Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ___Frank

  1. [Solved] Cobblestone acting like dirt.

    This is intended. Cobblestone acts like dirt in build 78.
  2. Stranded III Survival Game

    If you like survival games, you might want to check out a free game called Stranded II. It's dated but it's still a lot of fun. After completing the Adventure mode, I remember having a lot of fun surviving on this other island filled with agreesive raptors on land and piranhas or sharks (I don't remember) in the water and then playing around with the scripting and the customs maps. Pro tip: If you're just starting out, be sure to pacify the wild lions by giving them a tummy rub - they just want to cuddle. I just learned that Stranded III is in development and I thought I'd share the news with those of you who might be familiar with the game. I can't wait until TFC build 78!
  3. Stranded III Survival Game

    You can change your tools with the mouse wheel or the 1-9 hotkeys if you set these in the inventory screen (select an item and then press a number 1-9). 0 = empty hands. I started playing the adventure mode again and I don't think it's appropriate for young kids. I had forgotten about the marijuana part of the plot line.
  4. Stranded III Survival Game

    The game is available in English and German. I remember catching a parrot in a net once and the message that popped up was in german. I assume it said "You caught a parrot!" There might be some translation kinks elsewhere that I'm not aware of.
  5. Update Frequency Poll

    Whenever you feel like it and whenever you want. I don't mind losing my world and restarting every single time. This is your work progress, we're just playing with your protype while you guys work
  6. Dreams and Farewells

    Dunk: Are you still going to work on TFC?
  7. This is the first of a series of beautiful blacksmithing videos: It was recommended by homesteader Wranglerstar on Youtube.
  8. The wide hallways in your mine look really nice. It looks like a real mine shaft and it's a completely different experience from my narrow mines that only use the bare minimum wooden supports to prevent cave-ins. I would much rather navigate your mining system. I take your point about making the most of large bodies of water. Thank you for sharing your video. What are you putting in the chests above the crafting tables? In one of my earlier B76 projects, I had a mining shack next to my base that housed several water channels (1 block appart) leading to sperate underground sluices. My idea was that I could periodically pop into my shack and drop a couple of gravel blocks into each of the "wells" and that they would automatically make their way down to the sluices. I was excited about having a central feeder system but unfortunately dropped blocks often got stuck instead of being sucked up by the sluice. This happened even if I dropped them only a few blocks upstream from the sluice. I gave up on the idea but it was a fun project. Anyways, thanks again for the tour of your mine!
  9. Frank , thanks for the link,I have not had a hard time finding what the sluice detects. When the guy is talking about the sluice not detecting the magnitite right under it, he seems to forget the sluice is like a slot machine selecting one block out of all of the blocks. 66 gravel in the sluice can easly overlook the ore right under it given its got 1,000 plus blocks to scan. I have pumped sand into a sluice finding tetralite and nothing else for days and one day a sample of bismuth shows up. thats over 200+ blocks of sand. Mabye it is bugged or was but I've had no problems finding what it shows. cpy; "Isn't it faster just to dig? :D" you seemed to have a different tone when searching for graphite and yes something is very wrong with how hard it is to find that stuff becouse it is not rare, its almost mythical. Absolutely - If the sluice detects something you'll definately find it in the 100 block radius but are you really using it to triangulate the position of ores? You have 6 sluices in your example and if you're pumping 200+ blocks of sand in each of them, I salute your patience at gathering and diligently processing all that sand. It bordered on tedium for me. The sluice slot machine needs a sufficient sample size before you could even suggest that there might not be any *elusive ore X* in that specific sluice's 2.4 million blocks - which is exactly what a grid of sluices hopes to accomplish to narrow the mining area of interest - but some might just rage quit before processing enough sluice ammo. TFC rewards the patient miner.
  10. Dreams and Farewells

    Awwww no.Now im never going to get another like again.....Goddbye srg That's just asking for it You should keep a tally of how many people (aside from me) liked your post.
  11. Sorry, my computer can't record either. If it weren't for that, I would be happy to join you.
  12. Dreams and Farewells

