. Basically, if it doesn't belong in the stone age, then it shouldnt be craftable without a crafting table. If it is, then it should just require a recipe change. Someone above me mentioned clay molds. That's probably the big one.


  3. Basically, it came up in another thread* that crafting tables could made more of a later-game item.

    In vanilla minecraft, a crafting table is the absolute first thing that most people make, so people don't see it as a tech portal (by that I mean something that unlocks a large section of the tech tree). However, most aspects of vanilla minecraft are unavailable until the creation of a crafting table.

    However in TFC stone tools can be made without a crafting table. The only things that require a crafting table are: scribing, smelting, and barrels. (tell me if I missed one)

    I have two suggestions to make.

    1. the crafting table should be made more expensive. I think they should require a saw blade (or possible a saw blade and hammer head). The reason for this is that first, it moves the crafting table to at least the first metal tool, and second, the crafting table texture has a saw on it :D The reason that I don't say a saw or hammer and just a blade instead is:

    2. Metal tools should not be craftable without a crafting table. In my opinion this is as simple as making them require a recipe of

    X Tool head X

    X Stick X

    X Stick X

    instead of

    X Tool head X

    X Stick X

    X X X

    like it is in vanilla.

    One effect of this is that it would push leather armor farther back in the tech tree (as it requires a barrel which requires a crafting table) which would allow monsters to retain some of their scariness farther into the game.

    *Eternal this is for you. I didn't want to derail the other thread so I added this one.


  4. This kinda sucks, I am gana be hiding my tool racks now.

    I mean I raid, but only out in the wilds close to where my camp was. (Thanks to my camp being raided)

    But not the towns . . . Thy are to be safe places, If thy are not then what is the point of living in them?

    hey VP sorry to bring this off topic, but where have you been? I've been trying to get your attention. (I sent you a conversation)

  5. A realistic rate of egg laying would be an average of 0.5 eggs per chicken per day. You can find better layers, but those are highly domesticated.

    That should help reduce the power of one chicken.

    Farmers do so.

    Chickens and pigs will eat mostly anything (though if given opportunity individuals develop preferences). Grain is the common feed for the same reasons its very common in our diets, it is relatively easy to raise huge amounts, and it keeps pretty well.

    On any old-style farm (i.e. not devoted to just one crop) the dogs, chickens, pigs will get any left-overs and and any extra food/fruit/vegetables, over-ripe, not quite ripe, smashed etc. My chickens love for instance: tomatoes, watermelon and cucumbers. They get turned out in the vegetable garden after we're done with it, and they clean it out.

    Yea, my (domesticated) chickens give about one egg per chicken per day. And they'll eat anything.

  6. I agree with everything stated here so far.

    Also, can someone please explain why my animals don't move?

    Is this a bug or a feature?

    Chickens just stand around making eggs.

    I keep chickens IRL, and they are quite mobile.


  7. While a chopping block is well known from the last 2000 years, there's very little evidence that they were used in pre-history. We haven't worked it out quite yet, but if we DO do this (not confirmed, mind you) I think we could kinda shift it so that you wouldn't really need anything that can't be crafted in a player's inventory. For starters, with the armour revamp comes a change in night time. Creepers, the undead and spiders will be moved underground and super-powered. Fighting them without proper armour is a death wish. The surface will be replaced with more animals. Punched mobs will punch back so to say, they won't just freak out. Wolves and bears will be hostile (taming will probably survive in some manner?). All in all, the night won't be neccessarilly less dangerous than it is now, but there will be more you will be able to do to protect yourself. For one thing, there won't be any creeper explosions or skeleton arrows. Firelight will probably ward off the wolves and bears under specific conditions. You'll most likely spend your nights in open-doored thatch-roofed clay/mud brick huts.

    I've never found much of a difference chopping wood sitting on the ground or on a log (irl). It's just a log.

    It's funny, in vanilla minecraft, a crafting table is so necessary that we don't think of it as an advancement.

    But with knapping and leathercrafting, we will have tools and armor without a crafting table.

    I really like the idea of making mid-endgame items require a crafting table.

    Maybe we could make metal tools require a 2-stick handle à la vanilla.

    Also, if we're making crafting tables more expensive, what if the required a saw blade or similar?

    I think I'll make a new thread for this.


  8. A spit over a fire that worked like a quern where you have to turn it x number of times to cook one item would be neat.

    So would cows dropping sides of beef or pigs dropping sides of pork that you had to butcher instead of individual pre-cut steaks/porkchops.

    The number of steaks/chops you can get out of a side of beef/pork would depend on the tier of knife used maybe?

    No, the tier of knife should just affect how much durability you lose. Say it's a mini game, like knapping, where you cut away steaks and each one costs durability, so you might use up an entire stone knife at once, but a bronze one would last longer. It shouldn't affect the total output.

  9. It might also be nice if birds and insects get quiet when they sense danger is nearby. Thus we could use the environment to alert us to the possibility of nearby danger, if we listen. You know since creepers are so darn sneaky.

    It's quiet...

    TOO quiet.

    Love it <3.


  10. If glass could be "chiseled" away and then we could do some neat things underwater and on land!I don't know for all you out there but i like this thread !

    I think putting a chisel with almost any block on the crafting grid could open a sort of 3d knapping grid from which we could carve stuff. Just an idea.

  11. If you allow veggies and rocks to respawn you would be able to limit the seeds you get from grass to grains and oats, this would allow players to still gather all the types of plants and such, but it would be much more rewarding to find a rare plant growing in a part of your world you left alone for a long period of time than if you got 8 of each type of seed each time you mowed your lawn...

    If this idea is implemented, perhaps you shouldn't be able to get ore bits from rocks anymore, this would make prop picks and sluicing more valuble, while keeping the player from having infinite ore.

    Also, you can still get rocks via creeper blasts regardless of how long the server has been up.

    have you tried getting a reasonable quantity of small ore?

  12. unrealistic mobs will be added? terra firma craft is not make minecraft more realistic? too bad,the only reason I loved this mod was it's realism :(

    TFC is more about believability than realism. It's been said many times whenever someone complains about not "realism."

  13. Peffern: this is ok if your year is set at normal number of days but some severs have a year being very short. (one sever I was on had each month as 2 days so spring was 6 days long, not much time to gather seeds)

    But it's still the same percentage so if the year is that short then spring will roll around again soon.
