Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by JDCollie

  1. Thermometers/Glass addition

    whoops, yes, yes I was.
  2. Big List of Mobs

    Which is precisely why no one mentioned carp. And if you suggest undead carp, I will use you for charcoal.
  3. Thermometers/Glass addition

    Both thermoscopes and barometers (of the water based variety) are a bit more TFC plausable than full blow mercury devices, but either way, it would be cool to have a tool to tell you the relative temperature, rather than the Calendar, which feels kinda cheap
  4. Underground Ecology

    While the environmental damage element is cool, I'm much more interested in seeing a viable underground ecology developed. There just isn't much down there right now other than a few spawned mobs, which is sad
  5. Gunpowder

    That proves he doesn't know anything about the game, which frankly isn't surprising, since it was released about a week after the extinction of the dinosaurs.
  6. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    Perhaps using a torch as a weapon should consume it then?
  7. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    First, Steve is not a martial artist; no five finger death punch for you. Second, considering that I am proposing that it would be exceptionally difficult to beat a zombie to re-death with a giant ball of steel on a stick, why would your fists be even slightly effective?
  8. Is these things in seeds common!?

    I have been getting a HUGE number of chunk errors in Pre 38. Every world I gen is full of them. : Even a fresh install didn't help.
  9. Fruit Trees - Help?

    So I planted my fruit tree saplings, and now I have a bunch of cute little two block tall lollipop trees. Anyone know how to make them grow... less small?
  10. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    My current house, farm, tree farm, mine, etc. From the other direction: And here's a view from the top of the hill where I have my metallurgy workshop set up.
  11. More Weapons

    SHIELDS. Screw weapons. Just let me strap a shield to each arm. I'll smash mobs to death.
  12. Updates to the wiki

    Also, off topic, but is there a trick to planting fruit tree seedlings? When I plant them, all I get is a single trunk block sticking up. : EDIT: Nevermind, they're slowly growing... cool
  13. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    The problem I still have with this approach is that there is no real incentive to make a mill. It's nice that you can get more wheat and all, but by the time you actually have the resources to build a mill, you will probably already have a huge farm up and running. I can see people appreciating the reduction in effort such a mill would provide, but I personally wouldn't bother with it if all it did was multiply my grain a bit.
  14. Fruit Trees - Help?

    Out of curiosity, do fruit trees regrow the 'non-branch' leaves?
  15. Off Topic Forums

    I prefer to think that Teranz felt that Lycheborne's idea was both good and understated.
  16. Big List of Mobs

    He a sequoia fan?
  17. Butchery

    With the number of threads and suggestions that exist for the butchery idea, it is obvious that it is popular and desired. What needs to happen now if we want it implemented is for interested parties to start making the art for these things. (Art is pretty time consuming for Bioxx, and I get the impression it isn't his favorite part of the process)
  18. Calamari and Mutton

    Oh please make sheep drop mutton! That way I can sacrifice those pigs I'm also herding to the volcano god and be rid of the filthy pig critters.
  19. Enchants!

    That's definitely what I thought you were saying.
  20. Enchants!

    New enchantment: "Tight Beltstrap" Pants enchant; any food item imparts double it's normal hunger saturation when consumed.
  21. Enchants!

    I bow to the might of your superior maths. (and the fact that they are correct )
  22. Praises and Ideas to the mod

    Or leave a nice little lump of cooling metal on your foot for you to peel off and remelt (once you have recovered adequately from the deep tissue damage to your feet)
  23. Enchants!

    I think I am misunderstanding you somewhere. A 'random' ability and a non-random ability cannot be equivalent except in a broad statistical sense. They can be balanced however.
  24. Big List of Mobs

  25. Which Metal for Which Sword?

    BLASPHEMY! Style matters. Sauron's ring doesn't have the ring-poem inscribed on it in flame because fire is a highly functional ink and 'corrupt elvish' was the only font available at printer at the time!