    I stopped playing TFC for the same reasons but I keep dropping by to see what future builds will bring. I hope work will continue on body temperature, hostile wild animals, (see also Dunk's post here), and all the other features that I saw to be core to the survival mod's offering. I'm not playing now but I'm keeping my eye out for new features.
  13. Farming without movable water

    You wrote a great guide Rkaneus! This definately the way to farm. Prior to B77, I used to farm underground in a self-sustaining underground base. Mobs and SMP thieves are annoying. You can still build forges and farms underground in B77 with a line of sight to the sky if you use a farmland block (and a trap door for support) since these won't obstruct the line of sight. I find underground pig farms to be a simpler source of food. They are simple and provide ample pork chops. Thumbs up Rkaneus.
  14. You might want to read this thread before you start making a grid of sluices:
  15. Agriculture Question not on wiki

    I move water using a sluice. You'll notice when you set up a sluice that a water block is created after it. If you axe the sluice, the water will remain. As of build 77, using a bucket on this water will make it disappear. Here's what you need to do to create an inifite water source inside your base or outside for your farms. 1. Pick a 2x2 hole where you want your "well" to be. 2. Get 2 thatch blocks and place them in diagonally opposite corners of the 2x2 hole. This will leave two 1x1 holes. 3. Channel water from the nearest water source, and using a sluice get the water to go through the sluice and then end up in one of the 1x1 holes. Axe the sluice such that the water remains in the hole. 4. Repeat for the other hole. 5. Once you have water in each of the holes, remove the thatch blocks. The water will merge and form an infinite source. You can now use buckets on it. It may take a few click but the buckets/jugs will fill up and the water source will remain. There's a trick for doing all this quickly but you'll probably figure it out with a little practice. I like having a water source inside my base. As for farming, I find it easier to find a natural bay where I have a lot of coastline. The water will hydrate up to 4 blocks which is quite a bit. If you do 3 x 6 x 16 blocks along the shore of this inlet you end up with a crazy amount of crops. 8 block fields would suffice. I hope this helps tide you over until we hopefully get irrigation and pipes in future builds. Have fun!
  16. Agriculture Question not on wiki

    Hi Arshness, I've wondered the same thing in the past and I found this post by Temujen to be very useful: One tip I could offer is to make your fields in 3 sets of 6. This will allow you to plant your red, orange, and yellow crops in each of them and then rotate them more easily each year. I spend one day in the spring planting everything and one day in the fall harvesting everything. I ignore my fields (and their growth times) the rest of the year since I'm busy in the mines. This already yields an absurd amount of crops but if you really want to spend more than 2 days per year farming, you can pair your crops (e.g., yellow garlic and orange cabbage) so that they mature at the same time allowing you to continuously alternate them for multiple harvests. Whatever makes you happy. I hope this helps. Frank
  17. The Birth of a Tool by John Neeman

    Putting a handle on an axe is so simple: Geez. He makes it look so complicated in the video... If you enjoyed that video, I recommend watching part 2 (Chisel) and part 3 (Damascus Knife)
  18. Avoiding The Grind

