Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by PaoloEmilio

  1. I've deducted that metallurgy furnaces can't be made out of metal due to the simple fact that it's like melting ice in an ice pot... The furnace should also melt over with the metal, especially the bloomery, because bronze has a lower melting point than iron (I know iron doesn't melt in the bloomery) but still, by the time the iron is shining white the bronze sheets should be long melted over right? What about if bloomery recipe returned again to being made of stone (mortar in corners, bricks in the sides, and a hole in the center) and blast furnace the same brick recipe but with a crucible? That is more believable to me indeed. Wrought iron wasn't melted with metal machines, but with a simple hole full of coal and iron ore that was fired. So, to melt iron, instead of using a bloomery it's better to use a simple hole... or a simple chimney...


  2. Oh yea, shields.

    At first, I thought about it, but I thought it would need duel-welding to work properly, and the main reason for a shield is to attack and defend at the same time

    And I couldn't think of a way for duel-welding to work nicely, I dropped the idea. But a armor slot for shields is a great idea.

    I think shields should protect your left side(to some degree(also, I think switching hands, like say, sword on left, shield on right could be interesting) even when not actively used.


    There should be a small shield, for cheap, light, defensive measures, it would protect less, but be good for early defense and light infantry/scouts.


    A 'normal' shield for average stats, good, all-round sheild


    A big/heavy shield, 100% damage reduction, huge durability, full protection when active(all front side protected), even wood needs some metal(to reinforce it) when crafting.

    Extremely heavy, horrible mobility when moving


    Don't really feel good about that part of that idea, as there would be too many shields in the game, more items, more lag I think (I know that's not the main cause we lag). Well, I look forward to being a peltast, use an arched shield and throw my javelins ;)


  3. This Underworld talk is exactly the stuff that was discussed in TFC2 subforums. I guess, it is deleted now, which is a shame. Back then Underworld was supposed to take place of underground to allow to have sea level at about 30, so we could have higher mountains on the surface.

    I don't see the point of Underworld if the Overworld is unchanged. Especially if Underworld is just a hotter caves with even less stuff in them than there currently is (no lifeforms, I mean).


    Can't shitloads of iron and sulfur convince you?


  4. Zolitar solved the server down time problem. The server will come right back up if it crashes. Sorry about the down times.


    Want any mods added to the server? post a request, if enough players request the same mods, I will consider adding them.


    If you want a better gameplay, get ExtraFirma

    For an economy, get CustomNPCs and use the coins

    That's my ideas for mods


  5. I know you're against NPCs, but I'd really love something a little more believable than the monsters currently available. I think they don't fit well. Dangerous animals, as well as maybe just marauders, simply a person who is equipped only slightly well, who attacks you on sight, but does little else. 


    I think enemies that could attack you would be cool, but not ones that steal. 


    I do have to say though, I kinda hope someone creates an add-on that allows for tribes of people to show up, nothing too advanced (we don't want to make it so you can just raid to get ahead), but that still are decent for trading, and for atmosphere. 


    I'm not against the NPCs, the developers are, and... what I don't like is the risk of loosing stuff... On singleplayer? I don't think so. For the future, Dunk has stated he is including wild animals to replace the monsters, that will live underground in future versions. And at last, if you want raiders, look for the mod CustomNPCs... those are pretty good.


  6. Well, I got a fairly new idea that I hope you enjoy:


    The Nether is not believable, yet I have a better idea: the Underworld. The Underworld isn't accessed by a portal. To access the Underworld, just go down till' the lava layer. Instead of bedrock there is a rock as hard as mining obsidian with a vanilla diamond pickaxe. Once you mine it you fall to a portal block that instantly teleports you to the top of the underworld. To go back, climb to the portal block. (It can be purely black). The Underworld features the following.


    -It begins at layer 70 and ends at layer 0. (After that the true new layer of bedrock, unaccessible due to hot temperatures)

    -Temperatures from y-70 to y-50 vary from 30° to 40°, from y-50 to y-30 they vary from 35° to 50°, and from y-30 to y-0 they vary from 40° to 60°

    -The high ambient temperature can heat any cookable stuff you have. Maximum could be until Warming***

    -It has no mobs (Let's face it, who survives in such temperatures?)

