Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by JDCollie

  1. Your chisel creations!!

    I made a nice little flowerbed. I'll post some pics of it when I get home.
  2. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    But I can't experiment. Reading the changelog helps, but its a poor substitute for a hands-on experience. Oh well. Once finals are over, I can probably get things up and running again
  3. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    I'm still around, its just finals for me Also, I can't get Forge to load. It just stops on "Updating Minecraft". So I probably won't be much use until I can actually play the game.
  4. Updated the Wiki

    Wiki Update Thread I've decided to begin making a serious effort to update the (sorely outdated) wiki. As it currently stands, it is almost impossible for a new TFCraft player to figure out what is going on in the mod from the wiki alone. I aim to fix that. I'll be making a list of the pages I have updated here in this post. If you have changes that need to be make, information you want added, or pages you yourself have updated/want verified, post them as a response. Note: if you are going to contribute information, make sure you have verified it in-game first. With a bit of community effort we can get the wiki current and shiny! Pages In Progress (by me or others)AnvilLogsBloomeryRocksForgeCassiteriteTemperature (Ambient)SeasonsCalendarNext on the ListAnvil Progression / Metallurgy GuideBrassOre Composition CompletedAxe
  5. Propick, how do you WORK?

    I use a six point system. Four on the horizontal plane, and two for the vertical, finding the extreme edge of where I get a successful ping for each. It works pretty well, though veins that move diagonally through a bunch of Y-levels can give me trouble sometimes.
  6. Combat Overhaul final (3/3)

    Lol, I'm honored to have territory!
  7. Mining Supports Modification

    This is more of a coding and aesthetic change than anything. I was wondering if it would be possible for the horizontal and verticle mining supports to be 'microblocks' similar to Redpower? My reason for asking is because, as they exist now, I have to mine extra spaces to construct the supports, as I cannot walk 'through' them. Above is the current system. If I am mining a 2x2 tunnel, I must expand that to a 3x4 when I want to add supports, significantly increasing cave-in chances and resource expenditure. Now let's look at what it would be like with micro blocks. The microblocks 'attach' to the walls (any of you who have used redpower understand what I mean). The area between them is still passable, if slightly narrower. Also, it looks cooler, as the supports would be visible, rather than recessed in cubbyholes like they are now. One side effect would be that proper tunnel reinforcing would require fewer supports for the 'same' results. (This isn't strictly true, as the old method actually supports a much wider area, but the functional area for the tunnel digging isn't changed any) However, I don't feel that this would be a serious concern. Granted, this would not be a huge gameplay change, but introducing microblocks would provide lots of other possibilities down the road, and let's face it, who doesn't want sexier tunnels?
  8. Updated the Wiki

    I'm actually planning to add a section (basically just a big list) devoted to what items have and have not changed from Vanilla. I'm thinking I'll get to it around Monday.
  9. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Charcoal Maker... Nice Forge and lumber Pile Inside my House That charcoal pit is bloody brilliant!
  10. Sticks, ladders, and finding the right ore

    There are quite a few things not in the wiki right now, unfortunately. It's a good idea to do as you have already done and ask around; somebody probably knows the answer.
  11. Updated the Wiki

    I am fairly certain that platinum is an ingredient in red steel, but I'll test it first before I update the wiki.
  12. Good Mining Practice

    I've occasionally had cave ins in 1x2 tunnels as of pre39. I got sick of rocks falling on me; now I use supports or bring a chisel.
  13. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Well poop. How am I going to finish my Chert castle?
  14. Updated the Wiki

    I don't believe Bioxx has released that feature yet. (If it were, I certainly wouldn't be using wood steps on my basalt fortress)
  15. Seasons and Things Related

    I'll make the wiki page. Anyone have any information they want me to include? I'm not near my desktop right now; could someone post a picture of the in-game calendar? (default key: n) Edit: Fruit Trees I'll be adding screenshots and information about each tree type later on.
  16. A little too hard perhaps?

    It's just important we squash this myth that depth affects ore distribution. Otherwise, new players will spend huge amounts of time and resources digging mines that are completely unnecessary (a frustrating and often fruitless affair).
  17. Updated the Wiki

    Added a little update to the forge as well, and corrected the "Making a Forge" section. Will get to the "Forge Ventilation" tomorrow maybe.
  18. Updated the Wiki

    Perfect! I'll update the respective pages as soon as I can
  19. Updated the Wiki

    Specific suggestions aren't whiny, they're useful!EDIT: I've verified that cobblestone can, in fact, be used to build a forge.
  20. Updated the Wiki

    I didn't actually change that part of the existing entry, but I'll clean it up when I get a chance. And about the anvils, I'm going to be adding a progression guide so that people have a general idea what they need to be looking for to move forward.
  21. A little too hard perhaps?

    Apparently, if Bioxx is telling the truth, this is no longer true. Ore can spawn at any altitude and is tied to rock type, not depth.
  22. Updated the Wiki

    Just updated the bloomery page, and even learned a new way to construct bloomeries while i was tinkering around. (it also applies to forges ) Fixed
  23. Updated the Wiki

    I was away from my desktop when I was making the Axe entry, and while I believed the bone recipe worked, I didn't want to add it without testing first
  24. Pig Iron Problems

    I've been able to smelt limonite in my bloomery in pre39, but it took quite awhile it seemed.
  25. IGN: shrike Age: 25 Read and agree to server rules? Yes. What do you want to do on the server? Explore, build, and generally enjoy participating in a TFC server community.