    You can't rely on sluices to triangulate the location of ores: You can't rely on gold pans: As for visual indicators, sometimes ores spawn in the wrong rock types: The only tool you can rely on is your propick. I've tried but I haven't been able to find a smarter way to mine. Right now, it's just a matter of grinding through block after block to get the specific items you need to advance to the steel age. The best part of TFC is when you're starting out. Unless you've got some megabuild in mind, the endgame is boring. Just start up a new world and keep giving yourself challenges to make it harder like not building any shelters while collecting all the fruit tree and crop types.
  19. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    I love this new build! I'm wondering what kinds of shelters you're building on your first night with build 77. Do you have any favorite designs that you've come up with? If you have any that you'd like to share, please put them in a "spoiler" so as not to ruin the new surprises for other members. Here's my favorite so far: My first TFC night was rough. I had the cutest little child zombie attacking me. It was cute until mommy and daddy showed up... and the entire extended family! There was a massive hoard of zombies. My shelter held firm until a spider slipped through my 1x1 window and I found myself hopelessly outmatched. A mad dash out my shelter and past the hoard wasn't enough. Apparently javelin skeletons have this neat trick where they light you on fire... Lesson learned. Mobs are to be avoided at all costs whilst in the stone age. I prefer cheap starting shelters that use the footprint of a charcoal pit. The idea being that once I craft a saw, I can build a real shelter and torch my starting shelter for some charcoal. The new spiders present a challenge because I don't want to be holed up in a shelter all night without any windows and just wondering whether it's safe to come out or not. I want to see outside. To build this shelter you need 1 dirt block, 16 thatch blocks, and 2 stacks of logs. If you can't manage to collect a second stack of logs in time you can make do if you have at least 4 logs of a different type. Place the first 8 logs around the dirt block. To place one log on top of another, you'll first need to either fill the bottom log pile block with 16 logs or place a different type of log in each of the 4 slots. Once you've placed the second block, remove the excess logs at the bottom and repeat with the next block until you've completed the second layer. Finally you can finish your tower/shelter with an offset thatch "lip" around the perimeter to keep those pesky 1x1 spiders at bay. I feel safe in my tower. I usually spend my nights in the center block cooking meat, making torches, knapping tools, or getting pottery ready for my pit kiln in the morning. Once the distant monsters have burned, I walk off the tower's ledge and draw any mobs under the lip out into the sun where they can burn. When the sunsets, I go up the tower through the front two blocks that I then replace (Tip: A single thatch block is faster). I fill the log piles with wood as I progress. I store water and food in one corner, ores in another corner, etc. This simple tower is serving me well so far but I'm really looking forward to my first saw.
  20. where's the kaolintie?

    If you're levelled up (more health points) you should be fine for any falls and if you're armoured up you should be fine for any mobs. You could also hold down shift to avoid falling but it's up to you. I look forward to caves because they spice things up a bit and make the game more exciting.
  21. In 4 separate areas of my world I have found native copper nuggets in surface slate rock. I have also read that thompsonjet2010 found kaolinite in chert. Neither of these should be in these stones. Could someone please explain why this is happening?
  22. where's the kaolintie?

    You can't prospect for Kaolinite with a sluice or gold pan. It's really just you and your propick. I found it at the end of a 1000 block tunnel I dug under an ocean biome. It's rarity is what makes the find rewarding but you're right that the mechanics can get tiring. On the first fire clay expedition I found graphite and on the second I found kaolinite. The next time I go on a mining expedition I will be looking for nickel in gabbro. To avoid repetitive stress injuries and brain atrophy during "tunnel grinding", I set my guy on cruise control* and intervene when necessary for food, water and cave mobs. This is balancing my enjoyment of the game so far because I love the other aspects of the game but the mindless tunnel grinding is something for which I have little patience. I would love something like a proper sluice or gold pan or anything that would introduce some skill to this task. Others may very well disagree. Still a fantastic mod overall. You might want to check out this thread. I couldn't agree more with mayaknife. *I use an elastic band around the left mouse button of a second wireless mouse that I can turn on/off and a heavy stapler + blue tack over my "W" key. You could do something fancy with AutoIt but I'm old school.
  23. Regarding Powder Kegs:

    Also, I want a pony.
  24. where's the kaolintie?

    Found graphite in gneiss (3rd rock layer). Vein is scattered. Use the framing technique.
  25. I appreciate you clarifying that Dunkleosteus and all the work that you guys have poured into this mod! Is there a chance that once I find Gabbro, it may think it's a different rock for ore spawning ("I'm a chert stuck in a gabbro's body!!") and that nickel might be in an entirely different "mistaken" rock making my search a little more random than anticipated? As far as prospecting goes, spotting the correct stone types, sluicing (click here), and gold panning (click here) haven't been all that dependable for me at least. Your mileage may vary. Thankfully I can rely on my propick with its 12 block range in either direction . I love that thing. Would you and Dunk consider reexamining the available prospecting tools before revamping ore genesis? I know this was never your intention but right now mining is a matter of burning up propicks in branch mines at y=60. If ore spawning is simply made even more random in the future then without corresponding prospecting tools the map may turn into an endless lotto scratch card for some players. It's lonely down in the mine with just your little propick to guide you through countless blocks. What must be even more frustrating is trying to get the code to work as intended when these little ore spawning hiccups occur and when prospecting tools don't cooperate. Regardless of the above, I'm having a lot of fun with build 77.