Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by JDCollie

  1. Enchants!

    There needs to be some advantage for the random abilities when there is also a similar 'dependable' version available, unless there is a noticeable difference in some other area, such as resource cost. No one is going to take the "Negates 25% of fall damage 25% of the time" when the "Negates 25% of fall damage" version is also available. (Unless, like I already mentioned, the first one is much cheaper than the latter)
  2. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Perhaps better bread could fill the saturation level much more significantly than normal bread does?
  3. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    My intent was not to convey what happens in reality, but rather to create a good reason for players to make a mill. If the mill provides better bread, rather than just more bread, then it is providing a service that no basic farm, regardless of its size, can replicate. Perhaps weeds could occasionally appear on already planted tiles, and only a hoe could remove them without destroying the wheat already growing? Failing to do so would result in the wheat getting choked out by the weeds, and the weeds quickly spreading to surrounding tiles.
  4. Enchants!

    For the random versus anti-random, do the need to be mutually exclusive? (at least for the actual enchantments) Why could we not have dependable, non-random enchants, and other enchants that provide similar benefits randomly but with greater strength? IE, a boot enchant called "Featherfall" that reduces all fall damage by 25%, and another enchant that has a 25% to completely negate damage from a fall called "Featherfall Roulette"?
  5. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I would love to contribute to TFCraft in any way that I can, including the wiki, if you'll let me My Wiki name is the same as it is here.
  6. Big List of Mobs

    Hmm, perhaps worm should be able to climb with the same ease that it digs, methinks?
  7. Big List of Mobs

    If you took the time to build a tower with a chest full of javelins to fight one mob, I think that mob has fulfilled its purpose admirably.
  8. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Additionally, bread loaves should not stack, or at least not very high, and the bread produced from the basic recipe should fill far less of the hunger bar than bread produced in the mill. That way there is incentive to progress beyond those basic farming techniques.
  9. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Hammer and stone? Pssh, you want a Quern. Yeeaaaah baby.
  10. Fruit Trees - Help?

    Perfect, thanks!
  11. Big List of Mobs

    The way I was thinking of would make these "monster" worms an excessively infrequent occurrence, but a memorable one when they popped up.
  12. The Problem with Trees - Seeds

    Good point. Don't want player trees getting chopped by the system.
  13. Updates to the wiki

    If possible, could someone add info for the fruit trees? As it stands, the wiki doesn't even tell you that fruit trees exist. (not that I could find anyway.)
  14. Big List of Mobs

    How about a digging mob? One that burrows through dirt, gravel, cobblestone, and sand, (it does not destroy them, just passes through them) It could be something like a cross between a mole and a badger. Or it could be a Dune-esque sandworm They could be attracted to sound, so if there was one in the area, digging would bring them in. To prevent you from being overrun by worms the moment you tried to till your garden, they could both be very rare and unique, with a very low spawn chance (higher than a spider jockey, but not much), and only one could be present in the world at time.
  15. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Simple solution: construction of mills should require materials that can only be acquired via basic agriculture.They could be fairly simple to get, just needed in sufficient quantities to make anything less than a real farm inconvenient for their acquisition. For instance, maybe they could flax rope to tie stuff together (that is, until you have metal to make nails). Flax needn't be hard to get, you will just need quite a bit of it.
  16. A gun...

    Not saying they weren't, just that you shouldn't miss, because you might not get a second shot
  17. Enchantment system

    The best thing I think of in vanilla MC for what I would like the enchanting system to be like is a Blaze farm: Finding a Nether Fortress? Difficult, requires you to have access to the Nether in the first place, and requires a bit of luck to do quickly, but you will find one eventually. Getting some blaze rods? Dangerous, but anyone can do it with persistence. Setting up a system where you can control the blaze spawns, kill the blazes, and collect the rods in complete safety? Difficult, dangerous, heavily involved, and ultimately, very rewarding. Essentially, anyone can get the minimum benefit with a little bit of work, but if you really want to get the most out, you will need to invest heavily first.
  18. Enchantment system

    I think the basic issue here is that vanilla MC makes the enchanting process so simple it is almost insulting, and yet is so difficult in it's arbitrariness that it can be completely infuriating. Pretty much not-fun all around. Striking a solid balance that makes the system difficult enough to be rewarding, arbitrary enough to be rare and exciting, but logical enough to be comprehensible, and skill based enough not to require hours of pointless grinding (I'm looking at you, Thaumcraft Quaesitum ) is a very difficult prospect.
  19. Enchants!

    I'm going to have to switch from my Han Solo skin if this one is implemented.
  20. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    And now that have said that, every one of my ideas from here on out will stink like creeper poo.
  21. Enchantment system

    No offense, but this is a mod that makes it complicated to dig holes. The designing, forging and affixing of foci for arcane energies should be difficult and in-depth. I mean come on, we have trouble making tin chisels for Steve's sake.
  22. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    I'm not a huge fan of probability effects on armor, but I love the idea of functional armor-based hitboxes. Having a helmet on shouldn't protect you from getting stabbed in the ass.
  23. New inventory

    Which is why simply limiting stack size makes more sense. You don't need an assigned weight value if you can just simulate one by making it hard to carry a large number of an item. Kinda like logs are now. Exactly. If it were implemented like that though, it would vastly increase the value of minecarts (assuming they could carry materials, which I am absolutely certain they will be able to do)
  24. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    I love this idea. Granted, with the agriculture update in the works, it may be somewhat obsolete, but I am all for seeing this getting implemented. (I would like to see further tiers, especially along the Hardy Wheat, so that we could have things like the Hellwheat that has been suggested above )
  25. A gun...

    Actually, I think a bullet mold would be the new plan. Once you had one of those, combine it with liquid lead and viola! New bullets.