    -If you wear metal armor it will make you lose life to represent that you are cooking inside it once you get past 45° (may work in surface too on deserts)

    -Underworld is shittingly, greatly, highly rich in sulfur and magnetite, or other high tier metals that spawn on basalt

    -Underworld only has basalt

    -It consist on narrow tunnels that usually go down, and in the bottom lava pockets can appear. The wall of the tunnels usually have sulfur incrustations

    -After y-20 a giant lava layer that represents the end of the earth crust will spawn. In y-5 bedrock will begin to appear, representing the earth's nucleus and from y-8 to y-5 there is molten iron that represents the molten part of the nucleus (optional)

    -Near the beggining of the lava layer from y-23 to y-20 there is heated rock (only basalt because it's the only rock down there) if any rock is placed, it turns heated (maybe metadata). Heated rocks harm on contact and catch flammable stuff on fire, it also destroys any loose items it touches, like cacti or lava. If any rock is placed down these layers, they become heated and once mined it returns normal rock. Heated rocks have a reddish tone

    -You can sleep here  without your bed exploding, but it sets no spawnpoint


    Well that's all folks! Hope you like!


  7. I'm up for cannon /catapult mutiblock structures, certainly expensive as hell, ammo too, maybe 2x black steel per bulet for cannons, natural stone for catapults


    cannons are made of 3pc made of

    7, red steel double sheet, crafted leggings-like, heated and welded whith 7 more black steel for mounting sheets togeter (bottom piece)

    6, red steel double sheet, crafted like tool rack, welded with 4 black steel (tube piece 2x)

    two pieces for supports at the sides, made of iron


    to use it, you load gunpowder in it, press the powder with some baton, risk of exploding in your face if too much   (power controlable)

    load the bullet, load some stuff to make pressure

    insert the string for lighting it, light it KBOOM


    Gosh... that's not believable... It is a surprise if you find a cannon made out of steel, most were made out of wrought iron.


  8. To be really honest, I notice nothing bad in the forum activity and I'm active without casting out useless posts... What we need is motivation to play the mod, or do stuff to increase it's quality, for example, people make addons, modṕacks for TFC, suggestion series, finding out WorldPainter + TFC... If we keep in this obviously we can't die. Helping newbies is also good, and I enjoy doing so. The more people we help in the ways of TFC, the less we are to end.


  9. Hello all


    Well, I've been thinking on making my own addon for TFC. I'm sure that it's going to have NPCs as the developers won't make them. I know I must make the textures for NPC mobs, but as I don't know much about putting hem to work, (and I am doing my efforts to learn coding java already) I'm needing help in learning to set the addon, so I'd be thankful if someone can help me.


  10.  have freedom of speech dont i?

    i can say wheat the hall i want to whoever the hell i want!


    Yes you have freedom of speech, but you don't have the right of insulting others publicly. That is not speech. Freedom of speech means that you can share your opinions without them being insulted. Now I advise you to get mature and behave before the administrators do something about you. Reconsider your actions and let others enjoy the forums.


  11. I like the dog breed, and maybe different breeds have different attributes.


    Yeah, like:-Chihuahuas make hostile mobs/wild animals in the future stay away scared (that happens IRL, believe me, I have a little chihuahua that makes bigger dogs run away).

    -German shepard literally helps you in herding animals, carry stuff in small carts and sleds in case you got no horses and fighting mobs

    -Swiss white shepard (already coded if you have imagination :P ) helps you in the same stuff as the German white shepard

    -Bulldogs, mastiffs, pitbulls and great danes attack hostile mobs/wild animals


  12. Anyways, I think pets should be more than entertainment or for looks(well, maybe the rabbit, but...)Pets should be able to fish, hunt, defend, etcI mean, it'd be cool to have a pet hawk and have it attack that zombie/player/rabbit/whatever 30 meters away,or to have a pet wolf/dog/fox/canine thing ripping your enemies to pieces.They could be purely for looks, but if so, I think lots of people will be likeHey, I got a pet, and it's cute, and I'm going to make it sit in my house for all of eternity and a day because it's more-or-less furry furniture.(the fate of many a vanilla wolf)


    Lol, poor wolves, well, maybe dogs can be used as load animals to transport goods, or use them for transportation, like if you got no horses. And cats could be used to hunt mice (if they are ever added). Hawks could be good too.


  13. Use nighttime for firing your pit kilns, build a firepit inside a large thatch hut and cook torches or meat as you sit. Or build a spider trap for some string (for fishing rods). That last one is a productive use of time, too - cooked fish is a real good food source.


    Yeah... with what crafting table if we're talkin' about the stone age?

    Well I've suggested the change of their recipe and of the bow as well.
