Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by JDCollie

  1. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    Ah well, maybe someday when TFC is more fleshed out then, eh? One can always hope
  2. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    It's true, this represents a complete overhaul of the combat system. The only reason I suggested in the first place is that the vanilla system is so bad.
  3. New inventory

    The extremely limited stacking constraints already do this to a degree.I fully expect to see cobblestone, dirt, and other vanilla materials have much more restrictive stacking limits in the future. (probably about the time that minecarts are added, to offset the loss of 64 high cobblestone stacking)
  4. A gun...

    Devastatingly powerful if you hit something though. Just make sure you don't miss
  5. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I'm more for a placeable mortar and pestle simply because I like the 'lived-in' feeling of a cluttered minecraft house that has lots of visible tools and equipment laying about. Of course, while we're at it, there should also be craftable and placeable tables and shelves too.
  6. A gun...

    Flintlock muzzle-loaders completely fit within the technological chemistry and metallurgy constraints of TFC. If they were implemented to take as long to reload as the OP suggests, I'd totally support them in-game.
  7. The Problem with Trees - Seeds

    Have a maximum tree population then. To prevent a static world, have the tree 'seeding' algorithm continue to run once the population limit is reached, but if the seeding check returns positive, have another tree of the same species 'die'. (I'd probably just have the tree outright disappear without dropping anything, as dropping material would have the name entity-spam problem of before)Have the population limit different per biome. That way plains won't be overrun by trees, but other more naturally forested areas can become very dense over time. Of course, trees planted by the player will still grow, regardless of the cap, but the player's trees will still count toward the cap when calculating the seeding and tree death numbers.
  8. Mining Supports Modification

    The microblocks shouldn't be a problem then, In theory at least.
  9. Minecart idea

    As I see it now, a minecart will be a massive investment in the current TFC tech/resource model. I'm sure whatever Bioxx has planned for them, they will be very useful.
  10. Biome based everything

    Rock type is biome specific in that it is determined by the seed, however, I don't believe rock type should be particularly influential on biome type or visa versa. For instance, Granite should be able to show up in a Jungle biome as easily as a Desert biome. Beyond that however, I am totally with you. Flora and fauna, and the basic tools and materials you have available, should totally be biome specific. Also, each biome should be balanced so that any biome can be a viable place to live. (within reason of course. You shouldn't be able to live on a volcano as easily as you could plains.)
  11. Mining Supports Modification

    Hmmm, you are correct. Perhaps the overhead supports could be passable, and we could pretend Steve just ducks as he walks under them?
  12. Early power systems

    Oh! The animal mill! I forgot about those. I agree with the electricity thing; however, I would like to see steam power as the eventual "end-game" of TFC, especially as it is eventually intended to have a steampunk flavor
  13. The Problem with Trees - Seeds

    Why not simply have any tree within 16 chunks have a chance to 'plant' a sapling in a 30 block radius once per TFC year? (during autumn) That way the game isn't dealing with a massive explosion of entities, and cutting trees wouldn't need to change, but the world would slowly change and grow as time went on, and forests would be able to naturally regenrate if you left them alone long enough.
  14. Early power systems

    The most primitive power system we would find useful is probably a waterwheel, followed closely by a windmill. Mechanical power for grinding wheat or powering some form of sawmill is about as basic as you can get. Y'all may not like BetterthanWolves, but those ideas were decently implemented there. I'd like to see something similar for the early game in TFC. (Gives those of us who can't find ore to save our lives something else to do for a bit ) Neither of them needs to start out as grand affairs either; the 'power output' could increase as you improved the devices.
  15. But will Watermelon's new botox look live up to her younger photoshoots?
  16. Emphasis on Caving

    Lol, by the time I find my first sniff of tin, I'll have a bloody cobblestone castle built.
  17. Tree Climbing Boots

  18. Tree Climbing Boots

    One thing that really irritates me is trying to get the leaves for saplings off of those really tall trees. I was thinking it would be really nice if we had some kind of tree-climbing boots. The recipe would be pretty simple. Leather boots + 6x arrowheads, or something like that. To use them, you would put on the boots, crouch, and then walk toward the trunk. As long as you were wearing the boots and holding crouch, the tree trunk would allow you to climb when walking toward it, and descend by backing up. If you stop moving and keep holding the crouch button, you would stay in place. (Allowing you to harvest those precious leaves) Letting go of the crouch button would cause you to fall out of the tree, potentially breaking your boots (and your legs) upon impact.
  19. Emphasis on Caving

    Huh, so that's where all the cassiterite in my world went. Your world stole it!
  20. Tree Climbing Boots

    >.< You aren't helping.
  21. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    You took that entirely too seriously
  22. Tree Climbing Boots

    My main reason for this suggestion is not that it is impossible to get up trees as it is (stacking blocks, using ladders, etc.) but rather that those ideas are impractical simply because some TFC trees are so damn tall.Also, no offense, but when was the last time you saw a city crew stack up a 20 foot pile of dirt to cut a tree limb that was threatening a power line? We may not have access to cherry-pickers, but at least we should be able to make an appropriate tool for the job that fits with the tech level. I agree. I was assuming metal arrowheads, but I should have stated that explicitly
  23. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    We also need a recipe for checkered tablecloth and a windowsill block.
  24. Gunpowder

    The question isn't if it is possible, but rather if it is worth the amount of coding work and subsequent CPU drain such simulation would require?I would love to see running water, but it seems like an awfully difficult proposition, especially in terms of optimization.
  25. Ships!!

    Perhaps coastal areas (land bordering ocean biomes) could have a chance of spawning 'driftwood' every high tide? (the driftwood would despawn at low tide to prevent buildup.)Driftwood would show up as a log floating in the water, and would be breakable in one hit, like flint. It would give you a single log of a random wood type (though it could probably be limited to trees likely to be near coasts) That way, players on islands wouldn't be totally dependent on local flora, but it wouldn't be consistent enough to become a staple wood source. Conversely, perhaps the driftwood would be left on coastal land blocks during lowtide.